Recent content by Steve_MND

  1. Steve_MND

    New Faction Rank Document!

    No, I don't see it as a huge problem, either, just one of intent as opposed to application, I suppose. What i would like to see, tho, is some of the older mods starting to be retired here, so we can start taking them out of circulation. In fact, I would love to see a blanket retiring of season...
  2. Steve_MND

    New Faction Rank Document!

    Ah, I see what you mean, yes. Well, unfortunately, some elements, like the magic store, etc., are already effectively just a progression in an already done deal. That cat was let out of the bag when the modules that were being offered slowly started with their own power creep in terms of...
  3. Steve_MND

    New Faction Rank Document!

    What exactly is said 'stated intent' specifically that you are referring to?
  4. Steve_MND

    New Faction Rank Document!

    Honestly, I think pretty much all OP has this sort of power creep to some degree, largely because the more vocal complainers about not having stuff tend to be those that tend to prioritize number-crunching over other aspects. As a result, over time, more and more items are introduced, which...
  5. Steve_MND

    Local & Regional Coordinators are no more

    I meant more that I didn't like the inbuilt disconnect that existed between the Admin staff and WotC, in that every other question about the campaign that came up seemed to be answered with "We'd love to see that in the next set of game rules as well, but the best we can do is ask WotC to add it...
  6. Steve_MND

    New Faction Rank Document!

    Those arguments have already started over on the FB groups; people are whining about how certain Volo races can't get the 'good' stuff now, blah blah blah.
  7. Steve_MND

    Local & Regional Coordinators are no more

    I believe we can thank the M:tG judges lawsuit for this one. That said, i'm not sure how I feel about this yet. On the one hand, I always felt like Al should have been run and administered by WotC themselves to begin with, as opposed to the previous...
  8. Steve_MND

    Cloud Giant's Bargain Question

    Thanks, kalani!
  9. Steve_MND

    Cloud Giant's Bargain Question

    (This is the AL-legal tie-in with Acquisitions Incorporated, that was given out at select theaters last month, for those who are unfamiliar with it). So, my question is: what levels of play is it to be Adventurer's League legal? On page 2, under "The D&D Adventurers League" section, it says...
  10. Steve_MND

    Ravenloft Al modles Jasper questions and rants. Spoilers

    That's exactly my point tho -- those aren't Organized Play campaigns you are referring to there -- those are two home campaigns. The idea of an Organized Play campaign (as it's been used for the last 15 years or so at least), was designed to allow people to do exactly that: take a character...
  11. Steve_MND

    Ravenloft Al modles Jasper questions and rants. Spoilers

    Well, that's because I am intentionally ignoring all aspects of the actual story, because what I am referring to has nothing to do with setting, story, atmosphere or theme --It's about how the actual campaign is administered and run, not the stories within it. Ravenloft itself is a fine fit...
  12. Steve_MND

    determining random weapon and armor type

    My, you seem a little antagonistic there, Cap'n. Given that the weapons chosen still have to be from among those listed in the PHB, you're not going to have "the most exotic item use," (No actual Bohemian Earspoons; I suspect the 'weirdest' magic weapons you might end up with would be a magic...
  13. Steve_MND

    Ravenloft Al modles Jasper questions and rants. Spoilers

    Yes, the idea that you can take your character to any AL-legal table, anywhere in the world, and sit down and play any AL-legal mod. That portability is one of the core concepts behind the development of what we now call "Organized Play' (as opposed to home games people might run). The...
  14. Steve_MND

    Adventurer's League Faction Kits

    Heck, forget the reviews, it would have been nice for them to actually mention, I dunno, maybe what it is that you're expected to pay five bucks plus shipping for? Seriously, Wizards, an explanation of what your product is is like business 101 if you want people to buy it (well aside from...