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Recent content by Nap

  1. N

    Yeth hounds and damage reduction

    Thank you all for your responses. My group should be arriving shortly, and now I'm confident I'll handle the yeth hounds correctly.
  2. N

    Yeth hounds and damage reduction

    My party will likely be encountering yeth hounds very soon, and the description for their special qualities says "damage reduction 10/silver" - which I interpret to mean that any weapon that is NOT silver will have 10hp of damage reduction. What about magical, but non-silver, weapons like a +1...
  3. N

    Seriously considering dropping the hobby

    I grew up playing D&D in the 80's as well, and then had to take an extended leave of absence for the last 15 years while I settled into my career, got married, etc. One of the reasons I was aways from the game for so long was because it was impossible to find "just the right people" to play...
  4. N

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo no longer publishing Dungeon and Dragon

    I've always loved that quote! Too bad so many of my friends don't get it right away...
  5. N

    Interrogation and Torture Procedure?

    Anyone know any good rules to go by when the party interrogates and/or tortures a prisoner? The party I DM for just recently captured an evil priest that was heading up a secret cult, and I know that next session they will want to interrogate (and possibly torture) this guy for information...
  6. N

    Who else dosn't like clerics?

    We have a cleric in the party I'm DM'ing for, and he fits in quite well. I can see how some might feel that the cleric receives too many benefits to encourage people to play it, but it hasn't been an issue in our group. Currently, our cleric is true to his class in roleplaying terms. He is...
  7. N

    Create my NPC's!

    Great NPC's guys, thanks! I like how each of them have individual flavor, yet are generic enough to be inserted into not only my campaign, but just about anyone elses. Telios - Wow, one tough BBEG! With all those summoning spells, and ice storm, he'll be tough to stop. I like his infatuation...
  8. N

    Create my NPC's!

    Thanks, Kafkonia! Bertram looks like a great Captain of the Guard, and not stereotypical at all. I like the emphasis on the rapier, and his high dexterity. I can see him making some rash judgments with his 8 wisdom, possibly causing some problems for my more methodical PC's. The physical...
  9. N

    Create my NPC's!

    In the interest of time (and the element of surprise), I'd like to have some help creating a few NPC's that will be appearing soon in my homebrew campaign. Please feel free to post stat-blocks, along with physical descriptions if you like. Please include spells memorized and in books for any...
  10. N

    What Should My Next Campaign Be?

    I don't know too much about it other than some of the player info and the summaries posted here, but War of the Burning Sky looks like a great idea for your group. You mentioned that some of the players haven't played 1st level characters, so this should be a good starting point. Also, the...
  11. N

    Dear Hasbro: about those minis

    I feel the same way, but it hasn't been a big problem for me. I've gotten all my plastic minis from EBay sellers, and I now have over 500 miniatures for my campaign. It actually works out to be cheaper for me, because I'm more interested in the mundane, common sort of figures than the rare...
  12. N

    [CMG] Superstitions

    I've downloaded "Superstitions" and checked it out and will definitely use it in my campaign this upcoming weekend. The party is going to be escorting a caravan to a rural area in my campaign world, then returning to their large city, only to find a close acquaintance of theirs murdered. I...
  13. N

    Castles & Crusades Atlas or Campaign Map

    I don't play Castles & Crusades, but I own a couple of the modules that have been released with it (Blacktooth Ridge and Shadows of Halfling Hall). I have seen on the covers of these books in the background some portions of what looks like an atlas or campaign map, including an area called the...
  14. N

    NEW! Random Wilderness Map Generator

    Gozzy, I absolutely love your dungeon generators, and use them a lot! However, I'm not as big of a fan of your new wilderness map generator. In my opinion it is a little to photo-realistic, and intense foliage even at the lowest setting. I personally like the simplicity of your earlier...
  15. N

    Do You Prefer 4 Or More Players (+ DM) When RPGing?

    I voted yes to four or more players, but only because my current campaign I'm running has six players, and it's turning out to be the best campaign I've ever had the pleasure to run. In the old 1st and 2nd edition days, I usually only DM'ed for two other people in my campaign world, each of...