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Recent content by StoneAxe

  1. S

    Mounts and mounted combat

    Full Attacks I believe that the reason that you make all ranged attacks at the middle of your move is to allow for a simple method of applying range bonuses and penalties.
  2. S

    1,327 things you don't want to hear from your fellow party members

    After being surrounded by a group of NPCs Player : What do you mean they have crossbows?
  3. S

    Dice Rolling Techniques?

    I put back spin on my D20 rolls. It seems to produce better rolls. As Dm I prevented a TPK by changing to a top spin, I rolled 3 consecutive 1's and the gain enough advantage to force the monsters to retreat.
  4. S

    How do Bards acquire new spells?

    Never ending song In my campaign when the bard is entitled to learn a new spell it manifest itself as tune. This tune is stuck in the characters head until he acknowledges it, which requires 15 minutes of quite concentration per level of the spell. To demonstrate the level of distraction this...
  5. S

    Secret skill checks, DM or player rolls?

    Normally I tell the player to roll a D20 and give me the results. Since I have a copy of their sheet behind my screen I make the adjustments myself. This allows the player's luck with dice to come into play and add tension when they try and figure out why they needed to make the roll...
  6. S

    Making a Ranger a need advice

    I would concentrate on Spot, Listen, Wilderness Lore, followed by Hide and Move Silently. Since most of the time you will be part of a group Move Silently and Hide get compromised by those of lesser skill. Also your character can strive for Boots and Cloak of elvenkind to more than make up for...
  7. S

    Smugglers with Bags of Holding

    The guard has an elite team of agents who go undercover to watch the various organizations that operate in the city. Small scale operations are allowed to go unhindered. When significant taxes are avoided or dangerous items moved. The city auditors and guard make surprise inspections of the...
  8. S

    Winging It!!!!

    I have notes on possible combats, to speed up play, but the rest comes from just sitting in the chair and seeing what happens. I biggest problem is NPC names, not the major characters but the faces in the crowd. A very successful recent session involved sitting down and saying "OK what are the...
  9. S

    Natural Reach

    To keep combat streamlined and not over burden it with details about each individual attack they all have the same reach.
  10. S

    What class are you playing right NOW?

    My newest character is a gnome paladin
  11. S

    Orcs! Orcs! Orcs!

    Great Job! I was just starting work on the Orc Nations in my home brewed world and saw your post. You have saved me several hours work. Thanks :)
  12. S

    Did I make a mistake?

    If you mean by not letting the player run the character he had just finished creating a mistake then maybe. I was not there to judge. I think you really just created an excuse for them to leave. I believe that if you give the player the go ahead to create a character then you are obligated to...