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Recent content by Nathanael

  1. N

    Mass combat rules

    I am creating a set of rules, but they will be applicable to more than d20 games. Mine will be one of a series of books similar to the Primal Order, detailing the running of all aspects of empire. This will include generic rules and expansion rules for working it into D20. The series is called...
  2. N

    BoVD d20 crossovers!

    The rules for spell rape and necrphiliac spells can be found in Dragon #300. That's where people got the idea from. And considering that most see Dragon as the advertising arm for WOTC, and considering the content of #300, a lot of which is for supplementing the release of the BoVD, it is not...
  3. N

    Rise & Fall: The Game of Empires...

    The basic combat unit is the Regiment. There are no others, although some regiments, like a regiment of scouts, serve specific non-battlefield purposes and aren't regularly deployed in combat. Regiments vary in size depending on the troop types they contain and are defined by the number of 'x'...
  4. N

    Rise & Fall: The Game of Empires...

    For those looking for a game that recreates the running of a continent spanning empire, I'm working on and play testing those rules 'in-campaign' as we speak. The series is entitled 'Rise and Fall' and will be available as a number of inexpensive PDF books concerning various aspects of...
  5. N

    Hawk the Slayer coming out on DVD

    No, not just to speed up the shots. I'm talking an actual triple take, where they show him jump over a log, shoot and then repeat it twice more. And they don't even change angles when they do it! It's the exact same shot! Seriously bad film-making, but that is where it achieves its greatness...:)
  6. N

    Hawk the Slayer coming out on DVD

    You're thinking of Gawain and the Green Knight with Sean Connery.
  7. N

    Todd Lockwood Laid Off By WOTC! (thread necromancy)

    As I posted on Todd's thread, that royally sucks. I'm a huge Lockwood fan. His work brought me back to D&D after 18 years by dint of the art design of the new PHB catching my eye, so believe me when I say that this is an incredibly stupid move. WOTC believes that, with the core stuff mostly...
  8. N

    Hawk the Slayer coming out on DVD

    This is the ultimate D&D movie. As bad as it is, it captures the spirit of the game when I first played it. To this day I still remmeber the triple take of the elf jumping over a log and firing his bow, and that disgusting dwarf dude with the whip and the see-food diet. A genuine classic...
  9. N

    Soon available to paint 4U

    That royally sucks. I'm a huge Lockwood fan. His work brought me back to D&D after 18 years by dint of the art design of the new PHB catching my eye, so believe me when I say that this is an incredibly stupid move. WOTC believes that, with the core stuff mostly finished, they have no need for...
  10. N

    You know what? I think I'm done with XP

    For magic item creation and also item leveling (as per the Dragon Mag system), I send the individual PC on a quest for the components (and as a side effect of thr adventure, XP). The other PC's play the part of NPC's that are along for whatever reason. In this way, all get to play, and all...
  11. N

    You know what? I think I'm done with XP

    I actually use XP backwards: as a method of determining what challenges my PC's will face as opposed to what they will earn from facing challenges. I plan for my PC's to go up every one or two adventures and determine how many creatures there will be and how difficult the encounters are based...
  12. N

    Poll: Rating your D&D game based on criteria in Monte Cook's article in Dragon #300

    The beginning of the X rating (starting in the late 60's with movies like 'Midnight Cowboy') ushered in a whole era of soft porn/high violence movies like 'Clockwork Orange,' 'Caligula' and became a way of life for people like Russ Meyer and Ralph Bakshi. This 'freedom' let loose a flood of...
  13. N

    [OT] Attorneys on the EnWorld boards

    Hear, hear, Wormwood. I'm with you on that one. I actually have 2 years experience, functioned as the entire marketing department for a minor corporation, AND, have knowledge of so much software and hardware it'd make your head spin. But I still can't get a job because I am niether experienced...
  14. N

    When was the Dragon Magazine at it's best?

    I definately agree with the infomercial glut. I used to subsribe to White Dwarf as well, but after a while, I realized that 50% of the magazine was material devoted to or actually from an upcoming product (but not enough to use the product without purchasing it) 40% ads and how to buy other...
  15. N

    Sealed Pages in Dragon--Contents inside!

    Xaylen, How exactly am I over-reacting to what isn't? What, someone did not say that the contents of the magazine contain the two spells in questions? Was I imagining the staement that said the spells involved magically raping someone and the baby tearing them up or raping a corpse? How am I...