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Recent content by Slithy

  1. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    The healer in action! I will take my turn now while other things are being decided. I don't know when I will get the chance again to respond. My computers at home are still just fancy paperweights. Maurea slips into a meditative state and the power of life floods through her. Tears...
  2. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Maurea decides to do her real job, put people back together Seeing a clear path to Janiven, a bloodthirsty the goblin in front of her, and her compatriot "The Cuisinart" stride around her to give out some more death, she feels she has done enough fighting for the day. She carefully pulls...
  3. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Maurea kicks goblin ass... Pinned down between the dog and the goblin, and bleeding from the bite, Maurea has little choice but to fight. Her concern for Janiven makes her look over and see how serious Janiven's injuries are. She then shouts "May Sarenrae grant you release from that...
  4. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Maurea grits her teeth against the pain of her leg. She starts chanting a blessing and benediction for the souls that will take flight before her. She swings her scimitar through the air to hit the dog that bit her...damn dog. She then lets out a string of abusive profanity directly into the...
  5. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Maurea's fort save.... That not be good
  6. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    "Take out the mounts.... ....and take away their speed! There's a spellcaster behind them! Maurea will shout the words to the group while directly facing them, and take the total defense action. She will get a +4 dodge bonus to AC, this will bring her AC up to 21 for this round. Oh boy, this...
  7. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Maurea prepares to defend herself! Hobgoblins! They were worthy adversaries, ruthless, calculating and cruel. The goblins were all chaos, not really a foe that Maurea would wish to fight. She brings her shield up, sets her fighting stance and tries to remember everything she learned on the...
  8. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Maurea makes herself a target... The approaching beings were taking a bit longer than she expected, so she takes the time to get a better view of the enemy. She takes her held action as a move, 20' to the east She notes that she can still spot Janiven, and an enemy engaging her will be in...
  9. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Maurea looks directly at Janiven, and in the quietest voice that would be heard over the din says "Sounds like trouble coming from the south, and it's coming very quick." She grips her weapon fiercely and steels her will against the unknown. She moves 20' to the east and readies an action to...
  10. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Good, I am already planning my next move.
  11. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Maurea realizes she has just missed the fight as one Arminger is murdered before her eyes, and another is jerked off her feet, probably to meet the same grisly end. Disappointment fills her heart as she realizes her newfound compatriots, the potential team that would live in glory forever...
  12. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    An actual perception check would require a move action, which I already used. Think of it as flavor text.
  13. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Maurea grits her teeth an rushes headlong to the south. Her newfound friends are in danger! Allowing herself to briefly feel maternal towards her companions she moves as fast as her mail will allow, just entering the room and allowing herself a moment to appraise the situation. She double moves...
  14. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Maurea jerks upright after the tremendous bang of the thunderstone. "Damn, the fight was supposed to come this way. Well, this should get most of them." Maurea casts Bless, gives all allies within 50' of me a morale +1 to hit and saves against fear. She then steps delicately out of the sewage...
  15. S

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Initiative for Maurea She's moving at cleric speed.