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Recent content by Silmarillius

  1. S

    Players/DM in the GTA

    How far out is your group? Mine got together for a Gary Gygax memorial game, but I don't know if the DM is going to be continuing with it or not. In any case, drop me a line: garetto@rogers.com
  2. S

    Doctor Who - The Game of Rassilon

    Or as I like to put it: "Time is like a great big ball of...wibbley wobbily...timey whimy...stuff." Anyways, just a question of the Tardis, do modifications include the "canabalisation" of the Tardis to create other forms of manipulating time. For example, The Paradox Machine. Secondly, I...
  3. S

    Doctor Who - The Game of Rassilon

    This seems like the Star Wars system, but probably because I hear you talking about your games a lot. I know the game is fast paced, but do you think this is TOO fast for level advancement. Your thoughts?
  4. S

    Doctor Who - Discussion Thread for The Game of Rassilon

    Wuld you plan to make a Torchwood game seperate from Doctor Who, or just integrate it into the entire universe?
  5. S

    Doctor Who - The Game of Rassilon

    The system is obviously designed for fast paced gameplay, similar to the Doctor Who Television show, well done! In terms of PC character's, will the ability to play NPC character one shots be a suggestion? (eg. Officer in the First World War, Member of a branch of Torchwood, etc.) I'm just...
  6. S

    Away for a Month, Adventure Ideas?

    Thanks, budget is kind of down the toilet, but I believe I'll have enough time to write some first level adventure concepts. Mostly just to keep my mind occupied to prevent further insanity. Again, thank you kindly.
  7. S

    Away for a Month, Adventure Ideas?

    I'm off for work for about a month, and I need some adventures preferably for players who have never played, well, a roleplaying game. I'm considering running it in either Greyhawk or Forgotten Realms, so, any adventure will do.
  8. S

    Plot twists needed - The Naga Queen

    Um...I think you need some more plot if you want to get some "twists" into there. So far it's falling dominions and "eating the occasional baby."
  9. S

    Acts of God? Think again...

    "He gave god...stats!"
  10. S

    Introducing a Child to D&D

    You didn't get to game early because of Simon? That's horrible Dan. I hope your gaming doesn't affect the fact I accidentally broke the big table in your store. :)
  11. S

    Comments Please - Shaman Build

    Very cool, Perhaps your old pet Fluffy can be with you once again...good times...
  12. S

    New Druid Build....Now with the Magician!

    RC, Are you doing anything with Familiars or just using the section from the PHB? A suggestion I had (considering you already have beast tongues) was to have a seperate tongue between the Familiar and the Magician. The purpose being to show the special bond that the two have.
  13. S

    Your favourite PC

    Hmm...a tough time deciding which of my two favorite characters is my best. But I guess I have to go with my longest played, Nift Phaeldar. Copyright Garett Oliver 2005 A gnomish bard raised by “Opal Phaeldar,” Nift has lived in Selby-by-the-water (town in my DM's home brewed campaign) most of...