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Player's Sheets for Freedom League Unlimited

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[sblock=Dragon Fist]

Dragon Fist

Power Level 10

Abilities: STR: 18 (+4), DEX: 24 (+7), CON: 20 (+5), INT: 14 (+2), WIS: 22 (+6), CHA: 10 (+0)

Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+19)*, Bluff 8 (+8), Concentration 9 (+15)*, Escape Artist 4 (+11), Intimidate 8 (+8), Investigate 4 (+6), Knowledge [Arcane Lore] 4 (+6), Knowledge [Business] 4 (+6), Medicine 1 (+7), Notice 12 (+18), Sense Motive 12 (+18)*, Stealth 8 (+15)*, Languages 2 (Japanese, Mandarin Chinese; base: English)

Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Assessment, Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed), Blind Fight, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 5, Elusive Target, Evasion 2, Grappling Finesse, Improved Critical (Unarmed), Improved Initiative, Luck, Martial Strike, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Prone Fighting, Redirect, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Concentration, Sense Motive, Stealth), Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack 2, Trance, Ultimate Defense, Uncanny Dodge (Hearing)

Powers: Speed 1 (10 mph)
Chi Array (9 pp):
Enhanced Feat 5: Attack Focus 5 (Melee) [Combat Sense]
AP: Healing 5 (Flaw: Self-Only)
AP: Leaping 3 & Super-Movement 1 (Slow-Falling)
AP: Super-Senses 5 (Extended Hearing, Accurate Hearing, Extended Vision, Low-Light Vision)
AP: Dragon Fist: Strike 5 (Flaw: Unreliable—5 uses, PF: Improved Critical, Mighty)

Combat: Attack +6 (+10 Dragon Fist, +11 melee, +15 Unarmed) [Unarmed 5 dmg, 19-20 Crit; Dragon Fist 10 dmg, 18-20 Crit], Defense 24 (15 flat-footed), Initiative +11, Grapple +18, Knockback -3

Saves: Toughness +6 (+5 flat-footed), Fortitude +7, Reflex +10, Will +10

Abilities 48 + Skills 22 + Feats 31 + Powers 10 + Combat 30 + Saves 9= 150

Alias: Dragon Fist
Real Name: David Reed
Power Level: 10 (150 pp)
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Education: High school equivalent (Shambala Vale)
Identity: Secret
Hero Points: 2 (1 + 1 Luck feat)

Martial Strike is from the Mastermind’s Manual and adds 1 to unarmed damage per rank.

Ultimate Defense is just Luck Control 1 (Force Rerolls; Limited- only attack rolls, Limited- only attacks rolls against you) (1 pp) taken as a feat.
Ultimate Defense: After an opponent rolls an attack against you and hits (but before you resolve the effects of the attack), you may spend a hero point to force that opponent to reroll the attack roll, taking the worse of the two rolls.[/sblock]
David Reed was born in New York City, the son of American businessman William Reed, a wealthy entrepreneur who discovered the mystical city of Shambala Vale as a young boy. During his time in Shambala Vale, Wendell saved the life of the city's ruler, Lord Tuon, and was adopted as Tuon's son. However, Wendell eventually left Shambala Vale and became a wealthy entrepreneur in the United States. He married socialite Heather Davis and had a child, David. When David was nine, Wendell organized an expedition to again seek out Shambala Vale, taking his wife Heather, his business partner Henry Meachum, and David. During the journey up the mountain, David slipped off the path, his tie-rope taking his mother and father with him. Meachum, who also loved Heather, forced Wendell to plunge to his death but offered to rescue Heather and David. She rejected his help, preferring to journey without him or die.

Heather and David come across a makeshift bridge that appears out of nowhere and are attacked by a pack of wolves. Heather throws herself on the wolves to save David but archers from Shambala Vale manage to save her. The archers take David and his mother to see Yü-Tzi, the hooded ruler of Shambala Vale. When David expresses his desire for vengeance, Yü-Tzi apprentices him to Lei Kung, the Thunderer, who teaches him the martial arts.

