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Recent content by wraith8

  1. W


    It's this talk that confuses me. So if i understand this right, you cast it. Anyone hit with it is auto slowed. they then get a save to stay awake, if they fail they fall asleep. next turn they get a save to unslow/wake up.
  2. W


    I just got the players handbook, and boy is it a mess. Anyhow, i noticed a bunch of people saying sleep is rather powerful, but I'm extremely confused. My understanding of how it works is: Opp makes 1 save, if he fails he's slowed. If he fails the save, then he has to attempt a 2nd save to...
  3. W

    Black Pudding Questions

    An interesting question is, what happens if a character uses shapechange , what happens when he splits? Is he alive? Is it like the psionic power fission? What happens?
  4. W

    Guess the LA!

    I'll give all (including wht i haven't revealed) the stats in a single post later..... But yeah, the la is way too low....
  5. W

    Guess the LA!

    Negligable, 5 natural armor..... Also, it has immunity to mind affecting and polymorphing effects.
  6. W

    Guess the LA!

    1d6 damage for each of the 9 claw attacks, 2d6 for each of the 3 bite attacks. Note, of the 9 claw attacks, 3 are ruled as primary weapons, the other 3 and the 3 bites are secondary weapons. Coincidentally, the description allows for the creature to wield instead of the 9 claws 6 medium size...
  7. W

    Guess the LA!

    Fine fine i'll give the rest it has evasion as an ability. Three heads, 6 arms and it comes with nine claw attacks and 3 bite attacks. Regeneration 2, it only takes lethal damage from lawful attacks and spells. And it has the abiltiy to create hex portals, portals that move 20' per turn...
  8. W

    Guess the LA!

    This might be it, this might be just a fraction.....
  9. W

    Guess the LA!

    Now to further describe the creature. OK, they're cleric hd. Size is large.... The creature has automatically evaision, is immune to polymorphing and mind affecting abilities. Furthermore, it has 3.0 haste..... (Note it has an la....)
  10. W

    Guess the LA!

    Note, don't actually look this up. That would spoil the fun. Here is a clip from a creature converted into 3.5 in a conversion download from the website. 4d8 hit dice 10' land movement, 40' perfect flight +8 Str, +10 Dex, +10 Con, +8 Int, +8 Wis, +10 Cha DR 10/cold iron OK, so from this...
  11. W

    2 Gestalt players

    The trick to making challenges harder is to A. Give monsters full hp. B. give harder monsters including big ones important to the campaign double hp including con. This will mean he'll actually be hard. Also, have your main bad guy be gestalt as well!
  12. W

    2 Gestalt players

    Gestalt characters need to be built correctly, but when they are they're f'in invincible. For example, i built a combo of a 13th level dwarf gestalt right? He starts rogue fighter, and dips one into exotic weapon master for flurry of strikes (I'm using a dwarven urgrosh), and taken 4 levels of...
  13. W

    Wilders and metamagic cap.

    I know the cap on the amount of points you can spend on a power = your manifester level. When a wilder wildsurges, can he use his wildsurged manifester level instead of his normal one? I.e, 12th level wilder, with wildsurge makes a cl16 disintegrate, can he wildsurge then apply maximize (+4 to...
  14. W

    Spell: Alter Self

    Incidentally, at high levels this spell can be useful too. It DOES NOT cause any penalites or bonuses when changing size. So if you're affected by righteous might or enlarge person, you can alter form to....yourself and appear to be the same size as normal, while still benefitting from the dr...
  15. W

    Sense motive vs invisible blade for raging and frenzying, does it work?

    I have a frenzied berzerker/Bear Warrior. I face an invisible blade who feints then attacks. My friend argues, "Since i'm frenzying and raging, I cannot use sense motive (int) to detect his feint" I argue: "Sure it isn't mentioned in the rage descripion like intimidate is, but since i'm adding...