• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by seekerpsion2012

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    D&D 4E Superheroes 4e style (testing)

    They're comming I promise!!!!
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    H2 - Thunderspire Labyrinth Question

    I'd just suggest that you bump up the encounters in Thunderspire, but if you want to keep running the published adventures, you might have to reduce the xp given, to make sure the players are at the right levels for the adventures. Or, you could always skip to H3: Pyramid of Shadows...
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    D&D 4E Superheroes 4e style (testing)

    yeah sure, i'll do up most of the main cast. I really wanna do apocalypse (Level 33 Solo Eltie should do it). If there's anyone you want done up just let me know. Thanks for the feedbacl :)
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    D&D 4E Superheroes 4e style (testing)

    Hi all! We'll i've been working on a 4e supers game for the last few months (work on it is pretty slow atm, as I'm running a D&D campaign). Anyways I just wanted to pop give a quick preview and get some feedback. I'd really apprecieate some ideas etc, but please keep in mind that this is a work...
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    D&D 4E Classless 4e and adaptation for the Superhero Genre

    Super Hero Genre Great work, very interesting. I've been working on a superhero game for myself recently, based mostly off Marvel's Ultimate imprint titles, with a little Heroes thrown in. It's really just so i can run a 4e supers game for my group - a bit of fun, im sure the design has...