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Recent content by nato

  1. N

    TSR's Marvel Super-Heroes RPG: The Original Awesome Mix

    Great write up! I agree, Karma was a very significant system. One you remember long after. This game was a big part of my gaming youth. Here's what we eventually developed: They put out a lot of fantastic gamer's versions of the Marvel Universe handbooks. They each devoted one page per...
  2. N

    EN World Citizenship Test

    Was expecting to be asked what the one true edition was...
  3. N

    What setting would you like to see as RPG?

    I may be dating myself with this, but I was surprised not to see it mentioned (I don't think). So I will mention Harry Potter. That was such a missed opportunity for the industry to maybe interest a new generation of players. It could have made a great setting too, if you like it. Not...
  4. N

    Elminster? Really? Why is he so popular?

    I really dislike Elminster. He is some kind of bad fantasy trip and was just inescapable back when. Here's an anecdote: The third edition FRCS book had a great reputation. I bought it to check it out. FR is a vast setting packed full of detail. The Elminster character sheet was front and...
  5. N

    Favorite Fantasy Race: Dwarves, Hobbits or Elves?

    When I first saw this poll, I was very confidant about the outcome. I figured the dwarves would beat the elves by a landslide. As I type this, elves just pulled ahead of them, 88 to 87. Is anyone else as surprised as I am? On this forum and on others, elf dislike is pretty vocal and notable...
  6. N

    MERGED: How do you say the site name? / What's with Eeee Ennn World?

    That idea makes sense, but I do not think it is true. If it were, the United Nations would be the Un. I would be living in the oosa (USA), and our intelligence would be the seea (CIA). Maybe it is case by case, but I think whether the letters are capitalized is a good clue.
  7. N

    Games you were turned off of and why

    Had to reply to this: its just what I like too! I feel like its hard to find people with the same inclination. Its usually all the dark angsty thinks-they're-misunderstood crowd. The other thing I'd like to note is its surprising to me how many people are disavowing any interest in Magic...
  8. N

    The Dungeons and Dragons II: Wraith of the Dragon God spoiler filled thread.

    I think some people enjoy being extremely critical; as though they are raising themselves up. This can usually be spotted when they use hyperbole. They don't just say it was bad, they pull out their thesaurus. I really couldn't care less if they got some D&D-isms wrong. It does not matter...
  9. N

    The Dungeons and Dragons II: Wraith of the Dragon God spoiler filled thread.

    It was not perfect, and I'm not saying it was. But overall I thought it was very good! A much much better representation / ad for D&D than the first movie. A good example of a D&D adventure. This is the one that should have had the money and gone to the theatres.
  10. N

    What do you do beyond combat?

    Thanks again for all the replies everyone. After a group discussion we came to a consensus to not use any combat system at all. When and if combat comes up, we will just use reason and agreement to figure out how much could be defeated and so forth (I would not try this if we were not all...
  11. N

    What do you do beyond combat?

    Thanks for so many good replies everyone. A lot of things to think about. It sounds like talking to people is a big part of it. I have to wonder if having mechanics like charisma and diplomacy/bluff skills serves this very well. It seems tough to tell where the line is between those in-game...
  12. N

    What do you do beyond combat?

    I have been around D&D and RPGs for a long time, but am a little short on real experience. My one group of friends is going to try a game for the first time. I want to get beyond hack & slash combat-heavy dungeon-crawl games (no offense to ppl who like that! We are just trying this...
  13. N

    Types of Spellcasting Druids

    Any advice on how to emphasize spellcasting for a druid? I would really like to do that. I see a druid as protective of animals, so for rp reasons I really don't like using summons and companions (for combat at least.) For personal reasons, and because its often considered overpowered, I...