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Recent content by Whitemage Bishieboy

  1. W

    Caster and Non-Casters

    A) There is a game where god wizard is explicitly how it rolls, it is called ars magicka, look into it. B) Every time i remotely see something like this i have a single question to ask, have you people never bloody read mythology? Like, at all? Beowulf a perfectly normal non-demigod fighter...
  2. W

    Are Giants Overpowered?

    CR is based on a party of PCs,one which includes one tank,one divine caster,one arcane caster and one rogue.with no deviation.change that and the dynamics of CRs change.the giant is balenced on the fact the pcs will let the mage sit back and yell fireball till it dies.the fighter is balenced...
  3. W

    Explain this!

    1.game balence 1a.as stated,armor doesnt really make you harder to hit it makes you harder to DAMEGE,the D&D system is just because its simple(oD&D) or because its tradition(3E) 2.because feats are worthless damnit,thats why!fighters need special feats or theyd be worse than they are now...
  4. W

    Spellcaster base class - divine or arcane?

    dont use generic classes if theres a diffrence its THAT SIMPLE.if my necromancer wants to learn slay living or harm whats to stop him.
  5. W

    Feat: First Strike

    which is part of ready action automaticlly and dosent require a feat.
  6. W

    have any of you changed the toughness feat?

    i house ruled it to provide hp=to fort save,and made it a prereq for improved toughness. actully a funny thing about this,it proves that either A.con is underpowered B.improved toughness is broke and should always be taken. con improves 2 things and 1 skill,compare that to ANY OTHER...
  7. W

    Would the Paladin and the Ranger be unbalanced if..

    sorta like the cleric.and well isnt the paladin a fighter too? or do you mean the fighter CLASS,for cheeses sake ROGUES outshine them in combat. anywho i use caster level=level,i dont find it too strong.it just means that divine favor is a useable paladin buff and hes not AS bad at...
  8. W

    [RANT] Small creatures, phatoooey

    its simple,small size is for pcs.if humans had reach over halflings it would be too unbalenceing.and as a fantasy GAME,realism < playability.realisticly there would be a diffrence between a 5ft. and 4ft. reach,way too many problems.
  9. W

    Trying to make a game harsh, care to input?

    quick leaf,some advice.remember KISS,any action that as its basis requires more than a few moments figureing it out should be scrapped.your magic system is far too complex. onto the orginal poster,i suggest running call of cthulu or modern if you dont want powerful magic.without magic and...
  10. W

    Resurrection Survival Returns!

    now heres a topic i understand. back in the days of 2E charecter death was actully pretty rare,i give one sole reason.save or dies.yes they existed in 2E on the other hand by the time you got them every one saved on a "2".thus no one wasted there time. in 3e every round is a barrage of save or...
  11. W

    Must we use Int to modify skill points?

    in real life there are multible types of intelligence.in D&D there is one.the general meaning of intelligence is ability to learn.thus logiclly an all around smarter person would be defualt understand how to do things easier. nitpick,repair and such are mental skills.i dont think a stuipid...
  12. W

    Vow of Poverty: Power Analysis

    everyone has made so many good points and i doubt vow of poverty is "broken" in a standard wealth game.on the other hand i believe it has many mechanical problems in "non-standard" games. any caimpaign where the gm uses rust monsters,mords disjunction and the like without future compensation it...
  13. W

    Psicrowns = Improved Dorjes?

    crowns?overpriced?hardly first there more versitile than wands for the same price,but thats not the big factor.check out the rules on power point storage devices,then youll understand why there awesome. :cool:
  14. W

    Life-Keeping & Revivify -- Changing the Face Returning From the Dead

    i agree with the hard to bring back the dead if the soul has departed,but i use a 15minute timer. i dislike exp components on raises personally it costs the deader exp anyways and what if you havent had any sessions since the last level up,no one can be brought back? raise dead in my caimpaign...
  15. W

    Gestalt Characters from a DM point of View

    the combos to worry about. monk/druid-the monks flurry,wis bonus to AC,higher attack damege and a druids wild shape and spells.oh they both use wisdom to uberness too. monk/cleric-almost as good as above those are the only truly broke ones.just expect every charecter to be a full caster.