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Scions of the New World:Scene One-Gertle's Gulch...


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Zadkiel curses as his bolt misses its mark and he quickly sets to getting another bolt ready. He hisses at The Boys, "Good shots! Seems like we got the drop on them. Keep your eyes peeled. And if I say get down - do it." Making a quick glance around where he, The Boys and Lupe are crouched. "Thanks for keeping guard with us, Lupe." He spares a rare grin for the wolf.

The winged Marshall's eyes dart around the rocky bowl... Come on... where are you... He's closely watching the entrances of the other buildings and the mine. He grits his teeth as Brahnz and Semm tear into their foes. Scions...what are we? Why now? His wings tremble and he waits. Tzzect... okay. Mantis... steady.Zadkiel waits for an Orc or something worse to present itself as a target. He keeps a watch on the others, making sure they're still in earshot of his voice. Can't let them get too far afield. He gets ready to move if they start to get too far away.

OOC: Holding.

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First Post
OOC: damn I thought Tzzect was going to check out the situation first..oh well

Hearing the charge of the rest of the party, the bug-like Tzecct moves quickly around and down the hill coming up behind the other building, quickly scampering up to the roof staying low as possible drawing a bead on the nearest Orc that is distracted by the others..

OOC: trying to get a flank shot at any orc availible while on roof.


Living EN World Judge
Round One

Brahnz <18> stabs at the Orc in front of her, impaling it and killing it.

Stepping forth from the dark confines of the cave, a tall black-skinned man dressed in dark blue scale armor. He grins a wickedly toothed smile and moves to within 15 feet of Brahnz and mantis, unleashing a Gift of vibrantly clashing colors at the pair.
Brahnz is unaffected, avaerting her eyes in time to avoid the effect. Mantis, however, his optical nerves overcome and his head stunned into inactivity. He falls to the ground, twitching.
<Color Spray, Mantis Stunned anf Blinded for 2 rounds>
The man speaks,adressing Brahnz: 'Well,Sister, what a pleasant suprise. It has been so long since I last killed another of my kind...'

Wallam <17> shoots a rock through the window that his brother had fired through, missing any sort of moving target.

2 Orcs rush out of the cave, moving past the Scion and right at Semm,frothing and Raging. To the horror of those watching, both hit
<a '20',no crit confirmation, and another high roll that hits AC23 with charge and rage...12 and 8HP, 20 HP total>. Semm is sorely hurt, though he retains his feet.

Lupe <13> (holding on Guard with the two boys)

Semm <11> laughs an animalistic growl as he grabs an Orc <12HP,dead>, ripping it's arm from it's body. His other massive arm snakes out and rips across the second orc's chest, spraying blood across the porch of the building, another dead Orc dropping at his feet.

Whistler <10> fires his crossbow at one of the Orcs, missing.

An Orc charges out from the Forge, missing Brahnz with his Hammer.

An Orc charges out from the southern building (with an arrow in his side), missing Semm with his morningstar.

Tzzarcct 8 (Sorry, rolled a '3') finds himself on the roof, and looking right down at the Scion. Taking his shot, he tries to plug this upstart in the throat, though he hisses a curse as his shot goes astray, causing the Enemy to laugh a gutteral laugh.

Mantis <8> (Er, a '4' for you...um...) Lays on the ground...< 1 round of Stun lessened>.

Derry <3> fires an arrowe at one of the Orcs besetting Semm, hitting it <3 HP> in the leg, though not dropping it.

Edit:Velenne,Ignore the two Orcs closest to the mine's opening, they are dead.
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Living EN World Judge
Map as of the end of Round Two...


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Living EN World Judge
Brahnz's Lightning archs out, smashing into the Enemy Scion. When the smoke clears, he stands there still, smoking and fuming <26HP...Ouch.He missed his save by 1, but I rolled several "1''s, sorry>.

The Enemy says through charred teeth 'Well, little Sister, impressive, but not as much as this, I think...' The Scion then once more assails Brahnz with the Color Spray, this time she falls <Stunned and Blinded for 3 rounds>.

Wallam fires a rock at the Scion <1HP>, smacking him in the arm. The man looks to the child and lickshis lips with a long,red tongue as he draws a bastard sword from the scabbard across his back.
In alarm, Wallam yells Go save her, Boy!' at Lupe.

The Wolf, fighting his instinct to obey Brahnz, yet seeing his packmates fall, launches from the hill, barrelling down and into the Scion, though he fails to damage him.

OoC:I felt that Lupe wasn't going to take Brahnz going down lightly and made him take a Will Check, he failed the DC 15 with a '4'>.

Semm is up again, with an Orc facing him, another across the way standing over a now fallen Brahnz and the Scion having now downed two of his Comrades.
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Registered User
Time draws out and compresses, moments flashing into moments. Scion. Zadkiel's eyes narrow dangerously as he straightens from his crouch, sun flickering across his badge, "Stay here." he grates at the boys.

It is not a request.

Zadkiel skims down the rocky scree as quikly steadily, wings and cloak flaring with the wind of motion. Semm is savaged. Mantis and Brahnz downed through some accursed Gift. It is no wonder that people fear us.

Firing as he moves steadily down the slope he closes with the Scion. Easy does it. Give him something new to worry about. Halfway down the slope he hears Wallam's cry and he clenches his teeth as the Scion's eyes seek out the child. Dammit.

The Gifts of the Old Ones clamor in his chest - they seek release. His eyes blaze with the power and he addresses The Enemy, "Stand down. This'll go better for you if you come quiet like."

OOC: Diplomacy +13


Semm's mind wars with itself once more, caught between the Man who wants to hear Whistler and the Animal facing an orc. In the end, the sweet smell of blood and the sudden rush of violence sway the tide.

The Animal reaches forward with both hands and seizes the orc by the sides of his head. It's enormous muscles wrench the creature's neck around, claws digging into its soft skull and streching skin to the point of tearing. If this does not kill the puny orc, it will at least leave an impression. Finished with the little green piggy, Semm turns to the Scion and approaches slowly...

OOC: Don't forget Semm is Large and has reach. Orcs who approach him draw AofO's when moving through his 10' threatened area. This round is a single attack on the orc, then move toward the Scion.


Living EN World Judge
Velenne:The Orc moved (Charged) into your space, not through.


Semm lifts the little Orc up, all 250 pounds of him and twists, hearing the popping of bones and the ripping of inner tissue. <Dead Orc> The Orc falls lifeless at his feet. Then, Semm moves closer to the Scion, blood splattering his
footsteps, so covered in gore is he.

Whistler moves down the slope, firing <hit, 8HP>, the bolt hitting the man dead on in the chest. The Scion lets out a snarl as he is struck, as well as staggering a step. The Scion gives no sign of response to Whistler's damands.

The Orc that stood over Brahnz tries to smash her, though his blow rebounds off of her armor <My orcs suck...>.

Tzzarcct is up...


First Post
Well, this is not quite the way I thought this would go....Seeing his comrades and brother fall to this Black Scion, Tzzecct pulls back on his bow for another shot, releasing at the large beings side...

Voidrunner's Codex

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