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A Dark and Stromy Knight


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If the Bugbear continues to converse with Mardocan then both Tamsin and Grundan will stand down until the conversation is complete.

Else they will both rush to the door of the room and ready an attack. Grundan with his axe and Tamsin with her sword and dagger.

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Initiative for combat:
(20) Mardocan
(20) Tamsin
(12) Bugbear#3
(10) Grundan
(05) Tika

Mardocan notices another 3 bugbears in the shadows – they don’t look friendly – and advances to the door ready for combat.

Seeing Mardocan’s reaction Tamsin follows suit and advances to the door ready to attack.

The bugbear curses under his breath as he is seen and provokes a slap against the head from another bugbear for his clumsiness.

Grundan raises his (now favourite) axe and takes advances next to Tamsin.

Tika readies her weapons for an attack.


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Mardocan is going to move effectively 1 square west and 2 sqauers south and ready an attack with his spiked chain.

Tika is going to raise her mace and shield and move effectively 1 square east and 4 squares south stopping where Tamsin was standing and either attack a bugbear if one is in range or ready an attack.


First Post
Tamsin will move one square south east so as to give Tika more space to move and ready a sneak attack (Mardocan’s current position and weapon reach allows her a sneak attack and flanking …… I think).

Grundan will stand his ground with his axe. If no enemies move within attacking distance he will draw his bow and fire an arrow at the nearest one.


First Post
Initiative for combat:
(20) Mardocan
(20) Tamsin
(15) Bugbear#2
(13) Bugbear#1
(12) Bugbear#3
(10) Grundan
(05) Tika
(04) Bugbear#4

Noticing the bugbears’ javelins, Mardocan steps out of danger and waits for the bugbears to advance.

Tamsin also ducks out of sight with her back against the wall, peaking ever so slightly around the corner.

Bugbear#2 throws his javelin (modified ranged attack roll of 16 vs. AC14; a hit doing 5HP damage). The big barbarian makes an easy target as the javelin hits Grundan. The bugbear then draws his morningstar and charges into battle (AOO attack roll of 2 + 3 = 5 vs. AC17; a miss) raising his shield just in time to avoid Mardocan’s chain.

Bugbear#1 shouts something (Mardocan’s not sure if he heard right but it sounded like “we’re not supposed to kill them!”) before throwing his javelin (modified ranged attack roll of 15 vs. AC17; a miss) but Tika ducks behind her shield as the weapon bounces off it. The bugbear then also draws his morningstar and charges into battle.

Bugbear#3 nods as he launches his javelin at Tika (modified ranged attack roll of 16 vs. AC17; a miss) but Tika was still behind her shield when the weapon reached her. He then follows the others into battle.

As the bugbears chrage, Grundan drops his axe on its sling and grabs his bow with the one hand and arrow with the other. Taking aim at the closest enemy (ranged attack roll of 14 + 3 = 17 vs. AC17; a hit doing 5HP damage) his arrow hits as the bugbear moves his shield to block Mardocan’s chain.

Peaking from behind her shield Tika makes a dash toward her companions, ready to attack.

Wanting to get a better shot, bugbear#4 moves forward before throwing his javelin (modified ranged attack roll of 9 vs. AC17; a miss) but misses Tika as she moves forward.


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Mardocan is going to swing his chain and flick it in Bugbear #2's direction. (Single attack Bugbear #2).

Tika will ready an attack and hit any Bugbear venturing forward.


Tamsin holds her dagger and sword ready to slice any bugbear stepping forward.

Grundan annoyed by the sting of the javelin yanks it out and flings it to the floor. Grundan will drop his bow and draw a short sword and if the bugbears are not in a threatening square he will retrieve a shield that he has been carrying. (Grundan will use a move action to get the shield, he will attack if the bugbears step forward)

OCC: Carl is feeling sick... he went home. He said I should post for him.
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First Post
Man down ... again!

Initiative for combat:
(20) Mardocan
(20) Tamsin
(15) Bugbear#2
(13) Bugbear#1
(12) Bugbear#3
(10) *Grundan*
(05) Tika
(04) Bugbear#4

Mardocan swings the chain round a few times before flicking it at the bugbear (melee attack roll of 1; a miss) but lack of practice with his newfound weapon leaves him with a tangled chain.

Tamsin remains motionless in the shadows waiting for an unsuspecting bugbear to move into range.

Bugbear#2 continues his charge into battle (AOO attack roll of 13 + 3 + 2(FL) = 18; a hit doing 8HP damage) but as he raises his morningstar Mardocan’s chain hits him in his side. The distraction is all Tamsin needs (melee attack roll of 19 + 2 + 2(FL) – 2(2W) = 21; critical check 8 + 2 + 2(FL) – 2(2W) = 10 failed; non-critical hit doing 8HP damage) as she steps out of the shadows impaling the bugbear with her sword (melee attack roll of 15 + 2 + 2(FL) – 2(2W) = 17; a hit doing 1HP damage) before slitting his throat! Bugbear#2 is dying.

As Mardocan reels back his chain Bugbear#1 steps around the corner (modified melee attack roll of 9 vs. AC15) and takes a swing with his morningstar at Grundan. Unfortunately he nearly trips over Mardocan’s chain and misses his target.

Bugbear#3 shows no remorse for the fallen as he too moves into combat (modified melee attack roll of 19 – 4(NLD) = 15 vs. AC14; a hit doing 9HP non-lethal damage) and knocks Grundan over the head with the handle of his morningstar. Grundan is unconscious.

Grundan falls to the ground unconscious.

Tika (melee attack roll of 2 + 3 = 5; a miss) fails to hit anything as Grundan’s goind to the ground distracts her.

Bugbear#4 moves closer and waves his morningstar angrily as he can’t get close enough.


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Thoughts of “Not again :eek: ” run through Grundan’s mind as he slumps to the floor again.

Tamsin unaffected by Grundan’s state continues to hack and stab with her sword and dagger.


Mardocan will try a head butt followed up by an elbow to the chin of Bugbear #1 while yelling in Goblin, "What do you stinking turds want? Maybe if you throw your weapons down we can discuss it!". (Mardocan will use flurry of blows to attack Bugbear #1)

Tika seeing Grundan go down is enraged by these foul creatures simply forcing their will on the party and grips her mace tightly as she brings it down as hard as possible on Bugbear #3's shoulder. (Single attack using power attack (-1))

OCC: Would you mind posting our current hp's.
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