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[FR] Heroes of the Vilhon Reach II (updated 3/6!)



20 Ches, Year of Rogue Dragons : The Masked Ball, Prelude

The young mage marched quickly towards Castle Cormaeril with a purpose. Finally, years of pented rage and vengeance would come to a head. Long had he tracked his nemesis and the focus of his hatred. Now he had found him. Tonight would be the perfect opportunity to stage his assassination. He grimaced at the word and changed it in his mind back to vengeance.

The Red Wizard Bordulin would pay for taking from him the only person who had ever cared for him in his horrible life. He ducked into an alleyway as the emotions and memories welled up inside.

The youth had never known his parents. They had been killed when he had been young. The memories were hazy, but he knew that they had been blasted before his very eyes by the mage-killer Souless. For some reason Souless had spared him and taught him secrets arcane. The training had been harsh for the boy as Souless had tried to drive and burn any spark of good from him. He told the boy that he would be his successor in his mage-killing crusade. Souless searched Faerun with the boy at his side and found artifacts of great power with which to better kill what in his insane mind were rival mages. The mad wizard had not been partial and had reduced both evil and good arcanist to ash. The boy had become numb standing by his master's side as the killings took place. He became Souless's tool.

That he lived still was unfathomable. Souless had made many enemies and finally came to the end of his rope. The mage had again seen his "parent" destroyed by magic before his very eyes. This time it was done by a cabal of mages from Aglarond. They were led by the enchantress, Celestia. Celestia, the mage remembered, had stood before him--then an adolescent--with pity in her eyes, preparing to snuff out his miserable existence, but then she had stopped her spell of destruction in mid-cast. She spared him and took him as her own apprentice. He had looked back at the burning husk that had been Souless at that point. A smile had rested on the dead wizards's lips. Souless had played his last trump, and for whatever secret purpose, had caused, with a spell, to have Celestia reconsider his "son's" destruction.

The years that had followed had been the happiest in the young mage's life, but Celestia had enemies as well. Bordulin had surprised his foster mother and he with a ring of Red Mages. There the mageling discovered that he had met the Red Wizard before. As he lay dying and saw Celestia reduced to a melting heap of flesh, Bordulin reminded him that long before, Souless had wrecked havoc and destroyed his master while the boy had been watching. Bordulin thanked Azuth for the coincidence, but did not finish the job.

Tears started to well in the mage's eyes, but he quickly wiped them off. There was no time to be caught up in emotion. Already, he had sent one of the Thayan's apprentices mewling to his grave. The body was now fish food in Westgate's harbor and he had this day's itinerary for Bordulin. The object of his hatred had been elevated to ambassador and was attempting to gain more sponsors among the nobility of Westgate to then petition for a Thayvian Enclave in Sin City. The mage was surprised that one hadn't come sooner.

He checked himself and took a deep breath and continued on his way to the castle. Once there he changed his appearence to blend in with the hired help as they set up for the grand event. Lord Cormaeril was hosting a grand ball for all the movers and shakers of Westgate. The Red Wizards would be present as would the ambassador of the Elven Court, all the ladies and gentlemen from the noble houses of Westgate, and various adventurers. All day long, the young mage learned the layout of the grounds and the kitchens and the storage area as he formed his plan. He realized that a Red Mage of Bordulin's power and status would have guards and protections and divinations to prevent him from a frontal assault. He would probably be recognized for who he truly was before he could get a shot off.

Earlier he had prepared his trademark sonics from which few had protection. He fumbled in his pocket for the focus. There was one spell he could use, that he had never used before, that was also very dangerous, but if it worked...Bordulin would never know what hit him.

As dusk approached he turned invisibile and snuck into a larder to wait for his chance. As a precaution he backed himself into a corner and began the incantation. Soon after he had finished the spell, and his detached mind searched for a host body, a young servant entered the room gathering for more foodstuffs for the banquet. He did not notice the dark form huddled in the corner, and he was caught unawares as his soul was stripped from his body and thrust into the gem that lay concealed in the folds of the mage's robes.

The mage suppressed a laugh of triumph as he examined his new body. He checked his own catatonic body and the gem and made sure they were both well hidden. Then he grabbed two pheasant carcasses that lay on the floor and exited the storeroom.

Gathering his bearings he was about to head towards the kitchens when he saw movement in the shadows. Cautiously, he rounded a corner and saw the sprawled body of a guard.

