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Crown of the Kobold King

Voda Vosa

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"What ever she did, its in the past, and she is more dead than that corpse in the manacles. Let's focus on our current mission, then we can curse her soul if you want." Dimzel says, as cold as always.

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Her soul does not need cursed, if she was indeed misguided. Aidan says somewhat sadly. Let us move forward in our quest, every moment we wait is a moment the children could be hurting.


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Once Luger's pack is weighted with stones the warforged wades into the river. It only takes a short walk past the bank before he drops under the water line vanishing from sight. With Aidan's spell the lot of you can see his glow moving slowly towards the other bank.

The chill of the water would be a hazard for anyone other than a construct, but it isn't even notable to Luger. The riverbed is an uneven trek across loose silt and the occasional rock or stretch of pebbles and each step raises a murky cloud of silt that trails away downstream. The force of the current pushes at Luger, but his own natural weight combined with the rocks help to keep him stable. Snapping turtles hunt in the slower water high above your head and both shrimp and crayfish work the river bed by clinging to algae or claiming the disturbance created in the current by a rock or sunken log. The only large bodies Luger catches sight of are an eel whipping down the river and whiskered catfish from small to abnormally large scavenging anything they can get their mouths around. Luger is nearly halfway across the river when his light winks out. The remaining walk in pitch darkness is alien- no identifiable sounds, no landmarks, tripping over rocks here and there, unseen things brushing past his body. After what seems like far too long Luger makes it to the incline of the opposite bank and climbs to shore.

I'm gonna say 45 minutes to cross. Walking underwater on silt and such with a current can't be as fast as overland. No big difference, but the light spell only gets you about halfway across as it's good for 20 minutes.

Str Check (to avoid being carried by the current) DC 10: 12 (the rocks dropped this from 15 so good idea there)
Survival Check to stay on course in the pitch dark DC 15: 13
You were a little off course, but close so let's say it takes you 15 minutes of taking 20 on Search checks to find the canoes, but you do find them (2), pulled off the bank and shoved into a tangle of shrubs and vines.


I'm not sure if Luger can bring both canoes across. I could possibly hold one to the side of the other while going, but it might be hard to row at the same time. So for now I'll just assume Luger will take one and see if he can't get across the river again to the group.


I would like to point out that he's going to look like swamp thing.



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Ordin assumes a position of watch while the construct crosses the river. There do be no dicipline in this rabble ordin muses as hekeeps his eyes sharp.


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The wait on the south side of the river seems long when you are sitting in the middle of the forest ears straining at every potential threat. Time does pass though and eventually Aidan's sunrod dims and finally fails with no sign of Luger. Turndar is well prepared by that point and calmly lights his lantern and leans back against a tree to wait it out. Jeva shivers and looks miserable when the wind whips along the river bank, but otherwise doesn't say too much.

Eventually Fang's ears prick up and the wolf looks out to the river bank staring into the darkness. Soon enough everyone can hear the soft splash of a paddle dipping into water, and moments later a mud and algae caked Luger glides up to the river bank wedged into a narrow canoe that obviously wasn't designed with his bulk in mind.

The canoe is good for five small creatures. I'm going to say you can cram four medium sized bodies in. That's 2 PC's Jeva and Fang with no boat seat. Figure out how you want to handle that- some of you paddling across and bringing back the other canoe, some holding onto the canoe and swimming in the cold-ish water or whatever. Maybe Aidan can make a call on this to avoid a lengthy debate about the details and keep us moving?

On the other side the easy slope of the river bank gives way to a steadily more strenuous grade. Rocky outcroppings covered in moss dot the landscape and it isn't too long into your ascent that the first light of day break begins to filter down through the tightly knit canopy. The trees on this side of the valley, though still huge don't seem to be as ancient as some of those on the other side of the river. By the time you reach the valley's rim it is already mid-morning and the fierce sunlight is hard on your tired strained eyes.

Sitting squat at the foot of an imposing mountain, a ruined monastery comes into view between ancient gnarled trees. Made of simple stone blocks, worn smooth with the passage of time, the stout building is falling apart. Sections of the slanted shale roof have collapsed and portions of the outer wall have crumbled. Weeds and wild thorn plants run rampant across the field leading up to the place, leaving only the slightest indication of a path that ends at the ruined front doors. Beyond, an overgrown yard sits in shadow. Jeva nods, "That's it. Like I told you."


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Voidrunner's Codex

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