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Recent content by TheNinjaD

  1. T

    Creations for a Dark Sun Campaign

    Thanks for the info, I hadn't realized that. Anyway, that isn't terribly important to me since I had already planned on all encounters being tougher than the prescribed on-level encounter. I might bump some damage expressions up in the future, though. Hopefully they'll get the new...
  2. T

    Creations for a Dark Sun Campaign

    Thanks for the comment. Sorry it took me so long to reply. I don't think I'm going to have the PCs escape as much as be let out to help with a big, dramatic fight. They will be needed to turn the tables on a small flood of zombies. (I know it doesn't make sense stat-wise but it makes for a...
  3. T

    Creations for a Dark Sun Campaign

    A group of five slave catchers and six new salt zombies are up. The salt zombies are freshly posted this morning.
  4. T

    Do you hate wish-lists too?

    This is something that would have to be worked into your setting to make any sense at all. That said, as long as it was considered normal in the world, I think that this system is pretty cool, actually.
  5. T

    Creations for a Dark Sun Campaign

    I left the title somewhat vague with "creations" for a reason. Some of these will be monsters, others will be NPCs. All will be created with the Monster Builder. I am sharing these here for multiple reasons. None are more important than the others. Really, none are actually all that important...
  6. T

    Goblin Brawlers (four monsters, feedback appreciated)

    Starting out, I had wanted to make sure I had a variety of low-level goblins for my upcoming campaign. I also wanted to get back into the swing of making monster since I haven't played in a long time. I wanted to cover all, or at least most, roles. I had been thinking of the more as thugs (and...
  7. T

    Goblin Brawlers (four monsters, feedback appreciated)

    They're meant to be very basic. They're the first in what I expect to me a long line of creatures like this that I put together. I was also thinking that maybe some kind of additional power for the non-minions would be a good idea.
  8. T

    Goblin Brawlers (four monsters, feedback appreciated)

    Only the toughest of goblins could ever hope to become brawlers and only the most foolish would want to be. Strong but often dull-witted, brawlers are the goblin masters of unarmed combat. They use their feet and their fists to defeat their enemies or die trying (often it's the latter)...
  9. T

    Dark Sun! I have them!

    I really would have expected them to make an appearance. This surprises me.
  10. T

    Dark Sun! I have them!

    I'm sure there are a hundred questions I could ask, just like everyone else. They'll all be answered in time, though. For now, I just want to say thank you.
  11. T

    Fiery Dragon has Sword & Sorcery license?

    Please don't change Scarred Lands. Don't do to SL what Wizards of the Coast did to Forgotten Realms. Even though I know it is unlikely it will influence your plans, I feel it with mentioning that if you do remodel the setting, not only will I not buy any of those books you release but I will...
  12. T

    New Fighter Build: Shieldbearer

    I think +1 to AC and Reflex is worth more than +1 to attack.
  13. T

    Two new Standard Actions for versatility

    I don't like that you made both of these a link to the WotC forums. I would rather you just repost them here if you want to discuss them here. However, I think both of these are fine.
  14. T

    New Fighter Build: Shieldbearer

    I think a shield-focused fighter is a good idea. However, I think the bonuses you suggest are far too much.
  15. T

    4th Edition Swashbuckling!

    I haven't even given this a full once over but I assure you, I will. What I have seen so far is enough to say that I like the friendly, human way this is written. I wouldn't like it in a professional accessory but for a netbook I think it is just fine.