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Recent content by Necrobeer

  1. N

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo Traffic Issues

    I've noticed that myself as well.
  2. N

    What's the best system for doing Star Trek?

    I have the FASA Trek stuff, so if my group ever does a game, then we may use that. Though I did like LUG's system as well too.
  3. N

    What modules have triggered an emotional reaction in you?

    Gaes of Firestorm Peak. Most of what I felt was frustration, never play with a power gaming rules lawyer DM. If I had a nuke, I would have dropped it on the location, and I was the paladin in the group.
  4. N

    Do paladins work in most games?

    In one campaign I was in years ago, the DM was pretty strict with paladins. To the point of focusing more on the lawful than the good. The end result was a character that was forced into a corner with no wiggle room for dealing with the other players' characters. It had to be my way or the...
  5. N

    Happy B-Day Valterra and WotC Questions

    Yes, welcome. Please comment to your heart's content, on WOTC or anything else. We're not picky.
  6. N

    Gamera is really neat! He is made of turtle meat! We all love you, Gamera!

    Very cool. Keep up the good work on the Kaiju.
  7. N

    BESM d20 is in my hands

    Grubby hands that is. Anyway, after looking through it for a couple of days, I've got several things straight off the bat that I can add. Feats obviously and since it's my campaign, I'm thinking of add in the backgroud points for my PCs to use for extra skills or add attributes to customize...
  8. N

    Resistance is futile... you will upgrade to 3.5!

    I plan on upgrading when the new books come out. My group is also planning on changing their characters when the books are in my drunken, evil hands. And one thing I liked about the scans from the DM's guide, better art for the blackguard.:D
  9. N

    (OT) Any vegans out there?

    When it comes to my diet, I like to eat more chicken and fish along with veggies and fruit. But I still like my grains and red meat. So I try to balance things out. My problem with some vegans is the fact that they try to push their ideas and beliefs on people. The rest, doesn't matter, it's...
  10. N

    Are you a killer DM?

    I've posted softie since my campaign is still new. In some cases, total party kill would have been merciful. In one game, it felt like everyone was against the group I was in.
  11. N

    When GMs roll bad

    Of course, I rather roll bad as GM than as a player.
  12. N

    When GMs roll bad

    I had one of the more interesting situations behind the screen today. It seemed that I had good die rolls when my random encounters and grunts were attacking my players, but my big creatures couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. As an example, my fleshcrawler attacked with three tendrils, all...
  13. N

    It's Godzilla!(The Return!)

    Go, go Godzilla!!
  14. N

    Seeking DMs:Help to Become Scarred Lands Rat Bastard

    And remember to keep your Creature Collections close at hand. The lovely beasties in that keep players off guard. Some of my players thought that the ratmen were wererats. I laughed in the car after I left.