David proves to be the most gifted of Lei Kung's students. Reed conditions his fists by plunging them into buckets of sand, gravel and rock to toughen them. At 19, David is given the chance to attain the power of the Dragon Fist by fighting and defeating the dragon known as Shen-Lao the Undying, which guarded the molten heart that had been torn from its body. During the battle, David throws himself against the scar of Shou-Lao, which burns a dragon tattoo into his chest. Having killed Shou-Lao, he enters its cave and plunges his fists into a brazier containing the creature's molten heart, emerging with the power of the Dragon Fist.

When Shambala Vale reappears after 10 years, David and his mother decide to leave. Returning to New York to find his father’s killer, David Reed, dressed in the ceremonial garb of the Dragon Fist, seeks out Henry Meachum, now head of Meachum Industries. Dragon Fist decided to take pity on the now invalid Meachum, but Meachum is murdered by a mysterious ninja in front of Dragon Fist, and Dragon Fist is blamed for the death. Eventually, Dragon Fist clears his name and begins a career as a superhero.

Soon he joined up with the superhero Leon Cage and their partnership, Heroes for Hire, consisting of Darkhorse and Dragon Fist, was born. Theirs was a successful pairing: it would take several dozen short books full of illustrations to give a full account of their deeds. The partnership first became well known in New York, where they had their base of operations on Park Avenue; then the broader area. Soon, they had the chance to move to the next level; Leon was offered a place on the New York Team The Protectors and Dragon Fist was offered a place with the expanding Freedom League! “You’re going big-time now”, Leon told him. Despite being best friends, the men decided that these were opportunities they had to take.[/sblock]


First Post
----------Character Details---------
Player Name: Bialaska
Character Name: Wendy Williams
Character Alias: Supreme Girl
GM's Name: H4H
Age: 19
Height: 5' 11""
Weight: 130
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Power Level: 10
Power Points: 150


Wendy never had a clue that she was not a Human. Sure, she had heard the stories how she was adopted by her parents and how she was originally found in some cornfield, but it was never really that interesting. Well, she had about the same interest in this as she had in books and schoolwork, which means absolutely nothing. And after her father died when she was 4, her mother never really had the time to talk much more about it anyway, since she had to work two jobs to sustain the family.

When she hit puberty her strength developed rapidly, far more rapidly than anyone else in her class, I mean, there's not many 13 year old girls capable of lifting cars above their head as if it was nothing. At first she was mostly planning on using her newly-found powers for her own benefit, but after one of her friends got brutally assaulted, the girl decided to use her gifts to help her friends.

At first she was mostly embarrassed for being different from the other girls, which was why she used an alias when they asked for her name, but eventually she realized the danger her family would be in if her identity was ever revealed. Her quickly adapted disguises eventually were replaced with an actual costume and a more established identity, that of Supreme Girl.

Supreme Girl has been active as a heroine for about 6 years in New York, but has been more of a local celebrity, rather than one to win worldwide fame. She never finished high school, but instead ended up doing the various odd jobs that someone with her education (or lack of education) could handle. The last few years she has been a salesperson of various things.

When Captain Thunder and Lady Liberty approached and offered her to become part of the Freedom League, she instantly accepted. She has now moved to Freedom City and has with the recommendation from previous jobs, found one as a salesperson of car accessories, a job where her attractive looks makes her well-suited for convincing men (the primary customers) to buy completely unnecessary accessories for their cars.

