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Recent content by Tay-Dor

  1. T

    [WOT Adventure] OOC Thread 2

    I like it. Sure beats Playweb
  2. T

    In the Names of the Fathers - [d20 Cthulhu]

    Whisperings... Antonio sits casually across from Peter, dressed smartly in an expensive silk suit. It's tailored so that only the truely observant might notice the bulge of a gun in his shoulder rig. Smiling easily, his warm blue eyes engaging Peter, Antonio speaks. His voice is soft...
  3. T

    OOC - [d20 Cthulhu - Fathers]

    Yay...an hour or so later...finished my character. Our GM should have a copy, and I posted it in the rogues gallery. I'll start playing now. :)
  4. T

    In the Names of the Father's[COC]

    Name: Antonio "Whisper" Calavichi Profession: Mafioso (Defense Option) Height: 6'0" Weight: 190lbs Hair: Black Eyes: Blue Handed: Right Age: 32 Level 1 Exp: 0 Next Level: 1,000 Attributes Strength: 9 (-1) Dexterity: 13 (+1) Constitution: 8 (-1) Intelligence: 13 (+1) Wisdom: 15...
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    OOC - [d20 Cthulhu - Fathers]

    Why couldn't we move to the WOTC boards if we have to go somewhere else?
  6. T

    OOC - [d20 Cthulhu - Fathers]

    I got my book today (Wednesday). So I'll make it a priority to get a character turned in Friday. (I don't work on fridays.) Are we using the Variant defense bonus option? (I hope I hope) :)
  7. T

    [WOT Adventure] OOC Thread 2

    Hey...in the same vein of people respecting Aes Sedai.... people should be treating Lord Tomas a bit more respectfully...he is a Noble. Even if he is a jerk sometimes. You don't see nobles getting treated like dirt by Aes Sedai in the books unless the Aes Sedai are pretty powerful. I'm...
  8. T

    [WoT Adventure] Turn 5

    Lord Tomas listens... [ooc: how about a responce to my last post Yuri?]
  9. T

    OOC - [d20 Cthulhu - Fathers]

    hehehe...I'm all for setting up our nice normal lives so that the horror we'll have to endure is a stark contrast. :) no book yet...grumble grumble. But I'll start workin' on the background and stuff.
  10. T

    [WoT Adventure] Turn 5

    [OOC: sorry for the delay...my normal moring posting time, the damn boards were down for maintenance.] When Yuri asks Lord Tomas about his aquisition of the Mail shirt, Lord Tomas' first starts to tense. But realizing that Yuri means only to help, and his advice in matrial matters is...
  11. T

    OOC - [d20 Cthulhu - Fathers]

    Read the game thread so far. Looks interesting :) Tho it would sure be a lot easier on my eyes if the text wasn't colored. The red is fine, but the blue is almost impossible to read. man...I gotta get my character done so I can play. :)
  12. T

    [WoT Adventure] Turn 4

    Lord Tomas also appropriates a chain shirt and makes sure it is cleaned before use. Durring the discussion, he sits quietly, too annoyed at Jain, and the fact that the Guards wouldn't believe him until they spoke with Lila.
  13. T

    OOC - [d20 Cthulhu - Fathers]

    Geeze...start the game before I'm even half-done with my character. gah... :) oh well..I won't be posting til my character is done. I should get the rule book tomorrow..err..later today (Tuesday). I don't feel comfortable participating until I get a sence of my character's...
  14. T

    OOC - [d20 Cthulhu - Fathers]

    Alright...I'm dumping the psychic idea. The character I want to play jelled really well after I thought about his ability scores. And I printed a copy of the character sheed pda file off of the WOTC site. So that's helped me think of skills and such as I wait for the book. Here's amy basic...
  15. T

    [WoT Adventure] Turn 4

    Lord Tomas looks at Jain incredulously, his face starting to flush. The nerve of this commoner.. Impertinent commoner. Lord Tomas' eyes narrow and his brow knits together. His right hands grips the hilt of his sword hard enough to cause the knuckles to whiten. Lord Tomas seethes. His face...