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Recent content by syberfreak

  1. S

    Cursed Items

    Maybe someone could mention another book other then the Dungeon Master's Guide or the Arms and Equipment Guide that have specific cursed items in them?
  2. S


    Complete Adventurer pg. 97
  3. S

    Cursed Items

    I've been trying to compile a list of 99 Cursed Items that mostly only cause problems for the characters and make the DMs laugh their heads off. I figured only a few should be potentially lethal and all of them should give the character a chance of survival. Sadly, I'm finding very few books...
  4. S

    DM's word is final... and illogical?

    A phrase answers the "DM's Rights" question perfectly: "The DM is god of the universe, but my, what a lonely universe in can be." As for the potentially race changing background....ya, a DM can do that. Sounds fun. As to what I think your character should have....roll a d%. 1-50, you're a...