• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by thedearhunter

  1. thedearhunter

    New PC Race, The Sefry (need help)

    The Sefry Height – 5’2 – 6’5 Weight – 120 – 210 Scores – +2 Dex, +2 Cha Speed – 6 Languages – Common, Sefry, Choice of one other Skills – +2 Diplomacy, +2 Thievery, +2 Streetwise Nomad’s Sense – Roll twice for Diplomacy and Bluff checks Deciphering Ears – +5 to Insight when being bluffed or...
  2. thedearhunter

    The Evil Merchants of Venice

    ok, so first off this is not a campaign set in a shakespearean world ;) but next week im sending my players to a city in my world based on venice. I have a few adventures and canal related skill challenges in mind, but i was wondering if anyone has does anything like this or has advice. This...
  3. thedearhunter

    what makes for a great prison break?

    i would say that inciting or entering a riot can be really cool. It can give a chaos to encounters, or be the last step in the process in a prison break, drawing guards off, opening gates, etc.
  4. thedearhunter

    Running a more civilised game

    So im running a 4E game that started up not too long ago. The homebrew setting is a bit more civilised and developed than the core one presented, mostly in the form of nations having conquered almost all the wilderness. As such, im focusing on the cities in the game, and want them to see...
  5. thedearhunter

    Hit List

    Ive been doing things like this is my campaign recently. A sandbox approach allows them to pursue targets at their pace and leisure. Another cool thing i did was to give them a target, but they had no idea where within a city he was. They had to investigate, gain clues, etc, simply to find out...
  6. thedearhunter

    Cool Urban Sites

    Great! thanks a bunch, this is all incredibly helpful. This city (Padmir) is the largest city in the world, just over a million residents, so i can do whatever i want with it. I have a few big landmark bridges, an obsidian pyramid that floats over the city, and lots of different neighborhoods...
  7. thedearhunter

    Ah, the stupid things PCs do...

    Last session was one of the dumber things ive seen. The PC's were preparing to ambush a weapons shipment coming into a city. They set up on high bluffs flanking the road, and prepared the attack. As the heavily guarded convoy came through and the warden was about to drop a boulder down on them...
  8. thedearhunter

    Cool Urban Sites

    I'm running a heavily urban themed campaign, and have been trying to include as much diversity within cities as i can. Though now, im quickly running low on cool adventures within cities that are not just dungeons. I've used towers, arena's, ballroom's etc. Any Ideas?
  9. thedearhunter

    How do i keep NPC's around?

    I've recently started up my first campaign, and one issue thats presenting itself is that my NPC's aren't lasting beyond an encounter or two. I build all these great enemies, storywise as well, and then they die immediately, before any of that matters. Last session, the main villain escaped...
  10. thedearhunter

    Moral Gray Areas...

    My campaign features the PC's mostly working for a powerful crime family. As such, they end up doing some rather bad things...all the time. I hadn't really considered the possibilty that it would be a problem, but i was thinking it might be one if someone wants to be a righteous paladin or...
  11. thedearhunter

    Portal or Long journey?

    My characters are soon going to be in the largest metropolis in the world, far to the north along the main coast. soon after assassinating a councilman they must escape and going to a southern city built like venice. there is a portal that goes directly from city to city. My question is...
  12. thedearhunter

    First Campaign as a DM

    in terms of NPC's, i dont exactly want them to trust everyone. In fact, the first man to give them a job withholds critical info from them. I kinda like the feeling of tension and apprehension. the group is made of up pretty much experienced and good players so im not too worried about...
  13. thedearhunter

    First Campaign as a DM

    I am a first time DM and i need a bit of advice. i know the game well, been playing since 2005 and i love 4th edition. That said, i have only been a player, though ive wanted to DM. So now, ive created my own homebrew world, with extensive world info and detail, and i'm real excited to...