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Recent content by Saracor

  1. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" - Game Ended successfully!

    Sorry for lack of posts...job is a bit busy right now and just had to help a friend move in with me. Trying to keep up at least once/twice a week or more.
  2. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

    Garon tries to shake off the pain from the hit on his helmet and take a half a step back. He knows his attacks are near useless with his current weapon so will try to avoid what he can while still making himself a target to the creature, hoping his companions can find a way to bring it down...
  3. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

    "Well, what better way to lead people into a trap is to tell them it is there." Garon says chuckling. "Regardless of it is lies or not we must just decide on a path and stick to it."
  4. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

    "These caves won't give us much warning when an attack comes and little room to maneuver, everyone be on their guard. Unfortunately this is not an environment I am too familiar with."
  5. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

    Garon chuckles a bit as he works on the horses "Of course I didn't mean that. I meant for our journey all together. Bet to have some replacements in case of injury or mishap." "Tonight you are right, we only need to travel a few miles to get out of this immediate area"
  6. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

    "I agree we want to move on as quickly as possible to be away from any known location that priest might have. We should stay on our guard especially tonight to make sure nothing comes looking for us." Garon nods to Allyra on her suggestion. "At least we have more horses to allow us to rest them...
  7. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

    Garon will keep in step with Keldar to flank the minotaur, hoping to cut him down before he does the same to one of them. He will 5' step to J14 and full attack again. Init: + 1 HP: 31/64 AC: 23 Saves For: +9 Ref: +4 Wil: +3 Attacks: • +1 Longsword: +13/+8 to hit, 1d8+7 damage, Crit...
  8. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

    Now that Keldar has given the minotaur something else to think about, Garon will press his attack fully. First Attack (1d20+13=30) Second Attack (1d20+7=15) First Attack damage (1d8+7=12) Actually his attacks should be both at +2 due to flanking
  9. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

    "I would not walk away from either my friends, or a good fight" Garon says with a wry smile coming over his face "We fight now and together" Garon will draw his sword and rush for the minotaur by the tree. Hopefully giving his companions enough time to act before he gets there.
  10. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

    "Is it wise for us to put one of our own against their's and hope they do not commit some treachery during the fight?" Says Garon warily. "While I'm sure either Keldar or I could take this guy, I doubt it will go well if we prevail"
  11. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

    "I'm not one much for diplomacy, but I'll keep you covered" says Garon with a cautious smile. "There may still me others around so we should be careful"
  12. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" - Game Ended successfully!

    Sorry. I am still here. I had a number of issues come up (changed jobs, computers had problems at home so I lost a ton of things). I apologize for the delay and whatnot in posting but I have returned now.
  13. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

    Garon continues to struggle...his lack of ranged ability is getting to be a big disadvantage, he thinks... Another low roll...6...no good again. http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1169068 Time to find a big bow and carry it with me...
  14. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

    Garon continues to try and break free from the roots but they seem too tough for even someone of his strength OCC: Strength Check (1d20+4=13)
  15. S

    Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED

    Garon is caught flatfooted by the spell as he was trying to move forward, the branches and roots entangle him and he is unable to free himself in time to intercept the troll. OCC Stength Check (1d20+4=8) Fails check and so remains entangled