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Recent content by poppin_fresh

  1. P

    How do you remember to rp your character and not you?

    The Dresden Files has a similiar system, and encourages people to take and invoke their flaws(aspects in game) in order to gain the bonus fate chips. Have you tried implementing the fate system in a D&D game?
  2. P

    How do you assemble your party in your Game?

    As a player or DM. How do you assemble your party in the your game? Does everyone get together and talk about what they want to be, and what role they would fill in the party? Does everyone go off on their own and make their own character and bring it on game day? Does the DM/GM involve...
  3. P

    How do you remember to rp your character and not you?

    As a player what steps if any do you take to remember to roleplay how your character would react as opposed to how you would react? I was thinking of making a 3x5 note card with character traits on it, and to try reading it before my gaming session. As a DM what steps if any do you take to...
  4. P

    What is the #1 most important thing to remember about DMing?

    I always try to remember and remind the players we're playing a game together not against each other, and if something is getting out of hand or bothering someone greatly to speak up so we can get it resolved.
  5. P

    What questions to ask your players as a DM during character creation

    I never thought about what questions a player would want me to ask. Maybe I should ask if there is anything else I forgot to ask them that they think will be important to their character. It does seem like a good idea to ask them what they're trying to do mechanically with their character.
  6. P

    What questions to ask your players as a DM during character creation

    I never thought about having them continue to add background. I think I'll suggest that to my players, and I like the idea of them coming up with their own campaign hooks, and me fleshing it out. Do you work with them when they come up with one of these ideas, and do you do work on the idea with...
  7. P

    What questions to ask your players as a DM during character creation

    I like that you ask them what they want to play. Do you ever end up with people wanting to play radically different things? I also like your stipulation. Do you ask them to give you a minimum amount of likes/dislikes or fears? Do you give them any bonuses for taking a certain amount of fears...
  8. P

    What questions to ask your players as a DM during character creation

    As a DM/GM what questions do you ask your players about their characters in addition to the standard ones suggested in your rule book? Since no one is perfect, I ask my players to come up with at least one flaw with their character and think of a way it can be used in game terms. I do that so...
  9. P

    New 4e campaign using Modules

    I'm interested. Will you be using Maptools or just windows live messenger? I would like to play a hybrid character if possible. any of the following Seeker/Warden Paladin/Sorcerer Sword Mage/Artificer Bard/Wizard Runepriest/Barbarian Avenger/Invoker