• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


I always hate filling these things out ~ it requires me to think of a clear(ish) description of who (and/or what) I am. But ~ with regards to gaming... I've gamed (tabletop) a variety of systems, and multiple styles within those systems (ie: Whitewolf - nearly everything)... this, of course, leaves a lot to the imagination... so... Harnmaster, Rolemaster, Starwars (LARP), Gurps, Whitewolf (all of em), Blackdog (HOL), Palladium, Fasa (Shadowrun & Earthdawn), Cyberpunk, Amber (based on Roger Zelazny's books), Wizards of the Coast, D&D (1st), AD&D (2nd/3rd), D&D (the new one - don't like it much though), Synnibarr, and several others that I can't recall the name of ~ including a number of RPGs that were designed from scratch by friends (that, unfortunately in most cases, never went to the publishers).

I am also currently designing a new RPG (attempting a single-book system using polyhedral dice) ~ so we'll see how that goes.

Oh, ME... right... urm... I'm just about finished my 3rd university degree, and next year I will be studying in Japan for a cultural exchange (I lived there before, so this is more just to study and experience university there), then later I will (if I can find a university and professor that suits my field) complete a Ph.D. in (most likely) Education in Japan. Hopefully in Toukyou or nearby - tho I'm not picky, I love the country, so nearly anyways in Japan would suit me just fine! =^_^=
April 17