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Recent content by pawned79

  1. P

    Cover while Riding?

    From the SRD under the Skill Ride... You can react instantly to drop down and hang alongside your mount, using it as cover. You can’t attack or cast spells while using your mount as cover. If you fail your Ride check, you don’t get the cover benefit. This usage does not take an action. The...
  2. P

    War-horses and full round actions?

    Arravis, The following three excerpts are from Ride in the Skills chapter... Fight with warhorse (Ride DC 10) If you direct your war-trained mount to attack in battle, you can still make your own attack or attacks normally. This usage is a free action. Control Mount in Battle (Ride DC 20)...
  3. P

    Some questions on the Hide skill (world's dumbest rule question?)

    Are we saying that a hidden opponient does catch you flat-footed if you fail to spot them? Even if you saw your opponient run behind cover but then lost sight of them in the middle of a combat? For example, lets say there is a big brawl going on outside. There are half a dozen people fighting...
  4. P

    Bardic Knowledge, when to use it?

    Arravis' opinion is that BK means a notible person. Like Bob the drow. Not just drow. So you could roll to know Bob and all his bad habbits (which I agree with), but you can't roll on drow to know there is a drow named Bob and he has bad habbits. Troll - no. Famous Bob the Troll - yes. So if I...
  5. P

    Bardic Knowledge, when to use it?

    I have no rules to support my counter-argument. DM to DM, I still disagree. If I have a player who doesn’t know the gaming world very well, and I mention some race, I would let her roll BK to see if she knows Bob, a famous member of that race. She rolls REALLY high, I’ll tell her all about Bob...
  6. P

    Bardic Knowledge, when to use it?

    Here is a great example of bardic knowledge at its best working to know what a hobbit is. http://www.alteringtime.com/features/misc/?p=baggins ~ Patrick ~
  7. P

    Bardic Knowledge, when to use it?

    So, what you are saying then is that if someone was talking about herbs once and mentioned this root, and had neither Knowledge Nature or Knowledge Local Louisiana, you would give him a Barbic Knowledge check to know AT LEAST, "Oh, I heard that in a song once. Something about voodoo I think. I'm...
  8. P

    Bardic Knowledge, when to use it?

    We have had a really funny "bardic knowledge" running through our game for a long time. It is the rumor that drow eat babies. This all started when we were first starting to get introduced to drow and one of the players said unprompted, "Hmm, I hear they eat babies." Ever since then we have made...
  9. P

    Bardic Knowledge, when to use it?

    I am the "bard" in question. I would like to clarify my stance in the discussion. I have "Lore" from Ardent Dilettante. This keeps coming up in our game. I ask all the time, “Do I get a Lore check on that?” but to be denied. Last game we had some planar race mentioned that I (even as a player)...
  10. P

    Invisibility and Mind Blank vs True Seeing or See Invisibility?

    Obviously, if it said that it makes you immune to "all divinations," the question would have never been voiced in the first place. So, it comes down to the question: Does See Invisibility "gather information?" I believe that the spirit of the law answers, "No." There are many divination spells...
  11. P

    Blinking VS See Invisible & True Seeing?

    Does a blinking character retain their +2 to hit and the flatfooted (dex loss to AC) advantage over an opponient that has See Invisible? How about True Seeing instead? Patrick
  12. P

    WIP - Siege Crab (update - painted and done!)

    OMG! That's AWESOME! Patrick PS I don't know what else to say.
  13. P

    Making Kobolds Better

    A friend and I came up with this idea while talking about Morn, a character from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, who stored a bunch of liquid money in one of his stomachs. I decided to write a real rule on it. Anyway, I hope you find it as amusing and cool as we do. Digestive Gland (Ex): Kobolds...
  14. P

    Power Attack + Critical?

    The only reason I'm deriving these is because I found it fun to do. And I’m simply posting them for anyone else who finds them interesting. Here are my two final examples of the devastation that is Power Attack. The first presents the scythe, threatening a critical 10% of the time on a...
  15. P

    Power Attack + Critical?

    I have included quotes from the text at the end of this post. I have change my mind. I have yet to talk to my friend about it, but I will inform him of my decision as to why I changed my mind. Text presented on p114 of the PHB 3.5 trumps sidebars present on pages p140 and p306 of the PHB 3.5...