A dagger was put to his throat and a gruff, heavily-accented voice (the mage suspected Chultan...) spoke, "Not a word, boy. We are not here to harm anyone. Just provide for an escape. Nod if you understand that you saw nothing?"

The mage, in the the body of the servant, complied. Someone else dragged the body away and he was shoved brusquely towards the hall from where he had come. Shouts were coming from the kitchen and cooks were calling for servants to begin to lay out the feast. Visitors had already arrived.

The mage looked back down the darkened corridor once more before heading down the passage to the Grand Hall. He smirked.

Others were playing a dangerous game this night, he just hoped that they wouldn't get in his way.
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First Post
hey ;)

Hey ya posted ! Woot. Cool post I just gotta ask who is this kid and who is this Souless (Kinda sounds like Souliess, but he's with the other group and is a wolverine so <shrugs>) Anyways hopefully you can post again in a few days to enlighten me as to whast going on :)


at long last...

20 Ches, Year of Rogue Dragons : The Masked Ball, pt. I

Jenner Stormwolf took a deep breath as their carriage approached Castle Cormaeril. Ahead, a swan-necked, four-horse drawn carriage emptied its occupants.

"Elven embassy," whispered Kith, tonight in the disguise of a beatuiful female human.

The doppleganger was being escorted by Kyros. Nosr accompanied Sandrine, the priestess of Tymora, while Jenner and Valeria (in a resplendent evening gown) rounded out the party. Manta, along with his students rode on the outside of the carriage as an honor guard.

The movers and shakers of Westgate milled in the courtyard and grand entryway of the castle as music, together with warm-inviting light, spilled out from foyer and ballroom.

Too much is happening and I must remain calm, Jenner thought as he exhaled taking the grandeur in.

Valeria smirked at his apparent discomfort. To her the 'ball' was already looking a bit rustic. Quaint...I must think it quaint.

Jenner's thoughts, however were elsewhere. The previous night, an attempt had been made to abduct Nosr. Some invisible creature, more silent than he remembered even Grim being, crept past the wards and began to fly away with the sorcerer before anyone knew what was happening. Had it not been for the quick-thinking of Kyros, and Nosr's explosion of spellfire Jenner's young ward would have been whisked away. They still had no idea what the entity had been.

Then he said a quick prayer to Miliekki to grant Jhovan and Varen success on their part of the mission.


Only Manta, recognized as a gladiator from the arena, was allowed to keep his greatsword, and even then it was peace-bonded. The rest only retained daggers for eating. Manta's students stayed with the carriage. The memebers of the Stormwolf Legion rubbed elbows with Westgate's elite. Servants and pages ran back and forth between the masked guests with trays of wine and spirits and appetizers. Manta, Kyros and Nosr were not shy. For some time the ball-goers mingled throughout several rooms that lay adjacent to the banquet hall. Some space was made for dancing and the many of the nobility twirled to the lastest Waterdhavian and Berduskan tunes.

The Stormwolves remained cautious and aloof, and spoke only to the elven embassy, receiving snorts and haughty looks from the natives.

Some time later, all heads turned to view the arrival of the most controversial guests at the affair. Even informed that They would be here, Jenner instinctively, reached for a non-existent weapon and Valeria gritted her teeth. Four red-robed wizards from Thay flanked by three Thayan knights cut a path through the crowd. Hushed whispers--which made the Red Wizard ambassador smile smugly all the more--followed them as the crowed parted. Manta and Kyros, bristling with bravado and purposely walking into the path of the Thayan embassy, were saved from a confrontation with the spikey-armor ladden knights by the dinner gong, and flitting servants, along with a relieved seneshal, ushered the guests in.

Dinner was pleasant and uneventful, the near-encounter with the Thayans forgotten. Sandrine, Valeria, and Jenner struck up conversation with the nearby table of the elven embassy. As luck would have it, the Stormwolves seating had been arranged near the high tables. The Elven Embassy and Thayans sat at opposite ends of the long elevated table that commanded a view of the banquet hall. Between them sat Lord Cormaeril and his most-trusted advisors.

Shortly, there were latecomers to the ball and they sauntered in as if they owned the place. Nosr clutched Manta's arm as he recognized one as the racist gold elf who had insulted him, Grim and the others here in Westgate. He involuntarily arched his back remembering the assassin's bolt that had pierced him. Somehow, Nosr held his composure, but he watched the elf's every move.

Kith involuntarily turned away as he recognized several of the entourage as former co-workers.

