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Recent content by theskyfullofdust

  1. theskyfullofdust

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    Nice update. And good use of a Bag of Tricks. And, phew. For a minute there I thought the Emperor was going to get through.
  2. theskyfullofdust

    Last Few RPG Products you purchased?

    Yeah, it's good. Very useful for random city generation; quite innovative in its way; and a good example of nicely thought-out layout (always a bonus in a book, I find).
  3. theskyfullofdust

    Last Few RPG Products you purchased?

    Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird Fantasy RGP: Grindhouse Edition Vornheim: the Complete City Kit They're my most recent purchases.
  4. theskyfullofdust

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    FLICKER!! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Poor little guy, blown to bits by an exploding dragon. May he rest in pieces ;) Great update. You really know how to work an epic battle. Considering this is 3.5, how hard/time consuming is it to design these...
  5. theskyfullofdust

    D&D 4E Running player commentary on PCat's 4E Campaign - Paragon Tier

    It'll be interesting to see how the game play and your campaign develop in the Paragon tier. Looking forward to it.
  6. theskyfullofdust

    2011 PC Bodycount Thread

    No kills yet this year, although the last session almost had a TPK before they pulled it back. In the last months of 2010 I killed three off, one in only the second session, and two in a side-trek adventure that I fully expected them to walk through.
  7. theskyfullofdust

    Star wars - which version?

    I have fond memories of playing Star Wars with the old WEG versions, but I am also playing Star Wars now using the Saga system, and I love it. You can get copies of both from ebay, and I think you can still get the basic WEG rules free off the 'net.
  8. theskyfullofdust

    Star Wars d20 rpg

    By 3.5 do you mean Saga? If so, then MapTools is great and there is a whole bunch of stuff for it in the maptools forums. I use it myself every Monday night and it works wonderfully: might be frameworks for other versions too.
  9. theskyfullofdust

    What cool things are happening in your campaigns RIGHT NOW!

    In the session we played on Sunday (myself as DM) I ended up killing two of the party (eaten by ghasts), forced another two to flee, and captured one; and there was me thinking they'd walk through it... just goes to show that splitting the party is often a bad idea, especially when they are...
  10. theskyfullofdust

    What cool things are happening in your campaigns RIGHT NOW!

    In our co-DM'd campaign, the party are following various hooks: 1) investigating a sleeping sickness that seems linked to a corrupted sect of Moon Goddess clerics; possibly also linked to goblin slavers and some weird giant plant; 2) tracking down a cleric who was experimenting on were-folk...
  11. theskyfullofdust

    Your best Villain (or Nemesis) in Campaign Adventures

    My best recurring villain was in the old d6 West End Game Star Wars rpg; a dark force adept called Klattaz, who had his arm lobbed off by a failed jedi, and got revenge against the same character a few adventures later by lobbing off both the jedi's arms and then killing him. They never did...
  12. theskyfullofdust

    So, Dark Sun: It's officially out. What do you think of it?

    Question for those that have the books: how did they flavour the inclusion of the eldarin and dragonborn (who are Dray, yes?), and how did they not do the same for the tief's?
  13. theskyfullofdust

    Morrus gets married today!

    Congratulations! :)
  14. theskyfullofdust

    Suggestions for non-fantasy rpgs

    Thanks for the all the suggestions folks, really appreciate it.
  15. theskyfullofdust

    Suggestions for non-fantasy rpgs

    I was actually looking at the site yesterday, wondering if it would work. I like the idea of the FATE system, with Aspects and all that, but not too sure if my players would be up for it. Still, that's another one to add to the list to run past them. And I saw the game had won Gold, which is...