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Recent content by Seanchai

  1. S

    Important! Interview opportunity - what do you want to know about the GSL?

    I'll assume you got that asking about financials was just an example used to illustrate the point. (But an individual store's financial information isn't available on Yahoo...) And yet the least annoying for the bystander... What's the point of all that unless you're then going to vote with...
  2. S

    Important! Interview opportunity - what do you want to know about the GSL?

    Walk into a retail establish - say McDonalds, Blockbuster, or your FLGS - and tell them that because you ultimately pay their salary, you're entitled to see their financial statements. Tell them you want to go in back and inspect operations, and, when you're done, you'll go over their books...
  3. S

    Pramas on the OGL

    No. It means it didn't actually benefit the consumer. As I said before, the OGL put plenty of products on the shelves. But it put good and bad products on the shelf. It didn't provide consumers with any tools to determine which OGL products were good and which were bad. And as there were...
  4. S

    GSL questions for Scott Rouse and Mike Lescault

    No thanks. Seanchai
  5. S

    Pramas on the OGL

    And when folks tell us about how Monte Cook must feel about 4e and GSL. Seanchai
  6. S

    Pramas on the OGL

    There are plenty more than that. Naming a couple that folks almost universally hail as bad products is a good way to keep the thread from turning into a bunch of folks crawling out of the woodwork, saying, "But I like the Complete Barmaid. Sure it was missing about ten pages out of the middle...
  7. S

    Pramas on the OGL

    For two reason. One, I didn't read the articles in question. I only noted that they weren't, in fact, written in reponse to the current brew-ha-ha. Two, not having read is opinion, I wasn't attempting to address it. Thing is, I don't believe. As I said before, I don't know you and have no...
  8. S

    Pramas on the OGL

    And it has for 4e, especially after the recent round of demos. It hasn't. But I don't have to rely on my memory. I can look at pre-order for 4e, for example, and determine the level of acceptance of the new edition. Hmmmn. The core rulebook set is #78 on Amazon.com. Or we can look at polls...
  9. S

    Pramas on the OGL

    What's interesting to me about the pointing to Cook's opinions about this or that is...well, didn't he leave the industry? If you value his opinion so highly, shouldn't you do the same? Seanchai
  10. S

    Pramas on the OGL

    Nope. I wouldn't. But he might have. Things change. For example, he has, as I understand it, basically left the industry. Here's something else I wouldn't do: Post a blog entry from two years ago and try to pass it off as something he said about an issue that sprang up days ago. Seanchai
  11. S

    Pramas on the OGL

    It's not necessarily better for gamers. It's better for gamers if the products are all basically of a consistent quality. It's better for gamers if Joe Gamer can pick up Random Games' recently release, the Battle of Waterloo d20 Companion, and be reasonably assured that it's got a) decent...
  12. S

    Pramas on the OGL

    Exactly. I was there, too. As a playtester. As the moderator of the official DND-L mailing list. On about 20 other mailing lists. On RPGnet. And you're wrong. I'm not sure why you think it's particularly bad this time around. Perhaps it has to do with what trancejeremy said. When 3e...
  13. S

    Pramas on the OGL

    In other words, the only direct quotes we have are over two years old. It's a sly bit of work, making it seem as if Cook had weighed in on recent events, but he hasn't. His opinion might be the same. It might not. Seanchai
  14. S

    Pramas on the OGL

    3e got the same reception. People hated it. Hated the idea of it. Said it was nothing but a MMO. Swore they'd never play it. Then they bought it and played it. Then, when the next edition was announced, they started defending it. Seanchai
  15. S

    D&D 4E Would you buy 4E if it were not open/had no licenses for 3rd party companies?

    Network externalities. If you're the type of person who wants to use only official materials and only official materials exist, then you're going to have more players who play only using official materials. Seanchai