Recent content by Nijay

  1. Nijay

    D&D (2024) Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth? - Languages in 2024

    A Druid or Ranger speaking Sylvan is iconic imo and allowed parties to negotiate with Fey and other creatures to avoid combat. That one is slightly more of a loss to me. Languages are one of several things that distinguish characters from each other and that DM's can use to give the spotlight...
  2. Nijay

    D&D (2024) D&D 2024 Rules Oddities (Kibbles’ Collected Complaints)

    Under the just obnoxious/nitpicking category, I would put the changes that seem to be for no good reason (ymmv) other than making spells easier to program for Project Sigil. Limiting Command to a fixed list of commands, the changes to Animate Objects (beyond the sensible reduction in...
  3. Nijay

    D&D (2024) 2024 Spell Changes

    Wait, so if you cast Thaumaturgy on yourself for the booming voice effect, you can't cast spells with a verbal component for a minute? I'm not sure this clarifies underwater casting.
  4. Nijay

    D&D (2024) Current Stealth Rule Actually Works As Is. If Moving Out of Cover After Hiding Makes Enemies Immediately "Finds You", Hide Would Be Totally UNUSABLE.

    Chaosmancer posted this thief rogue ability, Supreme Sneak. If being in line of sight (without a high enough passive perception) was sufficient to reveal you, this ability wouldn't work.
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  6. Nijay

    D&D (2024) 2024 Spell Changes

    I could see it being centered on a point on the ground. At first I thought it just grew material, which might be climbable. But now I'm wondering the opposite. If all the ground 20’ down twists (into vines?) and sprouts spikes and thorns, is this a create pit trap spell? Would creatures take...
  7. Nijay

    D&D (2024) Rules that annoy you

    I am constantly irked by hand slot rules. Like a Cleric not being able to hold a holy symbol in the same hand as a shield or otherwise wear it. And the clumsy procedure to swap a weapon, though this seems improved in 5.24.
  8. Nijay

    D&D (2024) 2024 Spell Changes

    I'm a bit disheartened about these shenanigans. But looking forward to the memes.
  9. Nijay

    D&D (2024) 2024 Spell Changes

    "I climb the spike growth." - seems like a cool option.
  10. Nijay

    D&D (2024) 2024 Spell Changes

    From the Treantmonk video today: no spells go around corners anymore.
  11. Nijay

    D&D (2024) I just got a 2024 PHB From Gen Con. AMA!

    So with the Athlete feat, 30' base movement, and 14 Str (+2) you can climb/jump a 100’ wall in one turn. Nice!
  12. Nijay

    D&D (2024) D&D Player's Handbook Video Redactions & Takedowns

    No, to paraphrase another comment, there were two circumstances. One where a creator signed up for receiving an earlier PDF copy at the end of May, which apparently contained all the rules about not showing x% of y, and another where a creator signed up to get a promo copy of the physical book...
  13. Nijay

    D&D (2024) I just got a 2024 PHB From Gen Con. AMA!

    Did the jumping rules change? 2014 says "each foot you clear on the jump costs a foot of movement", but the new DM screen doesn't include this language.
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