Recent content by WRKSGames

  1. WRKSGames

    Kickstarter [WRKS Games] Free tabletop game giveaway as part of our crowdfunding campaign

    Good morning community! As part of our ongoing campaign to launch a 5E version of our Jordenheim flagship RPG setting, we are going to be giving away back catalog games to backers. The details are here: Jordenheim Core Rule Book - Second Edition (5E) by WRKS Games - Announcement: Free Campaign...
  2. WRKSGames

    Kickstarter The Viking themed Jordenheim RPG comes to D&D 5E on GameFound

    Good morning gamers! Our campaign to take our popular indie RPG Jordenheim to the D&D 5E fanbase is now live on GameFound. We encourage you to come check it out and be part of this next phase of the evolution of the Jordenheim universe with us. Jordenheim Core Rule Book - Second Edition (5E)...
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  4. WRKSGames

    Release [WRKS Games] The Katana-Ra Core Rule Book, is now available as Print on Demand on DriveThruRPG.

    Afternoony peeps! Our original Katana-Ra Core Rule Book, fusing Japanese myth and lore into a unique Cyberpunk setting, is now on DriveThru as print-on-demand as well as digital. We hit the Copper Best Seller list on DriveThru within 3 weeks of release - and have now set up POD on DriveThru as...
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  6. WRKSGames

    Indie Publishers, what are you working on for 2023?

    Well, we have several things cooking in our world. Up first, the Katana-Ra Core Rule Book - is available now. After that, we taking a dive back into our Jordenheim setting for a D&D 3.5 conversion and a campaign setting expansion! The Katana-Ra Core Rule Book The Jordenheim 5E Conversion Here...
  7. WRKSGames

    Kickstarter The Jordenheim Viking RPG comes to D&D 5E

    Good morrow gamers! Our very popular original RPG setting Jordenheim is getting a port to D&D 5E this year (provided we see a good demand for that sort of thing). We are doing the crowdfunding on GameFound rather than Kickstarter, for lots of reasons including better backer management and...