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DF's "The Slaying Stone" 4e

Four wanderers meet at a crossroad in the middle of a deep forest. A cold wind whips sleet at you and tears at your cloaks. The moon is shrouded behind a gray haze, and you hear wolves baying in the dark woods all around. Against the dusky sky, you can just make out the shadow of a low tower - your designated rendezvous. A lantern burns in one of its windows and begins to sway, beckoning you toward the safety of the shelter.

[sblock=ooc]Use this as a chance to have your characters interact a bit, and then move toward the tower when you're ready.[/sblock]

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The Wilden stopped his journey and looked at the approaching strangers giving an air of curiosity tinged with trepidation.

The plant creature makes for a curios sight, leaning on a staff, wearing armour made of what appears to be boar hide. What you assume to be its bared skin appears to be young smooth bark, with moss covering its head where you would expect humanoids to have hair.

"Greetings strangers" He says, nodding at each of you "We are called Banmarden" The Wilden looks at the tower and around at the darkness.

Voda Vosa

First Post
The human in bloodstained gray robes, stumbles backwards. "Bandits?!" he spits, holding his exquisitely crafter black oak staff in front of him, his face contorted with pain and hatred. He then realize the three persons in front of him where nothing but adventurers of some sort. Casting a dubious look at the other three, Sindabar lowers his staff, supporting his weigh on it. "My name is Sindabar, I'm a merchant; my caravan has been assaulted, only I remain, barely. I saw the lights on that tower, and was hoping to find shelter within it's walls."


First Post
The eladrin holds his shield over his head, sheltering himself from the pounding sleet. As he nears the others, his attention is immediately caught by the man in the blood-soaked robes. Mathariel's hand dashes to his sword as the human raises his staff, but pauses as he notes most of the blood on the wizard's robes is his own. "By the gods," he mutters, barely audible over the wind, "who wants you dead this badly?" before intoning a quick prayer in elven - "Ioun, by your grace, protect and restore this merchant Sindabar." A soft glow temporarily lights the tattoo on his eye as the man's wounds begin to close. That done, he raises his shield over his head again, "You can call me Mathariel, the rest of my titles and names can wait until a warmer time."

[sblock=Actions]Minor Action: Healing Word on Sindabar. Spend a healing surge+1d6+2 if you need it. If not it was just flavor then.[/sblock]
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First Post
The cold and sleet seem not to bother the white-scaled dragonborn who is the fourth to arrive. For a dragonborn, he was taller and less stocky than most, but the latter was only relevant in context. He wore plate armor that seemed quite possibly older than he was, plain save for an engraving of the sign of Bahamut's church on one shoulder. Rumors of bandits had him carrying his sword and shield, rather than simply strapping them to his back along with his other possessions.

The cleric who'd finally gotten through his thick head that he had been chosen as one of the Platinum Dragon's champions had suggested he come this way. And he'd been unable to come up with a better idea before she had scared up some 'appropriate' armor for him and sent him on his way.

"I'd hear rumors of bandits on this road. I didn't see any myself, though." The dragonborn said. "The name is Patrin."


First Post
Mathariel gives the other two a quick look. Wilden and Dragonborn. Well, isn't this certainly quite the coalition of oddities. He raises his voice, "Hail, Patrin, Banmarden," as he looks up at the gray sky, he notes with a smirk, "almost in the literal sense. Are you all headed for Treona's tower? If so, we might want to save further introductions until we get out of this weather." Not having spent very much time outside of the city, the eladrin was anything but fond of the dampness soaking past his tunic and into his chainmail. "Couldn't have picked a better day to travel, hm?" he asks, dripping with rain and sarcasm.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Sindabar is taken aback by the stranger's kindness "My sincere thanks to you good sire; I owe you much." as the dragonborn reaches the crossroad and mentions bandits, Sindabar was quick to speak. "Bandits yes, they ambushed my guards and I; a dire battle, good souls were lost; but more important to me, my whole fortune." He moves his arm, as to test if it still pained. "I could go for shelter, and probably, to find some sort of sustain. I have heard of Treona, she is a renown wizard. I'm a wizard as well; I'll accompany you, perhaps it's a good chance to make some money out of this catastrophe. Back to the old days, my father would say."


The wilden looks at the Eladrin, tilts his head slightly and smiles, an expression somewhere between curiosity and amusement at the fey's discomfort.

"Mathariel and Sindabar it appears you have the same destination as us." Apparently missing the Eladrins sarcasm the plantlike creature continues "We were quite enjoying the walk, not too hot and the rain replenishes the forest. But we agree it is time to go meet our host. Patrin will you join us?"


First Post
The wilden looks at the Eladrin, tilts his head slightly and smiles, an expression somewhere between curiosity and amusement at the fey's discomfort.

"Mathariel and Sindabar it appears you have the same destination as us." Apparently missing the Eladrins sarcasm the plantlike creature continues "We were quite enjoying the walk, not too hot and the rain replenishes the forest. But we agree it is time to go meet our host. Patrin will you join us?"
"Might as well." He said. "That's where I was supposed to be going." And while cold and wet never bothered him much, that didn't mean he enjoyed it.

The lantern swinging in the window ahead reflects off several sets of eyes in the forest around you. You hear low growling as wolves emerge from between the gray tree trunks. Most of the wolves look half-starved, and they charge toward you. The ground is slippery beneath your feet.

[sblock=Map Info]All squares not on the road are difficult terrain.

Wolves labelled G are "Gray Wolves." They are slightly larger and more fearsome.
Wolves labelled R are "Ravenous Wolves." They are more haggard.[/sblock]


Gray Wolves
Ravenous Wolves


[sblock=Defenses]G Defenses
AC: ?
Fort: ?
Ref: ?
Will: ?

R Defenses
AC: ?
Fort: ?
Ref: ?
Will: ?[/sblock]

[sblock=Current Status]


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