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Arendel’s Serpent's Skull Journal. (Complete! 06/25/13, With Pictures!)


First Post
@ ibayboy- You could simply have the PC in question hail from the Mwangi and grant him/her the pterosaur familiar from the AP. S/he's returning home from some business in Magnimar and books passage on the Jenevire.

Yarzoth should be completely secret, as the introduction of the serpentfolk as the main cause of evil in the AP shouldn't be realized until at least the end of Racing to Ruin, or part-way through City of Seven Spears.

(this is in response to ibayboy's post about familiars in Serpent's Skull. Welcome aboard, keep up on the feedback! I'm still new to this site and tried to reply direct to you, but miffed it.)
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First Post
We started the campaign last weekend. I flagged the whole 'eating the familiar' thing. Instead, finding an exotic familiar was that characters reason for traveling to the Mwangi.
The players are really enjoying it so far, having gone from 17th level Kingmaker PC's, back to 1st level in a course of a week. They are finding being cast away difficult, 3 PC's and a DMPC, and the alchemist is the closest thing to a healer we have. Except for Jask, but he stays at base camp.
After 2 sessions we have explored over half the island, completed 4 of the NPC quests, had 3 near deaths (unconsious, within 1 or 2 of dying), and met the Red Devil at second level. Probably Thrunefangs next week.


First Post

So we are exploring this new underground city. The Morlocks are ok. I think we're looking for some pathfinder bigwig who came down here and got into trouble. Either way the past few days have been pretty fun. We are fighting some kind of vampire demon thing that likes to torture people. I think we all really wanted to just kill all of them. I know I kind of did...but I like killing my way back out better than killing my way in. My father always told me I was meant to be smaller because I'm quiet when I walk, he always called me his little hammer, even when I could use his head as an arm rest. I like sneaking up on evil creatures and seeing if they're brave enough to attack me when I get close. Either way I haven't had to unleash my tribal might very much in the past day or so...I'm hoping the snake creatures are more threatening...but even if they aren't some of these demon things look tough enough to challenge on the way back to town...with everyone else flying it makes walking on water a little less cool, but at least I know that everyone we fight who can't fly has to either run to me or away...I also killed some spider people today...and Arendel had a house in his pocket!!!! I thought he was kidding at first...like the way my grandfather always had my nose...I hated that....but the house was awesome....now I know why I had to carry all of his stuff! If I'd known he was carrying a house the whole time I would have offered to carry his backpack.


Session 42.​

Neth the 23rd.

The occupant of the chamber chose not to make an appearance last night, so we moved on. We headed due west toward the lake that fills the center of the northern end of Ilmuria. At the center of that lake is Thousand Fangs, the Fortress of the Serpent-Folk.

We assume there must be a large force of Serpent-Folk as both the Urdefhan and the Morlocks have been routed from the region, so we are planning a little reconnaissance. Things we know courtesy of Izon…

1 - Thousand Fang is the Serpent-Folk’s stronghold, it is heavily guarded and near impossible to breach.

2 - No one that has entered has ever left.

3 - The bridge originally connecting the fortress to the mainland is shattered. Scouts say that the Serpent-Folk troops come and go by boat. There is a small dock near the "tail" of the fortress. They also report that a serpent lives in the lake, and the Serpent-Folk give it "tributes" on occasion.

4 - Activity in the Serpent-Folk part of town has increased in the past few months - more patrols in their territory and more supplies entering the citadel.

5 - During the height of the Urdefhan's war with the Serpent-Folk, part of Izon's army was cut off and massacred somewhere north of Thousand Fangs, on the mainland.

We encountered a patrol of Serpent-Folk on our way to the lake’s shore. Max managed to take one of them alive, but the creature proved quite resistant to mind affecting magic and was unwilling to divulge any information. Since we are not in a position to care for prisoners, he was swiftly executed.

While traveling we discussed Izon's offer as well as his possible perfidy. Does he really know where Kline is, or is he manipulating us to do his dirty work? Taraz feels he is definitely lying, though he admits that he sensed no deception from Izon at the time. All of us felt Izon was being truthful, but then again, your nefarious schemes are more likely to succeed if you use the truth to set others on a path of your choice.

As we neared the shore, we encountered another dome-like building with the ever present serpent motif that looked as though it had been repaired recently. We entered the large building to find it was laid out much like Izon’s stronghold.

There were only a two areas of note. The first was a small armory. The second was the circular central room. Within, there was a deep pit we theorize goes to the Darklands below. There were also a number of Serpent-Folk fighting a Bebilith. Max decided we should remain on our own team and fight both the Serpent-Folk and the Bebilith. We all agreed it was probably the best course of action.

As there was little else of interest, we started to make our way north and continued to discuss strategy. Once we reached the northern half of this area, we noted the dock and boats Izon had spoken of across the water at the “tail” of the stronghold. It was at this point that a flock of Vrock’s flew from the rooftops and began their Dance of Ruin. They were defeated, but not before they were able to shock us all with the electrifying conclusion of their dance.


