• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Sacred Cow

  1. S

    01 Games, your maps are amazing... a question

    Interesting. You're right, the lighting effects are very nice.
  2. S

    "Superman" in D&D?!

    Me too! Who's with me??? :D
  3. S

    Transmute troll to elf! does he still drool?

    Quick question for you guys. Would a polymorphed monster use disguise, perform or bluff skill checks for impersonations? If I have a troll sorcerer (or whatever) polymorphed to look like an elf, what kind of skill check would he need to ACT like an elf? I know that polymorph gives a bonus...
  4. S

    Raising Hell! Isn't it time for a mega-adventure featuring Hell?!

    Does Shark's new adventure involve hell?
  5. S

    My "House Rules"

    There's a precedent. It would be like an old Scooby Doo episode. You can't hit anyone, so you just run around, changing rooms back in forth along a long hallway until someone gets confused and the other person escapes.
  6. S

    Dumb Question o' the Day

    Similar question: Can bards inspire themselves? It makes it sound like it only affects other people.
  7. S

    DoctorB's Legacy of Alexander Story Hour

    (checking clipboard) "You, Cobbe! Go be an angel and walk amongst the beautiful flowering trees. You, Toiva! Here's a shovel and there's the manure patch. go make those trees flower so Cobbe can enjoy them." :)
  8. S

    How do you folks do it... I mean post so much!

    Huh? I know I lurk, but you dont have 1000 posts. Or am i being dumb or something?