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Recent content by tundra_no_caps

  1. T

    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    I sometimes talk to her on MSN. Ahrta's player, that is.
  2. T

    Passing of Wizo Ka'yn

    Hm, I happened to read a random thread on gleemax, and someone's avatar was a "Goodbye Wizo Kayn", which led me to google, and eventually here. We haven't talked in 5-6 years, since a little after she became Ka'yn, and dropped Alice (that's how I called her), who was Silver_String's sister...
  3. T

    Gygax doesn't matter?

    Pawsplay, just so you'd know, there's a term called [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicalization>Medicalization[/URL], by defining Shilsen as suffering from a personality disorder you remove him and his feelings from accepted discussion, and mark them as "a medical issue", which is unfair...