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End of Session 42.​


1st: Made a few modifications to the game table to increase the mapping area. Shortened the Bottom Table then added a Top Table for the Map. Dice and Minis up top, books and paper below. I think it worked well.

2nd: No that’s not really a Rune Giant, it’s a summoned T-Rex.

3rd & 4th: Our Encounter with Vrocks.

It was a somewhat abbreviated session, only about 3 hrs of actual gaming. There was a lot of joking around and discussions about tactics thrown in. How best to get to the Stronghold and how best to enter were the most popular subjects. GMSoanso reminded us that it is a Serpent-Folk Stronghold and a Serpent-Folk Army routed all other occupants from the area. I suspect he was hinting at something. ;)

In any event, I think more reconnaissance and stealth is in order. We’re talking about the possibility of scrying and trying to reach Kline with a Sending Spell. Part of that plan involves a trip somewhere to buy a scroll and a mirror…

It’s funny to earn 22,400 xp and see that amount as just a drop in the bucket. Max and Arendel have at least 1-2 more session until they see 14th level.


Session 43.​

Neth the 24th.

Last night we Teleported back to the Pathfinder Camp. We purchased a scroll of Scrying which I scribed into one of my spellbooks and talked to Juliver about a few words that Eando Kline would recognize as being from her. We were formulating a plan.

We decided to complete our reconnoitering of Thousands Fangs in case “Plan A” didn’t work out. In order to keep a low profile, just me, Max and Taraz returned to Ilmuria. We made plans for one of the Pathfinder mages to bring the rest of the group to us the following morning at a predetermined point along the western coast of the central lake.

As we circled the lake, we were once more ambushed by a Serpent-Folk patrol. A short time later, we came across a Morlock being dragged back to the lake by two Piscodaemons. I recalled that Izon had two of them with him in his throne room. We thought it odd at the time, but come to find out the central lake is thick with them.

Once the Morlock was rescued, Taraz offered up some healing for all of us, bringing the Morlock back to consciousness. He said his name was Uragtu and he proved to be unfamiliar with the individuals from the southern Morlock tribe that we knew. He explained that his tribe currently lives in the northwestern corner of the cavern, though they live a nomadic life to try and avoid the Serpent-Folk. He knew very little about Thousand Fangs other than the fact that the Serpent-Folk capture Morlocks and those that are captured go in and never return.

We asked if he would like to travel with us as we were headed west, the general direction of his tribe. He seemed hesitant at first but then finally accepted. As we walked, Taraz approached me and reminded me that we could use as many allies as possible against the Serpent-Folk. I understood what he was getting at immediately and we asked Uragtu if he would bring us to the leader of his tribe.

Uragtu’s village was built up on scaffolding against the ruined buildings of the area. We were brought before the village elders and explained our mission against the Serpent-Folk. They all seemed receptive to the idea and I told them we would be in touch with them, possibly through magical means.

Returning to our mission, we came across another of the massive domed buildings covered with the ever-present serpentine motif. Understanding that there was probably another pit within that led to the Darklands, we figured we better explore it just to make sure there was nothing too dangerous inside that might give us trouble in the future. Within the large dome was a smaller central dome that covered the pit. As we explored, we were attacked by three Cloakers. There was little else to be found.

The western portion of the cavern was teeming with mold and fungi, which is always reason for concern. We did not come across any harmful fungi, but we did encounter four disgusting Gugs.

We explored another domed building and found it empty of all but rubble. As it was getting late we hurried to the western edge of the lake where we would meet our allies in the morning. Once we reached that point, we noted that a portion of the southern wall of Thousand Fangs had collapsed. A possible entry point at last! That will be “Plan C”, I think.


Neth the 25th.

Once we were ready, we quickly put our plan into motion. I cast Sending , with Eando Kline as my target. I let him know that we were attempting rescue. I told him we would try to Scry his location and it was important that he not resist the spell. I also included the “code words” given to us by Juliver. I was only a little surprised to hear his voice when he replied, imploring us to hurry as he was being tortured. This was a little disconcerting, as it takes an hour to cast Scry.

Our efforts were in vain, unfortunately. Either the complex or Klien himself was warded against scrying magic, I could not tell which. Regretfully, I moved to “Plan B”, which was significantly less likely to succeed. With little hope for success, I attempted to locate Belkor, the renegade Urdefhan General. I was stunned when it actually worked! We saw him walking down a hall with two Serpent-Folk. He soon entered a room where his Serpent-Folk escorts took station outside the room as Belkor walked up to a desk.

Having an eye for such things, Max insisted that now was the time to strike. As my allies gathered around me, I told them to stay close in case we should have to Teleport out in a hurry. I heard the sounds of some of the others casting spells and Max quaffed a potion as I focused on Teleporting us to the General's location.


