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Recent content by Xaemoon

  1. X

    [D&D 4E] Online Group Looking for Players

    Full. Thank you to everyone who applied. It was a tough decision!
  2. X

    [D&D 4E] Online Group Looking for Players

    Leader slot filled. Still looking for a defender or controller!
  3. X

    [D&D 4E] Online Group Looking for Players

    Hello! I'm the DM in a group that consists of 3 players and myself. The game is played primarily on Friday nights at 8pm EST (GMT-5) but occasionally is held on Saturday nights at the same time. We use Maptool and Skype. The group is currently level 1 and has just arrived in the town of...
  4. X

    Online 4E D&D Dark Sun Campaign (FULL)

    Thanks for your interest. If you could please PM me a character concept I will gladly review it and discuss the details with you as per my instructions in the above thread. There are a few applications so far but I haven't made any final decisions yet. I should stress that roleplay is very...
  5. X

    MapTool 4E Gamma World Campaign (Seeking 1 player)

    Hello! I'm planning an up-and-coming Gamma World campaign to be played in MapTool. We will be playing twice a week: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5pm EST, with session length typically lasting 3 hours. If you can consistently make these play times, I'd like to hear from you. You don't need to...
  6. X

    Online 4E D&D Dark Sun Campaign (FULL)

    Bump (Old thread I've just edited with new info. See above.)
  7. X

    Online 4E D&D Dark Sun Campaign (FULL)

    A player slot has opened up, and the details have been changed in the above ad. Thank you!
  8. X

    Online 4E D&D Dark Sun Campaign (FULL)

    This campaign is now full. Thank you to everyone who applied! If Dark Sun isn't your thing, or you can't make the scheduled play time for this group, you may be interested in my Gamma World campaign. You can find that thread here: Gamma World Introduction My name is Daniel and I DM an online...