Night Masks! he mouthed urgently to Jenner.

The gold elf went straight for the elven ambassador and began insulting her. His companions numbered around ten, but the ones that stood out as the rest blended in with the crowd, were three. Their leader, A handsome man with raven-black hair, escorted two pale, masked beauties. They spilled their thick, red wine and laughed racuously being just as disruptive to the other nobles and guests as their elven companion.

The Stormwolves eyed them with caution and made ready to back up the elves if it were neccessary. Valeria smelled the evil that pervaded from these late arrivals. It outdarkened even that of her hated enemy and host Lord Cormaeril, leader of the Fire Knives. She wanted to attack or flee.

Then the leader approached their place at the table and removed his mask:


"Draegan Guldar, at your service, Milady" he said as he bowed and reached for Valeria's hand as if to kiss it.

Valeria, drew it back quickly with a warning glare. Guldar smiled revealing un-naturally white teeth.

The others, save Jenner whose hair was on edge, were already flirting and captivated by the nobleman's women.

Before he could act however, Jenner's attention caught the sudden motion of an inconspicuous servant across the room. The servant dropped his wine-ladden tray, and took two steps towards the Thayans.

"Revenge is mine! Revenge for Celestia!" he cried waving his arms.

And an explosion detonated amidst the surprised Thayan ambassador, Lord Bordulin.
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Masked Ball part II....

The serving boy tossed another sonic energy ball sending one of Lord Bordulin's wizardlings to oblivion. Bordulin, his priest of Kossuth, both Thayan knights, and another wizard remained but, before more magic sprung from the lad, he was brutally cut down by a knight of Thay.

After initial shock, the banquet hall erupted as the Red Wizards, instantly suspecting treachery, retaliated against Lord Cormaeril and his staff that were seated at the high table. The ruler of the castle soon found himself alone and evading magical balls of fire under the table, while his advisors' charred bodies lay around him. Archers from behind the cover of arrow slits soon began firing upon the Thayans.

Opportunistically, the Night Masks joined the fray, murdering servants and other members of the Fire Knife household. Draegan Guldar hissed at his companions and leaving the table where the Stormwolves sat, charged the prone head of the Cormaeril family.

The Elven ambassador was also hard-pressed as two of her three guards had succumbed to the charms of the elf who had entered with Guldar. The Stormwolves heard her yelling curses at her attacker while fighting off and attempting so subdue her own guards. Collateral damage from the Thayans also spilled over from the middle of the table injuring the visiting elves. With a feral war-cry, Ambassador Elidia's consort and second-in-command kicked out at their elven attacker sending him sprawling to the foot of the dais, and twirling his double-bladed sword,called Fire and Ice in elven, lept down to attempt a finishing strike.

Hearing the accusations of vampire and abomination from Elidia, Sandrine rushed to the top of the dais to assist her ladyship. Aris directed Nosr to dispel the charms. The young sorcerer also fired a barrage of magic missles at the prone elven vampire. Cat-like the vampire elf lept to his feet and made the motions to cast a spell avoiding the frenzied double-sword of Lord Enderand. In retaliation towards the meddling heroes, the Night Mask made made a spell-casting motion, avoiding Enderands blades, and a wave of confusion swept over several of the Stormwolves.

Jenner and Valeria shook off the magical attack and lept suprisingly, to the aid of Lord Cormaeril, seeing him at the moment, the lesser of the two evils. Jenner called for Blue Destiny and it appeared in his hand as he reached the beseiged Cormaeril. Valeria pulled a magical dagger from her belt and attacked Guldar missing on her initial strike.

Nosr saw Manta turn into a vampire and shot him with spellfire, slagging his heavy greatsword and severely frying, but not killing Manta. Then Nosr ran from the room knocking over screaming noblemen and -women before Manta, equally confused, could pummell him with his fists.

Kyros contented himself by hurling a couple of Night Masks into the opposite wall of the banquet hall with the power of his mind. Vaulting over the table, he manifested a greatsword and struck down another assassin.

Lady Elidia shot a gray-green beam of light at one of Guldar's vampire companions turning her into dust without even a chance to scream. Enderand had pushed the vampire elf back into the cluster of Jenner, Valeria, Guldar, the other female vampire, and Lord Cormaeril.The wily old leader of the Fire Knives rolled under the legs of the combatants, uncannily nimble for his age, and darted through the wall behind the high table.

Guldar surveyed the rest of his competition.

