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Recent content by The Greene Knight

  1. The Greene Knight

    What is OSR about?

    The OSR? It's like porn. I know it when I see it. (Allusion to recent TARGA talks fully intended) ;)
  2. The Greene Knight

    Min/Max your Min/Max'ing

    Silly me. I used to use them to build you know... interesting characters to play. Not necessarily optimized characters. They were giving me ideas, inspiration to come up with new stuff. Guess I was doing it wrong. *shrug*
  3. The Greene Knight

    Can we go back to smaller books?

    Ptolus is a setting book, though, not a base rules set to run games. I feel that variety is best in terms of game settings: some short on text and sketchy in the details to let DMs do what they want with them with minimum efforts, others fully detailed and extensive for other DMs who want to...
  4. The Greene Knight

    10 Sourcebooks: Which Ones Should I Get?

    Chaositech and Eldritch Sorcery are sure bets.
  5. The Greene Knight

    What are you playing that is NOT D&D?

    Call of Cthulhu.
  6. The Greene Knight

    D&D with "alt film" stars: the WotC interview

    100% Agreed. It's a fascinating choice, in my opinion, for a spotlight, and a very good one at that. Not because of its supposed "shock value" or whatever else the prude would come up with, but because it acknowledges that yes, D&D players may come in all shapes and, well, sizes, so to speak. ;)
  7. The Greene Knight

    Are you using battlemats or similar visual representations in your games?

    Are you using battlemats, or tiles, or dry erase grids (with minis, counters, beans, et cetera) in your 4e D&D games?
  8. The Greene Knight

    D&D and Racial Essentialism

    I think the criticism would be more accurate if "races" in D&D depicted genetical and biological distinctions only, but this is not the case. "Races" in D&D also depict in their mechanical treatment upbringing, usual activities carried out by members of this species or that group of creatures...
  9. The Greene Knight

    Pathfinder 1E What project would you like Paizo to tacke next for Pathfinder?

    *nod* Sorry to say, but it's a "none of the above" for me too. I know I very well may be in the minority, here, but I do not want Pathfinder RPG to turn into yet another d20 game with zillions of rules supplements. I want to see good GM advice, good player advice, sourcebooks detailing...
  10. The Greene Knight

    Are you a fudging fudger?

    I do not alter dice results. I do, however, roll dice just to make noise behind my DM screen, sometimes. It's an old trick that helps build tension, excitement, anticipation, or divert the players attention at times. ;)
  11. The Greene Knight

    Edition wars...a GOOD thing? or if not, an APPROPRIATE thing?

    Everybody feels frustration at some point, and I think it's a right given to everybody and anybody to express it. The problem isn't that someone will not like this or that game and be vocal about it. The problem is when people feel the need to engage these frustrations with frustrations of...
  12. The Greene Knight

    What setting are you using?

    Not running PF right now, but I purchase PF products and fully intend to run it at some point. When I do, I will either run Ptolus or some homebrew built with PF in mind.
  13. The Greene Knight

    Pathfinder and 4e....and BALANCE.

    Rules' balance is just one of the elements that constitute practical, effective balance at the game table. In the end, it is the DM and players who ultimately make or break balance during the game.
  14. The Greene Knight

    What D&Disms have you never liked?

    *smiles* I share a similar feeling regarding most of the issues shared here. It makes me grasp all the more why I love the original game so much.