----------Ability Scores---------
Strength: 40 (+15/0)
Dexterity: 10 (0)
Constitution: 40 (+15/0)
Intelligence: 10 (0)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 12 (+1)

Toughness: +15
Fortitude: +15
Reflex: +2
Willpower: +5

Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Unarmed +15
Grapple: +26
Knockback: -15
Defense Bonus: +5 (+3 flat footed)
Initiative: +0

----------Lifting Capacity---------
Light Load: 272.4 tons
Medium Load: 544.8 tons
Heavy Load: 819.2 tons
Max Load: 1,638.4 tons
Push/Drag: 4,096.0 tons

----------Movement Rate---------
Base Speed: 30 ft/r / 60 ft/r / 120 ft/r
Leap: 25 ft / 12 ft / 6 ft
Flight: 1000 ft/r

  • Bluff - 4 (+5)
  • Climb - 0 (+15)
  • Computers - 2 (+2)
  • Concentration - 0 (--1)
  • Diplomacy - 2 (+3)
  • Disguise - 0 (+1)
  • Gather Info - 2 (+3)
  • Handle Animal - 0 (+1)
  • Intimidate - 0 (+1)
  • Notice - 0 (--1)
  • Profession: Retail - 4 (+3)
  • Sense Motive - 2 (+1)
  • Survival - 0 (--1)
  • Swim - 0 (+15)

  • All-out Attack: Reduce defense bonus to increase attack bonus
  • Attack Specialization (1): Unarmed
  • Attractive (1): +4 bonus Bluff & Diplomacy people affected by your looks
  • Interpose: Trade places with an adjacent ally subject to attack
  • Stunning Attack: Your unarmed attack can stun an opponent

Enhanced Strength {} - Power Rank 30 - Cost 31 (1 * 30 + 1)

Alternate Power 1 of Enhanced Strength (30/30)
Blast {} - Power Rank 13 - Cost 30 (2 * 13 + 4)
Power Feats: Accurate, Improved Ranged x2, Precise

Enhanced Constitution {} - Power Rank 30 - Cost 30 (1 * 30)

Impervious Toughness {} - Power Rank 15 - Cost 15 (1 * 15)

Flight {} - Power Rank 4 - Cost 8 (2 * 4)

Immunity (Life Support) {} - Power Rank 9 - Cost 9 (1 * 9)

Super-Strength {} - Power Rank 8 - Cost 17 (2 * 8 + 1)
Power Feats: Super-Breath

Super-Senses (Extended Vision, Extended Hearing, Microscopic Vision 2, X-Ray vision) {} - Power Rank 8 - Cost 8 (1 * 8)

Power Loss - Points -1
Description: Impervious Toughness against Magic - Uncommon, Minor, 1 PP)

----------Cost Summary---------
Abilities: 0
Combat: 16
Saves: 8
Skills: 4
Feats: 5
Powers: 118
Drawbacks: -1
Total Cost: 150


Psyker - PL 10
AKA "John"

STR 14 (+2)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 10 (+0)

Combat :
Initiative + 6
Defense 22 (6 base + 6 dodge)
Base Attack + 6 (+8 Grapple)
Telekinesis: +10, Toughness DC 25 [250' increment, max range 1000']
Mind Drain: +10 , Will DC 23(25 Sneak) [20']
Martial Strike*W/ Gear*: +10, Toughness DC 23(25 Sneak)
Martial Strike *W/O Gear*: +8, Toughness DC 18(20 sneak)

Saves: Toughness +8 (6 protection + 2 con), Fort +8 (6 base + 2 con), Reflex +8 (6 base + 2 dex), Will +8 (6 base + 2 wis): 11 vs Mental(3 impervious)

Skills: (76 ranks) Acrobatics(+8/6), Concentration(+6/4), Disable Device(+9/8), Drive (+5/3), Intimidate(+10/10), Knowledge: Tactics(+3/2), Medicine (+5/3), Notice(+12/10), Pilot (+8/6), Search (+5/4), Stealth(+17/15), Survival (+7/5)

Feats: Accurate Attack, All-out Attack, Attack SpecializationX2(Martial Strike, Telekinesis), Benefit(Security Clearance), Dodge FocusX6, Evasion, Fearless, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Sneak Attack, Uncanny Dodge(hearing)

