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Recent content by rpgresearch

  1. rpgresearch

    Cubicle 7 No Longer Producing The One Ring and Adventures in Middle Earth

    W'll be discussing this at length on this Friday's GenConTV TableTakes stream 11 am PST Nov 29th. Would be great if folks joined the chatroom to comment and ask questions. Twitch
  2. rpgresearch

    TSR When TSR Passed On Tolkien

    We had John D. Rateliff at one of our Tolkien Moot / MerpCon years ago and he explained this in some depth. You can watch the video here: Enjoy!
  3. rpgresearch

    D&D General LET'S PLAY...D&D in Prison

    Representatives are going to be at #GenCon in #Booth100 alongside Zombie Orpheus Entertainment & The Fantasy Network, across from Paizo Publishing. Both ZOE and Paizo have also agreed to allow postcard flyers of the film be on their tables. The numbers definitely need a boost to make this...
  4. rpgresearch

    Meet a Professional Game Master

    The "bad" player archetypes are to help train Game Masters to be better at handling such situations.
  5. rpgresearch

    Meet a Professional Game Master

    See this: Employment Opportunities at RPG Therapeutics LLC, Game Master I, II, III, & IV - www.rpgtherapeutics.com/contact/employment/opportunities Due to overwhelming demand, and not enough qualified GMs to keep up. There is a very long learning curve.
  6. rpgresearch

    If you like RPG, surely you've seen The Gamers movies. Right?

    I think my main surprise is that in this day and age of memes and youtubers, it seemed surprising so many missed it. As I have mentioned to gamers, most have loved them and wondered also how they hadn't heard of them previously. Far more seemingly percentage-wise of MMORPG players that I run...
  7. rpgresearch

    If you like RPG, surely you've seen The Gamers movies. Right?

    The first one was college student prototype of a concept. There was a lot of room for improvement and elaboration. It also ended as an unresolved cliffhanger. The newer movies are far better production quality in all aspects. The subsequent movies have actually been a different group and...
  8. rpgresearch

    If you like RPG, surely you've seen The Gamers movies. Right?

    That would depend on the person I was speaking to. If they were an older gamer, let's say gamed back in the 80's, probably the first Gamers movie. If there are a bit younger, let's say they came into gaming around the same time as the D&D 3.x time period, then the second film. My now 15 year...
  9. rpgresearch

    If you like RPG, surely you've seen The Gamers movies. Right?

    Of course, tastes for shows are definitely very individual (eye of the beholder), so of course the following is just my opinion... Especially because of my research work, I have seen a lot of very insulting movies about gamers, most were probably not made by RPGers, while The Gamers movies by...
  10. rpgresearch

    If you like RPG, surely you've seen The Gamers movies. Right?

    I am amazed how many avid role-playing gamers I run into that haven't even heard of The Gamers movies by Dead Gentlemen Productions and Zombie Orpheus Entertainment members. If you love role-playing games, you definitely should have seen The Gamers movies. Love 'em or hate 'em, if you like...
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  12. rpgresearch

    24 hour Role-Playing Gaming Event - Join or Watch - Nov 7-8

    Join the fun: 24 hour Spokane Gaming Event - Saturday to Sunday, November 7-8 - Fund Raiser for Children's Hospital - Extra Life Event. Play or Watch just one 4 hour session, all 24 hours, or anything in between. Details to join the fun here...
  13. rpgresearch

    The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer

    Live Q&A on #RPGNET About RPG Research Project & RPG Trailer Campaign You can have all your questions answered tomorrow if you wish: Join Live RPG Research Q&A on #RPGNET - http://rpgr.org/news/join-live-rpg-r...-q-a-on-rpgnet - Join the Q&A Session on the #RPGNET Chat server. Dan will be...
  14. rpgresearch

    Using Therapeutic Role-Playing Gaming to Help in the Treatment of Sexual Abuse Victims

    As per Bodhana_Jack's additional comments on this topic (on rpg.net): "Just to clarify for the discussion, this is an approach that we are advocating and developing. It is not a full fledged method at this point, and our goal is to seek groups to help run trials and gain more research to...
  15. rpgresearch

    Using Therapeutic Role-Playing Gaming to Help in the Treatment of Sexual Abuse Victims

    I've sent a message asking. Its generally a LOT of work to make a transcript (I've done so a few times for my own podcasts/vidcasts). However, letting them know that there are people needing it, should help encourage them to consider it. I will post an update if it becomes available.