"Who wants to die first?" he asked smugly showing his slavering fangs.

Aris responded, "Come let us dance, you and I."

And the battle was rejoined.

The Thayan ambassador meanwhile had quit the field, teleporting himself and the closest Thayan Knight out from the castle with an audible pop. The other knight lay sprawled next to the boy he had nearly cut in half, pincushioned. The other wizard sat stapled to his chair, a bolt through the throat. The priest of Kossuth fought on, trying to make his way to the exit.

Guldar looked deeply into Valeria's eyes....

The next thing Jenner saw was his favorite sparring partner standing behind the vampire Night Mask with a glazed look in her eyes. Sparks arched across Jenner's armor as Guldar's iron, undead nails streaked across his chest. Already he and Lord Enderand had taken some hits from the vampires and their life energy waned. Blue Destiny and the elven warrior's flaming, icy double-sword had also scored their share of hits, but Jenner knew that he would loose the battle of attrition.

Then Tymora smiled.

Enderand cut down the female vampire, turning her into mist. Jenner saw Valeria wink and then draw her dagger back. Guldar screamed as the paladin of Tyr plunged her dagger into the back of his neck sending holy, divine, smiting, power and might into the vampire. Had Draegen Guldar been a living being, he would have died. Instead he turned to vapor. On cue, Jenner began twirling his sun blade above his head. The power of the sun destroyed Guldar's female vampire companion scattering her mist into nothingness. Starting to smoke, the elven vampire turned into a bat and flew away from the sunlight and the castle. Guldar's vapor for some reason did not seem affected and began to float out of the castle. Jenner and Valeria felt the promise of revenge issue from the foul mist.

The godess of Luck blessed the other heroes, Stormwolves AND Fire Knives, who fought against the Night Mask assassins that had carried the battle to the other end of the hall. Missles continued to fly from above, and house guard spilled into the hall eventually subduing the Thayan priest.

Manta, still confused, picked up the nearest weapon, a heavy banquet chair, and brained a Night Mask who had tried to flank Kyros. Then he just stood there double-blinking, staring at the pieces of the broken chair, laughing dumbly. Kyros konked him on the head just in case he became Manta's next target.

Silence descended on the banquet hall and Lord Cormaeril surrounded by his house guard returned to the room from another secret door.

Wisely, the Stormwolves stood down. Even so, Cormaeril's men put them in custody and led them to the Tower.


What I envisoned Valeria/Alberia looking like with a mask & magic dagger in hand:


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First Post
very cool Broc, I had no idea the 2nd string was getting themselves into so much trouble :) Glad to see they survived though. Looking forward to seeing what happens as well as getting started up again with the main group so we can see where the story is headed.


Masked Ball, pt III...

Seance yelled out in frustration as his spirit fused once again with his body. He slammed his fist against the stone walls of the larder where his body had waited for his return.

One more just one more! If I had only had a few more seconds...

Revenge on Bordulin would have to wait. Seance rose, dusted himself off and removed the gem from his pocket. Already, the light inside was beginning to fade.

No witnesses...

The young mage dropped the gem to the ground crushed it to powder underfoot. The sounds of commotion, undoubtedly from his failed assassination attempt, were starting to reach the kitchens and servants quarters. He changed form to resemble a comely serving maid and left the storeroom.

Soon he joined the throng of fleeing non-combantants as they spilled into the outer courtyard of Castle Cormaeril. He spied a fleeing and unnaturally handsome young noble entering a carriage flanked by four strong warriors. Rushing past them he stopped the young man from closing the door, batted his girlish eyelashes and pleaded with the young man to help her leave the chaos.

Nosr hesitated, but the serving girl's flattery overrode his small supply of wisdom. Still confused and wanting to escape back to the manor, he helped her into the carriage and commanded the driver to go.


Kith, in his disguise as Kyros's date, unaffected by the vampire elf's confusion had seen Nosr run from the banquet hall. Evaluating his options, including the possibility of being 'recognized' by the Night Masks, he bolted after the young spellfire wielder.

By the time he had caught up to the Stormwolves' waiting carriage, it was already leaving. Ditching his heels, he hiked up his gown and sprinted to catch up to the vehicle. One springy, doppleganger jump later took him to the stepside. He opened the door and found that Nosr had invited a serving wench to ride home with him.

Glaring, Kith said, "Jenner would not approve, " as he plopped himself across from them and began to probe the girl's mind.

