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Recent content by Stebie9173

  1. S

    All the Different Types of Orcs

    There is also the Sand Orc from White Dwarf. Around about issue 60-70, I think.. Sigurd... Snaga was an orcish epithet meaning "slave", I believe. It was applied to any lesser race and also to orcs. The differences between Tolkien's orcs/goblins were rather blurred, except for the Uruk-Hai of...
  2. S

    Shackled City Epic: "Vengeance" (story concluded)

    Wow! And not even Shensen's red shirt left to bury... ;)
  3. S

    Desert island monsters

    It may be from there that our erstwhile correspondent has taken his "inspiration" but "Desert Island Discs" has been running on Radio 4 of the BBC for the last 4 million years (alright 40 years). The marooned guests get to take 5 (?) records, a book and one "luxury item" with them. The plagarism...
  4. S

    Does anyone have Of Ships & the Sea?

    New Gods? In a word, No.
  5. S

    Children of Bahamut (Converted Unique Dragons)

    Some of those spell-like abilities seem a little familiar... ;) Good work and a nice conversion. :D
  6. S

    Does anyone have Of Ships & the Sea?

    Enhance water creature: effects 1 creature +1/4 levels, 1d4 rounds; +1 to attack, dmg & saves. +1 dmg per die if measured by multiple dice. Creatures native to Elemental Water gain 1 hp/die; creatures needing water to survive can survive without it. Reversible - exact opposite effects...
  7. S

    Does anyone have Of Ships & the Sea?

    Spells from Of Ships and the Sea Not sure how much I can post, but : Withstand Water, Wiz Level 2, recipient does not get wet. Duration : Several days. Pressure resistance, Wiz level 3/Clc level 1, doubles depth at which recipient can withstand pressure. Samprey’s Sensible Sea Sphere, Wiz...
  8. S

    Euro 2004 Football discussion

    Congratulations, Asmo. You are now an honorary Englishman ;) Although, I do believe the Dutch have lost out 4 times before in penalty shootouts, too. So you can be an honorary Dutchman if you want :D
  9. S

    Euro 2004 Football discussion

    Offside? The linesman had given the goal. It was the referee that disallowed the goal and he is on camera miming a push to the England players and he even says it was a push at the time. My lip-reading skill is not that high but it's good enough for that. My vote is Nielsen for the final! :]
  10. S

    Euro 2004 Football discussion

    France 0 Greece 1 Suddenly defeat (of the English) doesn't hurt so much :) Now I don't mind who wins the tournament. Although, I have to say I'm still undecided on the Dutch. Great people, shame about the team. It seems like Kluivert, Van Nistlerooy, Davids, et al are on a personal crusade...
  11. S

    Euro 2004 Football discussion

    Silver and Golden Goal After one or two controversal golden goals it may have been that FIFA felt that a team could be robbed of victory by a poor refereeing decision. :] It's a good job that wont happen again! ;)
  12. S

    Euro 2004 Football discussion

    Penalty spot They didn't use the other end because, supposedly, it was just as bad. The England team had trained taking penalties at that end the previous day and had, or hadn't depending on who you listen to, lodged a complaint about it/them to UEFA. Which does reduce Beckham's argument for...
  13. S

    Euro 2004 Football discussion

    Why oh why do us English have to be so sporting. Only playing six men all game and then even taking off our best player! :confused: Does anyone know which bar Beckham, Scholes/Hargreaves, Lampard and Gerrard were watching the game from? Admittedly Lampard took his goal well, but the midfield...
  14. S

    The Unusual Heroes Enter The City of the Spider Queen!

    Wow!!! An update! :eek: Look, everybody they're back! :D Great to see you back Ziona. Only yesterday did I find a pic of Lox Lumley (That's mine!) and wondered what had happened to everyone!
  15. S

    Calling Leap Year babies

    Look at all those presents! It's like all my birthdays came at once! Oh, they did.... :p Almost forgot : One of my work colleagues had a baby boy on Sunday morning. A Brand New Leap year baby :)