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Recent content by spatha

  1. spatha

    NHL Playoffs 2006: Round II

    Although I live in Winnipeg and grew up a Jets(34 years old myself) fan with the Oilers hate I am pulling for the Oilers. I may not like them but they are a Canadian team and I want to see a Canadian team win the cup.
  2. spatha

    Scrooge + Grinch = me

    Last I checked attacks were not allowed at En World. Concider this post reported.
  3. spatha

    Scrooge + Grinch = me

    Stop trying to perpetuate the lie. It is wrong. Didn't your parents ever teach you wright from wrong and not to lie. Man I wish people would start to be more truthfull to each other and their children.
  4. spatha

    Scrooge + Grinch = me

    For me it is the inherent dishonesty in the holiday that gets me. I hate it when people lie and isn't that what all this Santa stuff is? A big lie? Bah Humbug I say.
  5. spatha

    Nothingland Down!

    What do you mean WHO ?? Geez... :confused:
  6. spatha

    Sad Night In Hockey .....

    Sportsnet image Wayne Gretzky and his mother Phyllis at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. (AP) Phyllis Gretzky: 1941-2005 Although never truly fond of the spotlight, Phyllis Gretzky was never far from her hockey family. TORONTO (CP) -- Phyllis Gretzky was the glue that held her family...
  7. spatha

    Nothingland Down!

    Me too :confused:
  8. spatha

    Nothingland Down!

    Yes even S/O for you to Algolei ??
  9. spatha

    Nothingland Down!

    So ten its Down I have been trying for some time now and Nothing.???
  10. spatha

    Poll: Best superhero flick?

    Spiderman. The first time you see him swinging across the screen in costume was......orgasmic(for lack of a better description).
  11. spatha

    Police: Teen rigged exploding pens for revenge

    I wonder what the DC would be to trap a pen?
  12. spatha

    Police: Teen rigged exploding pens for revenge

    True but why pens? As a phallic symbol? To prove how mighty they are? What did Freud say something about all problems coming back to your parents?
  13. spatha

    Police: Teen rigged exploding pens for revenge

    True but taking revenge by randomly planting pens is strange. If I wanted revenge I would of made sure the people involved in my explusion got the exploding pens.
  14. spatha

    Police: Teen rigged exploding pens for revenge

    Come now I am trying to be serious here. WHy would someone trap 3 random pens to explode?