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Recent content by Optihut

  1. O

    The reason for the cleric class' lack of popularity?

    Clerics unpopular? That's the first thing I hear. In our campaign there was always a cleric on board and now that I play one myself, I can confirm that it's great fun to play one. Don't let the party reduce you to the group healer, take charge of the group and confiscate dangerous magical items...
  2. O

    Hmm... how does one destroy an artifact that can kill royalty and summon bebiliths?

    "It is a gift, a gift to the foes of Mordor. Why not use this Ring ? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of my people are your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him." I think the whole movie would...
  3. O

    [Attn: Writers who wanna write for Eberron] Plot workshopping?

    Well, it's probably posted elsewhere already, but since the board moves so fast and I don't have the ability to search, I thought I'd post this here: WotC announced a winner for the Eberron Open Call: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=books/eb/wartornselection While it's a bit sad that I...
  4. O

    Warhammer RPG release schedule

    I think D20 works well for Warhammer, as we're currently playing the D20 rules with the warhammer world as background. Personally I think that the adventures for Warhammer (Shadows over Bögenhafen and Death on the Reik stand out - and yesterday I found out that Graeme Davis, who wrote them, is...
  5. O

    Hey Rangers! What is the *best* choice in Favoured Enemy?

    Perhaps my memory is playing tricks on me, but doesn't the favoured enemy work differently? I recall that you get a +1 at first level, which stays at +1 and later on you get a new type of enemy with a +2 bonus, then a +3 and so on. So your ranger would have orc +1 at first level and at 15th...
  6. O

    How long is a 'generation'

    Amazing that most people here say 25. When I was a kid and asked about the word generation, my parents told me that a generation is usually considered to be 30 years. Oh well, 25 years would work as well. And I remember that in the late 80s some fans were complaining that Startrek the next...
  7. O

    d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. Have any other numbered dice ever been made?

    I can almost see the section in the rulebook: "Re-roll if you get a 2 on the d12 and a 30 on the d30" ;) Oh and the D100 thing reminded me about a little story: When they first appeared (or at least when a friend of mine first saw them) a bit over 10 years ago I think, he walked to the vendor...
  8. O

    [Attn: Writers who wanna write for Eberron] Plot workshopping?

    I'm a bit surprised that you managed to squeeze that into 10 pages. Be that as it may, it's another solid sample. I particularly liked these lines: "He pulled out a thin, rolled cigarette, and lit it with a cantrip." You know that cigarette has got 100% Eberron flavor to it ;) "“Stupid...
  9. O

    [Attn: Writers who wanna write for Eberron] Plot workshopping?

    Excellent sample! On reading it I didn't see any language related mistakes; not even minor issues like the suggestion to use synonyms I had with Takyris's sample. In my opinion the writing is flawless, so I'll make a comment on the content: "Tobias fell into a fitful sleep, dreaming of Cyre as...
  10. O

    [Attn: Writers who wanna write for Eberron] Plot workshopping?

    It's a bit on the short side with merely 2030 words, but I like it: Your sample has got good dialogue, a couple of funny moments, interesting characters and some action. Here's what I would have done differently: I'd have used a synonym for "young man." I faced the same problem with a...
  11. O

    [Attn: Writers who wanna write for Eberron] Plot workshopping?

    Those were indeed a couple of cool things. However, I don't quite see the connection to the topic "wartorn". I hope I am not stepping on too many toes when I say that a few proposals rather strike me as "The war is over... And now for something completely different."
  12. O

    [Attn: Writers who wanna write for Eberron] Plot workshopping?

    Hmmm, that seems to be a common motif... Double Check that for me as well.
  13. O

    Eberron in the Great Wheel cosmology AND Eberronspace

    The way I read it, a cleric of Takhisis or of the faith of the invisible pink unicorn would have all their powers on Eberron, so I don't think there's going to be a problem inserting and introducing other faithes to Eberron, even though the respective gods might not be able to access Eberron.