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Recent content by Treacherous_B

  1. T

    Core Handbook Errors Discussion

    I'm not sure if this is a joke or sarcasm or not, but no, it is not easier to say "a 1,000 cubic foot cube" than "a 10 foot cube".
  2. T

    Why are healing surges limited?

    I also have Asmor's back on this one - while roleplaying is (IMHO) the more-important factor of a game (vs. mechanics), using roleplaying to cover up holes/unbalances in the mechanics seems...sub-optimal. Also I feel it's necessary to point out that just because the idea of resting after an...
  3. T

    Do you like Warforged in your Forgotten Realms?

    Am I the only one who thinks the Warforged are kinda lame in general? I hear a lot of love for them, but I'm just not sold on 'em myself.
  4. T

    Daggers are AWESOME!

    If you have a friendly DM and want to rock some cheese, the "Twin Knife Fighter" feat from AEG's Feats is pretty good. And by "pretty" I mean "definitely" and by "good" I mean "too good".
  5. T

    Did any DM actually RUN the FR that way?

    It doesn't make any sense to me to remove the "uber-NPCs" from the world, because by doing so you make it seem as if only the party and evil-doers are allowed to reach "uber" status. And while some players might enjoy thinking their characters are so special that they're the only ones who can...
  6. T

    So what's gold gonna be for?

    Gold should be broken into two pieces: Gold and "Gold". Gold would be used for shininess factor (at the end of the dungeon is a chest filled with thousands of pieces of gold, and that sconce seems like it was put there -just- to make the spoils sparkle) and as something to hoard (for Dragons...
  7. T

    D&D 4E *** 4e Stats for Spined Devil ***

    It's possible the high stat bonuses are just normal ability/modifier + 1/2 level. In this case the Str., for example, is 19 (+4) + 6/2 (+3) = +7
  8. T

    monkey grip... is it worth it?

    Power Attack: always better for optimizing. Monkey Grip: sometimes better for character flavor. Example: The barbarian I was playing in my last campaign had Monkey Grip to go with his ancestral battleaxe (which was large). While he also had power attack, there's something to be said for the...
  9. T

    E6: The Game Inside D&D

    It IS a monk feat, after-all.
  10. T

    E6: The Game Inside D&D

    Oh I saw them, and they are good...but I was looking for something more powerful as a purchase in lieu of or as well as those.
  11. T

    E6: The Game Inside D&D

    My friend and fellow EN-World poster Asmor turned me on to the idea of E6, and I'm currently working on a campaign setting for it. I hadn't read anything about the concept on the boards before tonight (it's all awesome, btw) but had started working on what I called "pinnacle abilities" -...
  12. T

    Desperately Seeking Feat

    Thanks guys, Arcane Thesis was it.
  13. T

    Desperately Seeking Feat

    I tried to do the leg-work myself but apparently either overlooked it or simply can't read. Regardless, I'm having trouble finding the feat that I've heard so much about that lowers the level-increases of metamagic feats. There's the Practical Metamagic feat from Races of the Dragon, but I...
  14. T

    Do you think the ___ Orb line of spells are too powerful?

    I love the Orb spells, but since I'm a realist I voted "moderately overpowered". Perhaps it's just one experience with a bad GM, but the first few times you fight a critter with spell resistance so strong it's almost impossible/impossible to overcome, you start to appreciate being able to ignore...
  15. T

    [SWSE] Are Jedi just plain better than everyone else?

    Perhaps it's just me, but it seems like most people here are underestimating the block/deflect abilities' effectiveness at low levels. At level 3 we're talking an opposed roll where the Jedi is getting +6 over the opponent using these numbers: (1/2 character level +1, trained UTF +5, skill focus...