Super Senses 1(1pp): Mental Awareness
Mind Shield 3(3pp)
Martial Strike 1(2pp): Mighty

Psy-Array (36 pp)
Telekinesis 10 [Effective Strength 50](33 pp) - Damaging(+1), PF: Accurate, Precise, Improved Range
-x- Mind Drain [Mental Blast 8](30pp) - Range(-2, Touch), Vampiric(+1), PF: AccurateX2, Incurable, Extend ReachX3
-x- Mind Control 10 (31pp) - Sensory Link(+1), PF: Mental Link
-x- Mind Reading 7 (31pp) - Action(+2), Area:Burst(+1), PF: Subtle, Selective, Progress(Range)
**MIND READING: By concentrating, Psyker can detect the thoughts of any/all within 70 feet of him (Unless their will save beats his power check), reading surface thoughts as a free action and being able to probe one of their minds as a move action.**

Camo Tactical Armour & Gear: Device(s) 3 (12pp, Hard to loose):
-x- Combat Gloves [Enhanced Strike 5](6pp) PF: Accurate
-x- Utility Gear(1pp): Improvised Tools feat
-x -Protection 6(6pp)
-x- Concealment 4(2pp) - All Visual Senses, Partial(-1), Passive(-1) **The vest functions off 'active camouflage' technology**

Tradeoffs: -2 toughness/+2 Defense,
COST: 18 Abilities + 19 Skills + 17 Feats + 54 Powers + 24 Combat + 18 Saves = 150/150
Complication: Psyker's Telekinesis is more powerful when he directs it with his hands, loosing power if he is unable to move his arms to direct it.

Age: 29 Height: 6' Weight: 170 Hair: Black, VERY short Eyes: Blue

Psyker is a well-trained special-ops agent for the governments not-so-secret Psy-Soldiers. He has served his government well for years, surpassing most of the other psy-soldiers to the point where he has become one of the elites.
Recently, he requested the chance to join with other's who's powers would be more in keeping with his own, to better protect people. He wants to use his powers to help people, and at the league he'll be able to do that.

Psyker is a well-adjusted soldier who has honed both his body and his mind. He's done some things that he's not proud of, but has managed to keep his cool by the understanding that anything he has done has been for a good reason.


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Guest 11456

Pink Lightning

[sblock]Paula Livingston
”Pink Lightning”

Age: 31
Ht: 5’-6”
Wt: 125#
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Str 10 (+0), Dex 18 (+4), Con 14 (+2), Int 30/18 (+10), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 10 (+0)

Toughness +5/+2, Fortitude +4, Reflex +12, Will +4

Craft (Chemical) 6 (+16), Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 6 (+16), Profession (Chemist) 4 (+4)

Attack Focus (Melee) 5, Defensive Roll 3, Dodge Focus 7, Evasion, Fast Overrun, Instant Up, Jack-Of-All_Trades, Move-by Action

Super-Speed 10 (Source: Chemical; Power Feats: Insubstantial, Rapid Attack, Strike+Auto-Fire; Total: 52 PP)
Enhanced Intelligence 12 (Source: Chemical; Total 12 PP)
Super-Movement 2 (Source: Chemical; Wall-Crawling, Water Walking; both Limited [only while running]; Total: 2 PP)

Super-Speed Traits
Quickness 10: Can perform tasks 2500 times faster then normal.
Speed 10: Ground speed of 10,000 mph.
Insubstantial: Become incorporeal. Can pass through solid matter at normal speed and are unaffected by physical and energy attacks. Mental, sensory and movement effects still work, as do powers with the Affects Insubstantial power feat. Have no Strength and cannot affect the physical world.
Rapid Attack: Can make a melee attack against any opponents in a radius of 50 feet, provided can physically reach them. This includes a normal strike or a special action like Disarm or Trip. Make one attack roll and compare it against all targets in the area.
Strike+Auto-Fire: Inflicts damage in melee combat. Strike rank substitutes for Strength modifier to determine melee damage. Fires multiple shots in a single attack action.

