Recent content by Zer0Fox

  1. Z

    D&D 5E Anybody else a bit disappointed by the underwhelming selection of Godly Domains?

    I can agree with this as well. Having a single Domain cover Air, Water, Lightning, etc is a bit much. Followers of Zeus and Poseidon shouldn't be drawing from the same bag of tricks. You might want to look back at the 3.5 Shugenja from Complete Divine for some inspiration, he was a base class...
  2. Z

    D&D 5E Anybody else a bit disappointed by the underwhelming selection of Godly Domains?

    With the addition of Magic and Death, that covers most of the glaring holes I first encountered, though it'd be hard to have any god from the Norse Pantheon without having the Law and Chaos domains. Or the Egyptian Pantheon for that matter, they are all about the Maat. You can try and lump law...
  3. Z

    D&D 5E Where does optimizing end and min-maxing begin? And is min-maxing a bad thing?

    For me, as a DM or Player, I like at least one negative stat on a character. Every character shouldn't be able to do everything the best. That being said, as long as the negatives are played, it's just a character. I have had great fun in both playing a very low Int character (a halfling...
  4. Z

    D&D 5E Anybody else a bit disappointed by the underwhelming selection of Godly Domains?

    From a Cleric standpoint that makes a little sense, but from a Pantheon viewpoint, it is still super restrictive. And Like you said, Wizard still had more, so I don't think class balance would have been skewed. Regardless, it is what it is. I think I'll dust off my 3.5 and work out the one or...
  5. Z

    D&D 5E Anybody else a bit disappointed by the underwhelming selection of Godly Domains?

    Interesting, I'll have to check those out. Thanks for the replies. I hadn't heard about a rules expansion book coming out yet, but that sounds like something to look forward to. Thanks again guys.
  6. Z

    D&D 5E Anybody else a bit disappointed by the underwhelming selection of Godly Domains?

    I'm a longtime D&D player, I've mostly played/run 3.5 and Pathfinder with some AD&D and a tiny bit of 4th, but recently picked up the books for 5th Edition. On the whole, I really like it. It seems more story driven and I really like almost everything I'm finding in it. That being said, when I...