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Recent content by S_Dalsgaard

  1. S_Dalsgaard

    D&D 5E Character Background help?

    The mountains closest to the Hoard of the Dragon Queen starting point is the Cloud Peaks south of Greenest on the border to Amn. There isn't much info on any dwarven strongholds in these mountains, so you may have to make up something yourself. Another possibility is the Sunset Mountains to the...
  2. S_Dalsgaard

    D&D 5E Campaign setting strategy: Would a big campaign setting guide followed by regional books be better?

    It isn't that different from when they updated FR to 2nd edition with the Adventures book. That one basically ignored the Sword Coast and concentrated on Cormyr, the Dalelands and the Moonsea. Of course that book was followed by a lot of supplements detailing the rest of the realms, while I...
  3. S_Dalsgaard

    D&D 5E Sword Coast book - not really a campaign setting? And some speculations about the future

    I don't see what makes this any less of a campaign guide, than for example the 3rd edition one. Sure, it covers a smaller area, but with how complex FR has become, I think it is preferable to concentrate on a smaller area, instead of trying to cover everything from Kara-Tur to Maztica.
  4. S_Dalsgaard

    D&D 5E So, 5e OGL

    Not quite. One UA article was on Eberron and the minotaur from the water UA article, was heavily Dragonlance flavoured.
  5. S_Dalsgaard

    Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: The First Official D&D 5E Setting

    Yeah, but too many jelly beans causes bloat.
  6. S_Dalsgaard

    Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: The First Official D&D 5E Setting

    The first year of Dragon was six issues, each at 32 pages, of which maybe half were D&D related. That's 192 pages or around a hundred related to AD&D (which is pretty much equal to the page count of HotDQ). The second year (77-78) they did a bit more, with eight issues at up to 38 pages.
  7. S_Dalsgaard

    New WotC Layoffs?

    Of course it sucks, and if this rumors pans out, I will gladly send my best wishes to whomever is fired, but it is still a rumor (unless I missed something).
  8. S_Dalsgaard

    Who Makes WotC's Adventures?

    English is my second language and I clearly doesn't understand it as well as I thought. Please tell which part of the two quoted sentences (repeated below for easy reference) counts as doublespeak. "It's bizarre to see a few posters on ENWorld mistake our [D&D 5E) collaborations as outsourcing...
  9. S_Dalsgaard

    New WotC Layoffs?

    I wonder where D&D would be now, if WotC had retained everyone ever employed by TSR, and not been one of those bastard companies that go around firing people that aren't needed?
  10. S_Dalsgaard

    Who Makes WotC's Adventures?

    And again, when a WotC rep actually takes the time to reach out to the "fans" and communicate, they get accused of lies and doublespeak.
  11. S_Dalsgaard

    Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: The First Official D&D 5E Setting

    Hasn't Cormyr been expanding to the west for the last hundred years (they apparently annexed Proskur in 1405 DR)? That might explain inclusion of the Dragon Knights.
  12. S_Dalsgaard

    Who Makes WotC's Adventures?

    It would be cool if Crawford would give a bit more insight to the process. I hope you can get a interview set up as you suggested in your Twitter conversation Morrus.
  13. S_Dalsgaard

    Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: The First Official D&D 5E Setting

    There is more info here - http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/news/scag It seems to be new stuff, including new subclasses.
  14. S_Dalsgaard

    New WotC Layoffs?

    Actually it is a good thing (IMHO). Changing your corporate structure (by firing people, hiring people, or restructuring in general) ensures that your business doesn't grow stale. Of course, you hopefully retain the people that are the best qualified, but even then you can't ensure, that they...
  15. S_Dalsgaard

    New Sage Advice: Class Features, Combat, Spells, & Monsters

    The problem with random tables for summoning/conjuring monsters is, that they are obsolete as soon as new monsters are released (or homebrewed). I personally think it is good to leave it to the DM which creatures show up, just like it is a DM call which beasts a druid has seen and can...