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Recent content by usdmw

  1. U

    new CoC player/DM here

    Visit Yog-Sothoth - YSDC Front Page. It's devoted to CoC. Even better, the yoggies record their CoC games and make them available for download. Some of them are reserved for (paying) patrons, but many are available freely.
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    AD&D: There and Back Again - a Role-Player's Tale

    Lumin - I would be curious if anyone on Dragonsfoot.org (a site primarily devoted to AD&D 1e and other vintage games) would actually agree with you. As some of the writers for AD&D occasionally visit that sight, you might, perhaps, take their positions more seriously. I've been playing AD&D...
  3. U

    Looking for RPG Podcasts- Live Play

    RPGMP3 - Dungeon ON! - hundreds of hours, of various games Yog-Sothoth - YSDC Front Page - hundreds of hours, mostly Call of Cthulhu Thursday Knights - long 4e sessions. They also webcast live sessions Robertson Games - od&d adventures, 4e adventures, homebrewed ols west adventures...
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    First Impressions from the Savage Worlds Test-Drive

    Heh. You're right about all damage rolls being able to Ace (SWEX 74). The really odd thing is I thought that was the rule all along, and then I thought I found an explicit statement in the rules otherwise. Apparently, I must have imagined that statement, however. Dementia I suppose... Lots of...
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    First Impressions from the Savage Worlds Test-Drive

    Recent convert to SW from a variety of other systems. While not as precise as GURPS or robust as HERO, SWEX is a very nice, simple universal system. While it might not be the BEST choice for a given genre, it is a good choice for nearly any genre. Oh, one small correction: damage dice don't...
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    How much prep do I need for a sandbox?

    Sandbox campaigns can be approached in two very different ways: (1) The world is highly detailed. Characters can simply head out in any direction they like, and they will "discover" the world as it is. Whether the world machine operates while the characters aren't looking is a matter of taste...
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    On the matter of half-orcs

    This will be my last post on this matter. It is clear that to some people rape is such an emotionally-charged issue that they can not, will not, tolerate its presence in their game reality, even in subtext. This is perhaps because rape has more resonance to them than murder or other acts of...
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    On the matter of half-orcs

    I can understand WHY wotc might wish to sanitize parts of the game for a younger crowd. What I don't understand is why players should feel enobled that such a measure has been enacted. D&D has always been a game for adults, playable by children. If it has now become a game for children, playable...
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    On the matter of half-orcs

    I teach a course in creative writing, and I find the idea that adults cannot or should not deal with the most unpleasant aspects of human evil to be deeply patronizing. D&D is a game, but it is a game that represents a SORT of reality, if not reality itself. A reality without abuse or violence...
  10. U

    Non-WoD vampire games?

    Re: Gurps. GURPS actually released licensed versions of Vampire: the Masquerade, Mage: the Ascenscion, and Werewolf: the Apocalypse. They're oop, but easy to find. They were written for gurps, 3rd edition. There was also a 2-part vampire adventure in Pyramid magazine "tervel's haven." At one...
  11. U

    Testing The Correlation Between Class Preference And 4E Love/Hate

    Hate 4e. Have played all earlier editions, excluding od&d. Almost always play a fighter, generally an archer if the edition supports weapon focus.
  12. U

    WotC acknowledges 4th Edition Not for Everyone?

    True, but C&T is a 2nd ed book. Also, in 2nd ed all combat movement is assumed 1" = 10 feet, a change from 1st ed where 1" = 10 yards outdoors.
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    WotC acknowledges 4th Edition Not for Everyone?

    In discussing scale in 1e ad&d you are both right. Movement rates and missile ranges are given in a scale of 1" = 10 feet indoors or 10 yards outdoors. In the rules for using miniatures. a scale of 1" = 3 1/3 feet is given.
  14. U

    Book Covers?

    You're probably referring to Dragonskins from Chessex. I have a ton of them. I think Chessex MIGHT have some for sale (they did 2 years ago), but you'd probably have to call and ask. They can also be found on ebay, and through merchants like nobleknight.com. David W
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    Hello and A Question

    If you think you MIGHT like true20, I suggest you give that a chance. It has a very good bestiary, with all of the must-have fantasy creatures present. While there are only 3 'classes', each is very highly customizable with feats. Also multi-classing provides more flexibility. As each class...