Attack +10/+5, Defense +15/+8, Initiative +44, Damage +10
Flat-footed Defense +4, Knockback -2 (-1 Flat-footed), Grapple +10

Abilities 20 + Skills 4 (16 ranks) + Feats 20 + Powers 66 + Combat 26 + Saves 14 = 150

Traded 5 Toughness Bonus for 5 Defense Bonus (+5/+15)

Research chemist Paula Livingston was working with a number of complex chemicals in a laboratory in the San Francisco area when a large quake hit. The chemical containers were breached from the shock and mixed causing an explosion. Paula was covered with the unknown mixture while simultaneously being electrocuted. The end result gave Paula accelerated movement and heightened her intellect. She chose a name that would mean she would not need to change her monogram and the fact that pink was her favorite color.[/sblock]



First Post
Max Rosenbaum, "Arsenal of Democracy"

Max Rosenbaum was raised in luxury, and his parents drilled into him day after day that he had America and capitalism to thank for that. He was taught to work hard for his money, his God, and his country, and oppose any who would threaten any of the above. His grandparents has fled the Soviet Union with nothing, and eventually built a massive defense corporation, which was left to his father and would eventually be left to him. True to his upbringing, and not having to worry much about his financial future, he joined the military after graduating from Harvard, becoming a SEAL and later moving to Naval Intelligence.

He loved his job and his life, until one day, he found out it was all a fraud. He was called back from a mission in the field, and arrested. He was informed that his parents, Joel and Ettie Rosenbaum, were Soviet spies, tasked not only with stealing technology but promoting supervillain activities in the United States. Everything they had ever told him was a lie, a sham, a cover story.

While he was proven to be innocent of any wrongdoing, he agreed to take an honorable discharge from the military. His parents were not as lucky, and were executed for treason. He agreed with the sentence. Good people- innocent people- died because of them, and oppressive governments were strengthened because of them.

Though his views were tempered by both his parents and his country turning their backs on him, he still believed in his country, and wanted to prove that he was better man than his parents were. He vowed to redeem himself, not just in the eyes of the public, but in his own eyes. Sure, they were his parents, but he believes that he still should have known something was amiss. He wanted to undo the injustice that his parents had unleashed upon the world, and he had a two-pronged strategy to do it.

He managed to find their stash of illicit, highly-advaned, technology before the authorities, replacing it with a real but much less interesting batch. He also still retained the family fortune, his military skills, some of his contacts, and more importantly, their company, Iron Rose Industries. Renaming it MaxCorp, he took active control of the company and turned it around, managing to reestablish certain military contracts while making successful entries into civilian industry to make up for lost business. He also "sponsored" a superhero, Arsenal of Democracy, designed to showcase the company's military technologies in an attempt to make a comeback in that sector, as well as to garner good publicity for his company.

Of course, all that is just what he tells the press. In reality, he IS Arsenal, and while his public statements are sincere from a corporate perspective, his primary motivations are justice and the personal redemption that he will never fully grant himself. Despite the burden he carries, however, Max never succumbs to the darkness, guided by his patriotism, his sense of justice, and his understanding that the life of a cape is best way to DIRECTY help as many people as possible by bringing the worst of the worst to justice (although he also does of course also give to charity and manufactures arms for what he believes to be a just nation).

Arsenal's costume is mostly red and blue, with the torso-piece being blue and the limbs red. His symbol, emblazoned on his chest and right shoulder, is an unbalances scale of justice on a white star shield. On his left shoulder is an American flag, facing backwards, a remnant from his military days and a telltale clue to that part of his background. The shield generators on his arm create translucent white bucklers, yet another MaxCorp technology demonstration. His mask is partially retractable, revealing dark hair and green eyes under an American flag domino mask (with lenses with HUD overlays, of course), but when fully-active, its mostly red and fully covers his face, leaving glowing white eyes.

