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Recent content by shamgar001

  1. shamgar001

    D&D 5E The Fifth City (OOC)

    Sorry for the slow response. This game looks really interesting, and I'd love to be in it. However, I remembered after telling Scott DeWar I was interested that I've lent by PHB to friends at the moment, so I wouldn't be able to get a character up for a while. :\ No need to wait up.
  2. shamgar001

    Low-Level Game, Newbies Welcome! [Closed]

    I'm running too many games as it is. I certainly wouldn't mind continuing as a player though.
  3. shamgar001

    Low-Level Game, Newbies Welcome! [Closed]

    I ask because I've got a burst 1 power that targets 'creatures.' If Talashia moves 1 square southeast, dragging the crab with her, I can hit both crabs without targeting allies, and with CA against the latched one.
  4. shamgar001

    Low-Level Game, Newbies Welcome! [Closed]

    Thanks! If Talashia would shift to the upper-left, that would be helpful for me.
  5. shamgar001

    Low-Level Game, Newbies Welcome! [Closed]

    RMcCall, I know you're probably trying to keep this combat short and sweet, but can I get a diagram of where creatures are?
  6. shamgar001

    Explorers of Calemor, Chapter 1: A View from Afar

    Rogun ignores the snapping claws behind him as the rushes toward Talashia. He brings his hammer down hard on the crab menacing her. Move action: Move toward the crab attacking Talashia. If possible, into a flanking position. Standard action: Earthgrasp Strike against Talashia's crab Attack vs...
  7. shamgar001

    Explorers of Calemor, Chapter 1: A View from Afar

    "Oi 'aspect et'll be easier goin' at noight," Rogun states. "Bes' to keep a-movin' whoile ee sun's daown." Rogun has the endurance check to keep going.
  8. shamgar001

    Explorers of Calemor, Chapter 1: A View from Afar

    Rogun leaps to the boulder. He then quickly reaches into his pack and fishes out a rope. He closes his eyes and feels the boulder beneath him. His channels his connection to the Earth and his feet sink in to the rocky surface a bit, making him more stable. He throws the rope out toward his...
  9. shamgar001

    Low-Level Game, Newbies Welcome! [Closed]

    Rogun has a rope he can use to help the others. Is there a check you'd want for that?
  10. shamgar001

    Explorers of Calemor, Chapter 1: A View from Afar

    Rogun looked down as his feet sinking into the ground. No wonder he preferred the solids rocks over this shifting sand. He heaves his feet upward with all his dwarven strength, trying to move away from the pit faster than the sand could take him toward it. Athletics check: [roll0]
  11. shamgar001

    Low-Level Game, Newbies Welcome! [Closed]

    Oh yeah, I definitely think it's reasonable. I'm just worried because I spent all my starting cash on magic items. We might have to find someone willing to underwrite our starting expenses.
  12. shamgar001

    Explorers of Calemor, Chapter 1: A View from Afar

    200 for all of us? I've only got 40gp. And I vote for the dangerous path.
  13. shamgar001

    Low-Level Game, Newbies Welcome! [Closed]

    Are we just going to use prices out of the dark sun book?
  14. shamgar001

    Explorers of Calemor, Chapter 1: A View from Afar

    Rogun walks over to the bard. Seeing that she won't wake up for normal greetings, he tries a more direct method. "Oi!" Intimidate check: [roll0]
  15. shamgar001

    Low-Level Game, Newbies Welcome! [Closed]

    Yes. Earthforger, from Heroes of the Elemental Chaos.