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Recent content by Trahnesi

  1. T

    The Doomed Bastards: Reckoning (story complete)

    I think Varo's is the coolest sacrifice of all. This feels like Sepulchrave's weird metaphysical stuff. Awesome work.
  2. T

    Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

    Getting it out of the way... My immovable rod is growing exponentially right now, IYKWIMAITYD.
  3. T

    Arcane Investigation Spells

    In my game, a large nasty creature teleported into a magic acadamy. After the creature was defeated, the NPC wizards are trying to learn what they can about how the creature got there and where it came from. What I'm trying to figure out is, what spells they would use for this. They do not...
  4. T

    Admit it. Who else did this?

    I was wondering if anyone else had done that. After all, they gave stats for everything in the keep, right? If it has stats, it can be killed, right? (Kinda like all those gods in Deities and Demigods that we killed...) My first game was as a player in KotB. My first character, who we...
  5. T

    Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

    Amelia? The girl with the creepy "undead are my friends" thing going on? Oh boy. If I was any of the people who messed with her in Dar Aego, I'd be worried (even though she already wiped most of them out.) Actually, If I was anybody in Dar Aego, I'd be worried. I can just see her getting...
  6. T

    Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

    Ah, the joys of divying the treasure. Did Fajitas allow you to keep any of it?
  7. T

    Shackled City Epic: "Vengeance" (story concluded)

    I'm curious - what makes Mindbite so nasty?
  8. T

    Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

    I'm not Fajitas, but I do remember one aspect of Kettenek burial customs we have been informed of. I remember them at one point needing to burn the bodies of the people they were traveling with in order to ensure that they did not rise again (I don't remember where this happened, but I'm...
  9. T

    Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

    Have I mentioned how much I like this story hour? How the story grips me, the writing draws me in, the characters are all compelling, and the world itself is fascinating? 'Cause if I haven't, I just thought I would. -Trahnesi
  10. T

    Secrets of the Halmae: My Players Keep Out

    Have two anti-arcane activists bust down the door with swords swinging. Ok, maybe not that - they'd get splattered by the archmages. But this is a great time for the anti-magic forces to attack - the biggest archmages are all in one spot! If you can get them, you're set! I'd have those folks...
  11. T

    Monthly Games

    Man, that's hard. I wish I could... Hey, you're in Minneapolis too? Hm....... Actually, I'm in a RW overload at the moment, but when they die down I'll be looking for more gaming action myself. 'Course, then I'd need to not crib so many ideas straight from ENWorld...
  12. T

    Defenders of Daybreak, The Early Years.

    Yeah, I can see it. Everything after this is anti-climactic. Besides, every entertainer knows that you want to leave them begging for more.
  13. T

    Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

    No need to apologize - I never expect anyone to read things online during the holiday vacation season. There are so many other fun things to be doing. I like the approach you've got with gods - the "in your face" style of many fantasy world gods hasn't ever worked for me. I'm probably going...
  14. T

    Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

    Lurker and reader here, coming out of lurking to say that I'm really enjoying the story hour. (I'm just upset that I'm caught up... now I have to wait for updates like everyone else.) Fajitas, I was wondering if you could answer a question regarding the religions in Halmae. You've said in the...
  15. T

    The Official Welcome Thread

    Greetings from a lurker, I've been lurking, reading story hours for a while now. (Hey! Update your story hours! You know who you are...) I'm a long time RPer, who actually isn't very familiar with d20 or 3.0/3.5. I'm familiar with 1st and 2nd edition (I still love the utter confusion which...