Trophies awarded to TerraDave

  1. 40

    Shining light of the community

    You've got 1,000 positive reactions. People really like you!
  2. 30

    We love it!

    Content you have posted has attracted 500 positive reactions.
  3. 1

    Happy birthday!

    It's your birthday!
  4. 2

    Keep it up

    You're settling in well. 10 people have liked your contrubution!
  5. 5

    You're a regular

    You've really settled in. 500 posts! A true regular.
  6. 1

    You like it here

    10 posts. You didn't run away screaming!
  7. 2

    We've got five years, what a surprise

    Yeah, it's a Bowie quote. 10 points for lasting five years!
  8. 2

    Another year, another trophy

    Yep, you get a trophy for lasting two years!
  9. 10


    Thank you for supporting our community with a community supporter account!
  10. 5

    A real veteran

    You have 5,000 posts!
  11. 1


    You have an avatar! Now people know what you look like. At least, virtually.
  12. 5

    You've been here a decade!

    You've been an EN Worlder for 10 years!
  13. 2

    First anniversary

    You've been here a year!
  14. 20

    Can't get enough of your stuff

    Your content has been positively reacted to 250 times.
  15. 15

    Seriously likeable!

    Content you have posted has attracted a positive reaction score of 100.
  16. 10


    Your messages have been positively reacted to 25 times.
  17. 2

    Somebody likes you

    Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  18. 5


    1,000 messages? Impressive!
  19. 5

    Can't stop!

    You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!
  20. 5

    Keeps coming back

    30 messages posted. You must like it here!
  21. 1

    First message

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.