It was suprisingly difficult.

He heard the rapid galloping of several heavy horses followed by a massive explosion from the far side of the castle compound.

Kith smiled. At least something had gone according to plan...


Jenner heard the galloping-signal from Varen and Jhovan and saw the spectral steeds race across the garden of the Castle Cormaeril. He braced himself for the explosion as he and the rest of the Stormwolves were led up the steps of the Tower.

As the guards reeled and were surprised by the noise and concussion, he looked to see that only Kyros was ready to make a break for it. He played up his shock and fell to the ground, but decided to stay with the party imprisoned as 'overnight guests' in the castle. The smell of burning smokepowder wafted over them and Jenner knowing what to look for thought that he spied four figures--one the size of a child--steal through a breech in the curtain wall.

The guards separated Valeria from the rest of the group, roughly dumping Manta's body in the spartan, one bed, room with Kyros and Jenner, while the paladin was led upstairs.

They waited. It was long enough that Manta regained consciousness, but fortunately could not remember much of what had happened. They heard Valeria being escorted down the stairs. Manta rushed to the door and demanded release. His tirade was ignored.

An hour or so later, they heard her return. Then the door to their room was opened and Jenner was led away. With an adamant plea, Kyros and Manta did not try and make a break for freedom, but they thought about it while their leader was gone.


"Your escort is an Orbaskyr loyalist. Explain that Mr. Stormwolf!"

The private meeting between Lord Tagereth Cormaeril and Jenner Stormwolf had gone on for some time. So far Jenner had apparently answered satisfactorily the basic questions: who, how, what...Mostly, his answers had been truthful.

The latest question gave him pause. However, he continued his honest trend.

"Yes, that is correct. In fact, her father was a Field Marshall among the Purple Dragons. What of it?"

Cormaeril's face reddened slightly, but then he regained his composure.

"I know you know where we stand with the usurpers. I had assumed, that when I saw your name on the guest list, that you desired to make contacts for future expansion into Cormyr especially knowing that my grandson is the heir to the throne. Fortunately, being a nobleman, you are protected--she is protected--as a guest in my house."

"Lord Cormaeril, you are partially correct. I too am loyal to King Azoun and the Steel Regent. Therefore, I am loyal to House Orbaskyr. I have come to you with a proposal."

"I can already predict. What you will ask is impossible. The feud and the desire for revenge runs deeper than you can fathom."

"Times are changing. Cormyr is in dire straits. Your love for your country must go beyond personal vendetta, " pleaded Jenner. "Put aside your differences. Your grandson will one day rule. Can you not see that Cormyr's very existence lies on the edge of a sword? Those who love her must unite lest she become a memory."

Tagereth Cormaeril folded his arms, "Better no Cormyr than one ruled by Azoun's brood!"

There was a tense silence.

Lord Cormaeril continued, "But you have given me something to think about. I need to regroup. We are abandoing Westgate, for undoubtedly the Night Masks will return. Cyric take whomever sent that assassin who ruined my whole extravaganza! You want to convince me, Stormwolf, of your sincerity? Find out who started what happened tonight. Bring me his head. Then, maybe, I'll hear yours and the red-head's arguments again."

He motioned to the guards who began to help Jenner up and return him to his room.

"One more thing. One of my defectors, a Tashaltan was seen on the grounds this evening. Do you know anything about that?"

Jenner Stormwolf shrugged his shoulders on the way out feigning ignorance. Hopefully, the crusty, old Grandfather of Assassins would buy it....
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21 Ches, Year of Rogue Dragons The Next Big Thing

Seance's head pounded as he regained consciousness. He wished he were still out, the pain was so instense. Yet the black would not claim him so he was forced to take stock of his situation. He was bound, hands behind his back and tied to his feet, and gagged. It smelled damp and it was dark...for most people. Seance had had the presence of mind months, or was it years, earlier to permanently enspell himself with darkvision. He struggled in his bonds and shook with anger as the memories of how he ended up here flooded back.

"Struggle all you want, mageling. It will only make the bonds tighter."

Stupid doppleganger! thought the mage, but he couldn't even lift his head to face his captor.

Kith sat in a chair and examined the prisoner. Last night in the ride back with Nosr, he had finally penetrated the mage's will and realized who the serving girl really was. When they had arrived back at Stormwolf House, and Randall had secured the 'girl' in her room, he and Jhovan (who had already arrived with Varen, his son, and his mother), had snuck into the room and dealt with the spy. Now, the doppleganger waited for Aris/Jenner to arrive to decide what to do. Fortunately, the fledgling legion's espionage corp (he, Jhovan, and Varen) had been around to prevent this infiltration. Aris/Jenner definitely needed him.


