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Recent content by Tyrrell

  1. Tyrrell

    What's your favorite spellcasting system?

    I really prefer Ars Magica (especially fifth edition) to everything else I've ever been exposed to. What it does better than any other game is personalize the magic of an individual character. The five verbs and ten nouns are only one factor, there are also the character's natural proclivities...
  2. Tyrrell

    Summoning a specific Balor

    Thanks for the replies. My thought was that If I shoved the fellow on to the negative material plane he'd be obliterated rather than merely slain so I wouldn't need to worry about him any more. Is this thinking in agreement with the default D&D cosmology or will throwing the Balor to the...
  3. Tyrrell

    Summoning a specific Balor

    Wednesday night my character's party encountered a Balor , a Balor with extra hit dice, better SR, quickened spell like ability: blasphemy, and probably a few other neat tricks that we didn't get to see. It was there to deliver a message to the party. My (chaotic) character, not one to give...
  4. Tyrrell

    [Ars Magica - 5E] How do the rules play?

    The magi are not newcessarily squishy. In fact,, if you choose to dive in to the suppliments, the Flambeau School of Ramius specifically centers around buffing Magi to be martial monsters. (Although most magi have the self preservation instinct to research the spells at range touch and then let...
  5. Tyrrell

    Spells for wars and battles

    In a third edition game when our characters knew that a battle was to take place the next day(we were attacking), my wizard rested early and in the several hours prior to the attack used (IIRC) all 50 charges of a wand of Rary's Mnemonic enhancer to prep an absurd quantity of third level spells.
  6. Tyrrell

    Ability Scores and game playability.

    Shadowrun has six (plus some derived ones such as essence, magic and reaction, well magic is a real stat in fourth edition) Ars Magica has eight (which in first-third editions were grouped into four pairs but aren't grouped in fourth or fifth edition
  7. Tyrrell

    Why no plate for fighters?

    I'm just starting to look through my shiny new 4th ed players handbook and I noticed that Fighters are not proficient with plate armor. Why is this , it's a break in theme from previous editions? Is there a mechanics reason to justify it? (Is there a search feature on these boards for those...
  8. Tyrrell

    D&D 4E 4E Roles of The X-men and Other Companies

    Real Man: Defender Real roleplayer: Leader Munchkin: Striker Looney: Controler
  9. Tyrrell

    How do fans of OTHER RPGs handle new editions?

    In general they react the same way as D&D fans but less vociferously. Lots of other games have updated more frequently than D&D. Happily, sometimes the reaction really does depend on the quality of the new edition. Fifth edition Ars Magica was received extremely well. Third edition Ars...
  10. Tyrrell

    Medieval European influence

    Have you considered Pendragon or Ars Magica for your game?
  11. Tyrrell

    exit wounds enchantment + feats

    Exit wounds is a weapon enchantment from complete warriior Penetrating shot is a feat from Player's Handbook II and Woodland archer is a tactical feat from Races of the wild
  12. Tyrrell

    exit wounds enchantment + feats

    A bow of exit wounds does an extra 1d6 damage and attacks targets behind the original target with a penalty of -4 to the original die roll per target (_4 for the first -8 for the second and so on) How does this enchantment interact with woodland archer. Where if a target is missed during a...
  13. Tyrrell

    Can You Flank With a Ranged Weapon?

    There is also the Arrowmind ranger spell in the spell compendium (My ranger has been using this one like crazy)
  14. Tyrrell

    help me make a melee monster monk

    While I don't disagree with anything that you have all offered in an attempt to be helpful, the majority of it is not going to be usefull to my situation. My fellow player has a sixth level character that he enjoys playing outside of combat very much. However he is frustrated by the...
  15. Tyrrell

    help me make a melee monster monk

    hmm i don't think that anyone in our group has access to that yet. Would that be more powerful in melee than the fighter build I posted? In addition to full BaB and d10 hitpoints the feats of the fighter build I posted provide +4 to hit and +8 damage, free attacks with cleave and defensive...