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Recent content by RoryN

  1. R

    Do "old school" RPGers have an advantage?

    Watching and learning is a key to DM success, I think. It is a very rare occurance when someone runs a game for the first time and is extremely good at it, but game mastering has gotten better over the years as groups do just as your group has done. I watched other DMs and learned from their...
  2. R

    Do "old school" RPGers have an advantage?

    Some of the DMs I've gamed with that are older are just too set in their ways, which kind of makes it a bit tougher for their players, and even for the DM himself to be at the top of their game. I totally agree with you on this. There are some people who have the imagination and ability to...
  3. R

    How many campaigns have you finished?

    In real life? None, nada, zip! In my mind? Every one I've ever run! The problem has been a lack of commitment from some of the people I used to game with. When the guy playing the high-level cleric decides he's just going to go run off to Reno for the weekend without saying anything to...
  4. R

    Do "old school" RPGers have an advantage?

    What I'm talking about is not only in understanding the mechanics of different RPGs, but in acting as a GM as well, drawing on their experience of various other games to enhance the one, or ones, they are playing currently by using older supplemental rules to add a little twist, or perhaps an...
  5. R

    Is Gaming Only Gaming or is it "Just Not Real Life"

    To take on the idea philosophically, one could paraphrase René Descartes' famous quote "I think, therefor I am" by saying "I game, therefore I am...or I am not." Role-playing is taking on the role of another person, creature, or hunk of metal that can talk or whatever. But is it real? And if...
  6. R

    Trading Characters

    In my old 2E group, pretty much everyone always played their own characters. If someone was missing for one reason or another, and the party needed that particular character (or level/class), then they were pretty much out of luck unless the DM allowed them to hire an NPC somewhere. We did...
  7. R

    [Play Report] DMing for Middle/High Schoolers

    I agree with the idea of keeping it simple to begin with, both with rules and with what the kids are doing as an adventure. There may be those that get bored easily, so keeping the flow moving forward will probably be one of the best things you can do. A group of teenagers is likely to try and...
  8. R

    Your Current Game?

    I am playing Pathfinder online on Sundays (using Ventrilo and d20pro) in the Rise of the Runelords AP. We won't likely finish the AP until around June, unless there's a TPK along the way. I haven't played a live game for well over 12 years, and am constantly looking for something in my area...
  9. R

    101 Moments of Mundane Fun

    27-Magic Show: A newly arrived wizard holds weekly magic shows in the city square for the children and their parents. Is this on the up-and-up, or is the wizard preparing for something bigger than just a magic show?
  10. R

    Dungeons & Dragons: The Coolest Thing I've Ever Heard!

    My first group got into the game a lot older than many. We were in our early 20s, living in a small town and not much to do but get drunk on a Friday or Saturday night. A guy we all knew was invited over to a party one night and he brought these two boxes, one red and one blue. We sat around the...
  11. R

    The DM Burnout and How to Get Past That: Advice?

    I got into this thread a little late, but I see lots of good suggestions. I don't know the age group your players are in, or how long they have been playing, but a lot of groups (my first group included) start out with a lot of hack-n-slash stuff and then slowly move more towards role-playing...
  12. R

    Is the Split a Bad Thing?

    I agree that it has been both good and bad in different areas. Personally, after being out of the hobby for some 10-odd years and wanting to get back in, I found it very difficult to embrace either 3.5 or 4E D&D after playing so long in 2E. I did play some 3E when it first came out, and it...
  13. R

    Do you GM for yourself or others?

    I started out as a DM with about a 30/70 split with it being for myself/the players. Our group had 5 or 6 people and 5 of us took turns as DM at one point or another, but I ended up being DM about 90% of the time due to the work schedules of the others as opposed to my own. Now I do the work...
  14. R

    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    When I first read the thread title, I was thinking druid myself, but it didn't seem to me that it would fit the druid concept very well. Of course, the druid could have gone a little crazy somehow, but I agree that the alchemist is probably the best, and easiest way to go. And like SteelDraco...
  15. R

    Suggestions for a new DM?

    Well, I would have to agree you're in a bit over your head. My advice of not starting out with level 20 characters won't do you any good now. I don't know how much high level stuff is out and about for PF, and for you to create a high level campaign for the players is a tough order. It's...