Ignobly, the overnight guests of Tagereth Cormaeril, walked back to their house. Manta was still angry at his 'ill' treatment, and Kyros kept a steady hand on the ex-gladiator's shoulder to prevent him from running back and knocking a few Fire Knife heads. Valeria was silent and felt dirty. Too much comprosmise. Jenner was also quiet on the walk but had a smile on his face, and a bounce in his step. More seeds had been planted to further his ambitions. Jhovan and Varen had accomplished their mission. Sandrine had left with the Elven Embassy to hopefully build relations, Nosr and Kith had escaped as far as he knew, and he hadn't lost a man. It was a good day.

Of course there were so many things to do now. He had to contact the Temple of the Blinding Truth to ward the house, see how progress faired on Alberia's weapons and armor, check Kyros's armor, and then see that the household began its move to Cormyr. The timetable for leaving had just moved up.

Kith met them at the door and updated Aris of the situation and the prisoner. Taking the genasi aside he informed him of the FULL story of the mage. Jhovan was catching up with his son and mother. Varen was cooking breakfast. Nosr was still asleep.


Breakfast extended into lunch. Aris and Alberia had gone to visit the prisoner and determined that he was not a present threat, nor was he evil, and they released him. Aris kept Kith's information to himself. Seance expecting harsher treatment decided to stay for awhile and learn from this group. He didn't have any friend and they seemed to all enjoy each other's company. He was famished and tookto the brunch with relish. He remained wary, however, in between bites trying to spot his initial captor. Of course, by that time, Kith had changed form...to that of the household page. Seance, in his hunger, did not notice enough to see that the page sat with the rest of the Stormwolves as equals.

Kyros broke the mundane and jovial nature of the conversations.

"I think we can rescue him."

Everyone stopped (except for Seance and Nosr who were always hungry).

"Do you mean Dorthan?" asked Aris

"Yes, he fights tommorrow, right? We have already snuck into the stronghold of the Fire Knives and survived."

"And what do you propose we do? Snatch him while he's fighting?" Valeria shot. She had already guarded her heart against the possibility and now the wound from that sinking feeling of false hope was reopened.

Kyros thought for a bit, then looked at Manta.

"Our gladiator can fight him!"

Manta spit up his food and almost fell back in his chair. One of his students caught him.

"You fight him!" he exclaimed pointing a half-eaten turkey leg at Kyros, "I will not commit suicide for anyone!"

Before the discussion came to blows, Aris stood and held his hand out for calm.

"Kyros has a great idea. I think we can do it. We can rescue Dorthan Lhal. And I have a plan. Manta, can we go for a walk?"


By late afternoon, Nosr, Alberia, and Aris were heading towards the Colisseum of the Quivering Thumb to set up the match. A few bribes to the gnome bookies and a combination of Alberia as Valeria and Nosr in all his Eagle's Splendor bumped the previous challengers--two dire bears--to put Manta del Rey, another popular favorite, in a death match with the Scourge.

Alberia did leave the place with a strange feeling. Something or someone else had been watching them from behind a screen. She could not penetrate its defenses to tell whether it had been good or evil. She suspected the later.

Not too much later, Manta, Kith and Seance went independently to the arena to scope out the mundane and magical defenses. The Hostess and the Master of Ceremonies led the three adventurers to the arena. There Manta watched several of the young gladiators sparring. Keeping up appeareances, he decided to purchase a new student. He chose a young, scarred half-orc named Zert. Despite scathing insults by the MC for leaving the Quivering Thumb they continued their tour. It took them to the lower level where they saw the caged dire animals and monsters. At that point the MC, having already heard about the next day's match, asked if they wanted to see the Scourge. Curiously, he only took Kith and Manta, while Seance waited uncomfortably with the Hostess who would smile dumbly at him now and again. The mage became impatient, and paced back and forth. He was very suspicious.

Nearly an hour later, they returned smiling and without the MC. The story: they had seen the Scourge chained to a chair in the middle of a dark and sparse room. Kith had pushed the MC into the raging gladiator and the Scourge had snapped his neck.

"We wanted to test his strength, and I was tired of that scrawny man's insults," added Manta shrugging his shoulders.