H4H NonMechanical Details Box:
Player Name: DM_Matt
Character Name: Max Rosenbaum
Character Alias:
GM's Name: H4H
Age: 32
Height: 6'
Weight: 180
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Power Level: 10
Power Points: 150


Arsenal of Democracy
Max Rosenbaum

Power Level 10 (150 pp)

STR: 14 (34), DEX: 12, CON: 20, INT: 14, WIS: 12, CHA: 10

Skills: Bluff 15 (+15), Diplomacy 12 (+12), Gather Information 10 (+10), Computers 13 (+15/17 in suit), Knowledge [Business] 6(+8), Notice 10 (+11), Sense Motive 9(+10), Swim 0 (+2/+12 suit), Knowledge(Tactics) +13 (+15)

Feats: Accurate Attack, Move-by-Attack, Benefit (Wealthy- CEO of MaxCorp), Connected, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Jack of All Trades, Luck, Power Attack, Tough, Uncanny Dodge (Visual), Well-Informed, Benefit – Master Tactician, Master Plan, Leadership, Heroic Assist (Luck 2 (Limited, The Leadership Feat)


SEAL "Powers" (Some feats and skills are from that source, too) 4pp :
Speed 1 (1pp)
Swimming 1 (1pp)
Immunity 2: No Need To Breathe [Flaw:partial] (1pp)
Super-Senses 1: Danger Sense (1pp)

Device 14 [Battlesuit, Hard To Lose) (56pp):
Feature 1: On-Board Masterwork Computer (1pp)
Mask: (Buy off Limited Flaw on No Need To Breathe) (1pp)
Unobtainium Armor: Protection 7 (Extra: Impervious) (14pp)
Force Bucklers: Shield 2 (2pp)
Personal Anti-Grav Generators (14 pp): Flight 5 (250 mph), Super-Strength 2
Communications Array 7pp (6pp +1ap)
Radio: Communication 6 (Radio)
AP: Datalink 3 (Power Feat: Machine Control), Quickness 6 (Limited: Computer-Related Tasks)
AP:Neutrino Scanners (6 pp): Super-Senses 6 (Accurate, Acute, Analytical, Extended, Radius, Ranged, Extended Range Radio Sense (Radar + Acute, Analytical, and Extended)

Blast Array: 30 pp (26 pp base + 4 Alternate Powers)
Enhanced Strength 20 & Enhanced Feat 2: Attack Focus 2 (Melee) & Super-Strength 2 (22.4 tons) (26 pp)
AP: Force Lance, Blast 12 (Power Feats: Accurate, Precise) (26 pp) [Force]
AP: Sonic Blast, Stun 12 (Extra: Ranged, Flaw: Full-Round Action, Power Feats: Accurate, Precise) (26 pp) [Sonic]
AP: Lightning Bolt, Blast 12 Extras: Targeted Area- Line, Flaw: Range-Touch, PF: Accurate, Precise (26pp) [Electricity]
AP: Rocket, Blast 8 (Extra: Area- Burst) Ricochet 2 (Not literally, but to let it turn corners) (24 pp)

Saves: Toughness: +13 (7 Impervious), Fortitude: +7, Reflex: +7, Will: +5

Combat: Attack: +6 (+8 Unarmed/Blast/Stun) [Unarmed/Blast Toughness DC 27, Stun Fort DC22], Defense 17 (13 Flat Footed), Initiative +5, Grapple +24 (with Enhanced Strength active, +10 without), Knockback -10

Drawbacks: Normal Identity (Full Round Action) -4 pp,

Abilities 22 + Skills 22 + Feats 16 + Powers 60 + Combat 22 (Base Defense 5, Base Attack 6) + Saves 12 - Drawbacks 4= 150


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