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Recent content by TyrantLobe

  1. T

    GM looking for online players for Deadlands Reloaded one-shot

    I'm a low-to-moderate experienced GM looking to put together an online group to run a Deadlands Reloaded one-shot adventure, probably Coffin Rock. I've never run or played a Savage Worlds game before, and am very interested in giving it a try. I'd like to put together a weekly group for...
  2. T

    Player looking for online or in-person Star Wars Saga Edition game

    Hey all. I'm looking to play some Star Wars Saga Edition, either in-person (Burlington, VT area) or using some type of online tool (Skype, Goolge+, MapTools, etc.) If anyone has a game going and wants a mature player to join their group, let me know. Thanks!
  3. T

    Best place to find a play group?

    Hmmm, missed the enworld forum. Thanks very much!
  4. T

    Best place to find a play group?

    I'm looking to possibly hook up with a play group, either locally (Vermont) for in-person play or online. Where's the best place to find groups that are looking for players? Thanks.
  5. T

    Choosing a Star Wars game

    Any in particular you're aware of to be careful with?
  6. T

    Choosing a Star Wars game

    I've wondered a few times how the Chase rules would work with a lightsaber battle. The Darth Maul vs. Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon fight seems like it would fit perfectly.
  7. T

    Choosing a Star Wars game

    Hahahahahaha. Awesome.
  8. T

    Choosing a Star Wars game

    Here's a question specific question about Savage Worlds: How well could it handle lightsaber duels? I'm not looking to have 20 round duels, but they should also be dramatic and last longer than 2 rounds.
  9. T

    Choosing a Star Wars game

    That could be a problem, then. The Clone Wars would definitely have Jedi as an option, with adversaries involving Dark Jedi or Sith at times. Dark Times wouldn't really have Jedi. Legacy era could have Jedi, again with Sith as probable antagonists.
  10. T

    Choosing a Star Wars game

    Honestly, I'm not sure yet. I've sort of envisioned an arc of 3 campaigns through different eras, each with a different feel. I guess I'm trying to pick a ruleset that can cover all of them. Clone Wars era - Military themed camaign. Squads, large-ish battles, clone troopers, etc. Dark Times...
  11. T

    Choosing a Star Wars game

    Would it be worth it to combine the d6 Star Wars rules with generic D6 Space rules? Would this improve the experience for Jedi? I'm not against the defense progression as long as lower-level enemies, such as stormtroopers can still be a threat. It's not Star Wars if stormtroopers aren't a...
  12. T

    Choosing a Star Wars game

    I've played enough variants of d20 that it made me start to search for other systems, hence Savage Worlds. I actually have done a ton of work to convert Star Wars to Savage Worlds. I've used existing conversions and d20/SWSE and altered them quite a bit. I think it's turned out pretty well...
  13. T

    Choosing a Star Wars game

    For the past couple of months I've had a major itch to run a Star Wars game. I've done some research on a few systems, and I'm now having some issues picking one to use. I've listed some observations (and concerns) about the systems I've looked at. I'd be greatful for any well conceived and...
  14. T

    Looking for new RPG

    Wow. Thanks everyone. Fantastic responses. Looks like I have some researching to do! Thanks again!
  15. T

    Looking for new RPG

    This is likely going to sound dumb, but what's OSR?