Then they collected Zert and left the compound.


Aris was upset that Kith and Manta had visited the Scourge as he had explicitly cautioned against it based on what Grigor, High Abbot of the Temple of the Blinding Truth, had related from his former companions Benito and Grim. Still, he appreciated the information. The Stormwolves held their War Council with all present. The wards had been set on all the house's entrances according the Randall. Preparations were being made to move and by the morning all non-combantants would leave Westgate with Sandrine and Manta's students, and head for the Temple of Oghma in Reddanspyr.

The rest, including the newly freed Zert, would be involved in Dorthan Lhal's rescue.

After the meeting, Manta asked to be excused so he could go to the temple of Tyr to pray.

Kith ducked out of Stormwolf house not soon after. Following his prayer time, Manta took a detour towards the southern gate as the sun began to set on Westgate. A shadowy figure joined him...
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22 Ches, Year of Rogue Dragons The Rescue of Dorthan Lhal, part I

It's for the good of the Family, thought Manta as he climbed the ramp to meet his doom, the Scourge.

He didn't forsee victory or even survival, but They had told him that he needed to keep up appearences. He was a bit sad about the whole affair, but Family came first....


The crowd roared as Manta del Ray exited the trapdoor onto the freshly turned sand of the Colisseum. There were at least 20,000 fans screaming for his blood, or the Scourge's. It was hard to tell. He scanned the mob and found Valeria dressed in a high-necked gown. Metal peaked from underneath. Behind her stood Kith disguised as Jenner Stormwolf. Zert filled out the visible Stormwolf entourage, but he knew that Jhovan was nearby. Somewhere in the stands, Varen and Seance were ready to do their part.

Manta saluted the fans and the shouts of MANTA! MANTA! soared through the air. Then a hush fell upon the throngs of spectators as an armored and masked figure, held by chains to the elevator, but wielding a nasty-serrated, bastard sword, was lifted from below. The rising platform stopped and the chains popped loose. The Scourge, adamantine breastplate gleaming in the sun, belowed to the crowd...

...And the crowd roared back. No introductions and pre-amble were needed and the new Master of Cermonies would not have been heard over the din of the mob as they chanted SCOURGE! SCOURGE! SCOURGE! drowning out the Manta-fans.

Manta tightend his grip on his mithral greatsword and charged.


The umber hulk tore through the ceiling and into the bowels of Colisseum of the Quivering Thumb. Aris and Kyros followed right behind. The underhalls of the arena were empty and they could hear the roar of the crowd above.

They had begun early that morning in a grove several hundred feet from the arena. Nosr had summoned fireworms to initially break ground and then had polymorphed into an umber hulk digging the rest of the way towards the Quivering Thumb compound. The thoqqua's incinerated most of the dirt and rock while Aris and Kyros shored up the tunnel as best they could with lumber. It did not have to last long, for their goal was to come up underneath the arena, grab Dorthan, and run out the tunnel. Aris had not wanted to take on the magical might of the Quivering Thumb and had come up with a plan to circumvent the wards. He would infiltrate the 'castle' the dirty, old-fashion way, by sapping.

Already flying from a spell cast before the change, Nosr, the umber hulk, hovered to the ceiling to begin digging through. Kyros looked around. Feathers, a by-product of his amimal affinity, stood on the back of his neck. He had an uneasy feeling about the emptiness and the ease of the entry.

A monotone voice sounded in their heads.

Surrrender now, and things will go better for you

"It's a trap!" yelled Aris.

The air shimmered around them as several human guards with crossbows and two armored athachs appeared ready for battle.

But there was something else...Kyros saw it first and recognized the tentacle-headed humanoid that stood behind the guards from Milo the Elder's war and horror stories of expeditions far below the surface.

"Illithid!" he cried as a cone of protoplasmic energy issued from the aberration and assaulted their minds.


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honorwolf II

First Post
Yeah, yeah... The old fashioned did work except for some minor details. I tell you, with a good plan and a bit of imagination the mundane becomes the magical. But, alas no plans survives intact upon contact with the enemy. Grisly business this rescue. So far Aris is 1-0, in the rescue biz. Personally, I prefer to work with more practical people. Too much emotions floating around here. The pressure. Argh! The torment of leading a storm of emotions around. Too bad Vulcans do not exist in the realms.

By the way...Aris hates illithids!! :mad:

and the Quivering Thumb,

and bleeding-heart liberals ;)
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