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End of Session 43.​

Pic 1: Cool Paper Mini Cloakers! Classic monsters that I have never encountered before… and for creatures that are built around a grappling concept, they really suck at it. They managed to grab Max only with a Natural 20 and completely failed to envelope Arendel, whose CMD is barely in the 20s (in fact, I think it is 20).

Pic 2 & 3: Gugs! Very creepy, but they turned out to be all bark and very little bite.

Pic 4: The General! But not really, GMSoanso couldn’t find the right mini, so that’s actually Izon’s mini. I suspect he’ll have it sorted out for next time.

We ended up a few players short (with one arriving late), so we held off on attacking the citadel and came up with a reason to continue exploring. Next time we hope to have a full house, but it’s looking like we’ll be one short.

I thought the plan was so perfect, a Sending to let Klien know we’re coming in and not to resist the Scrying (And figure out if he was really captured) and then Teleport in to get him. It was such a great plan I thought, “Surely this is the way they have it laid out in the book!” It would get us inside at a predictable starting point (one of the toughest things to plan for with a group of gamers). Well, apparently it was predictable because they made sure to close that door.

After that failure, I figured the whole place must be warded against scrying, but then it actually worked against the only other person we knew of inside Thousand Fangs, the Urdefhan General! He had pretty significant bonuses to his save, but we still pulled it off (I’m giving us all the credit, even though it was GMSoanso who rolled the Natural 1).

In hindsight, I suspect the “hole in the wall” was the planned entryway. Heck, we may find out next game that the whole place is warded against Teleportation magic. Hopefully we aren’t shunted off somewhere horrible and at least have the opportunity to try “Plan C”.
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Session 44.

Neth the 25th (Cont).

I was somewhat surprised when we all arrived in the General's chambers as planned. He asked us if Valglaunt had sent us to kill him, a name none of us recognized. We were able to defeat the General and one of his Serpent-Folk guards, but the other Serpent-Folk got away. Kay’Es was assigned the task of gathering the General's hands, feet and head for Izon. As the rest of us stepped out of the room to see where the Serpent-Folk had gone, I could hear Ace reiterating which parts Kay’Es could and could not eat.

In the main hall, there were 4 stone doors (including the one we just came through) on either side, with a stone door at the western end and large double doors to the east. Max determined that the Serpent-Folk had gone east through the double doors. Knowing we had little time before reinforcements arrived, we started opening some of the side doors. Each was a small room identical to the first… bed, table, chairs, obviously bedchambers, perhaps set aside for visitors.

The last door we opened was the only room that was occupied. Unfortunately it was Ace and Kay’Es that opened that door. The rest of us heard a woman scream and we all hustled over to see Ace and Kay’Es doing their best to reassure a human woman. I assume that having a demonic looking Eidolon and a Tiefling enter your chamber unannounced could be rather shocking.

Once the rest of us arrived, Taraz and I were able to calm her down. She claimed to be another associate of Eando Kline named Selennia. I was somewhat dubious, since she was found in an unlocked chamber without even a single guard. She seemed to be telling the truth though and she did have visible injuries that seemed to verify the ill treatment she spoke of. Not wanting to continue exploring with an injured woman, we chose to leave immediately. I quickly Teleported us all back to the Pathfinder camp.

Upon arrival, Juliver seemed quite surprised to see Selennia alive, which makes me even more suspicious. Everyone seemed to accept her story however. Amivor told us the Pathfinders had been busy researching all they could within Saventh-Yhi.

We decided to let things settle down a little in Thousand Fangs. We would rest for the night and return tomorrow.


Neth the 26th.

First thing in the morning, we Teleported into Thousand Fangs once again. My target was the room next to the General’s this time, in case a trap had been laid in the other room. The room remained empty as did the main hall. We decided the dungeons must be in the lowest part of the citadel and, noting that the floor had a slight slope to it, we headed downward to the west.

We wanted to hurry as it had been at least twenty four hours since we had originally contacted Kline and his reply to my Sending had not been encouraging. We did not want him to suffer in the hands of the Serpent-Folk any longer than he absolutely had to. Ace had summoned a few Lillends to make us all invisible. So we avoided most guards. I had cast Telepathic Bond on us all so we could communicate in silence.

At one point Max chose to investigate a guard post which led to a brief struggle. We defeated them quickly, but the sound of a portcullis crashing down was heard, so they surely realized they had intruders. We moved on swiftly, following the downward spiral of the hall. Off a side hall, Max noted another guard chamber. Not wanting to miss the prison section, he thought it best to explore it. My Prismatic Spray filled the room, killing a few of the guards and damaging all others (as well as driving Ace’s Summoned Bebelith insane), allowing Max and Ka’Azbu to quickly finish off the survivors.

A brief search revealed this area to be nothing more than a guard station. We quickly returned to the main hall.
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End of Session 44.​

A lot of Combat and fast moving Exploration in this one as we have our sights set on the dungeon and rescuing Eando Kline.

We’re not sure what wards are up in this place, we’ll have to keep our eyes open and Detect Magic up. Being able to Scry in some parts but not others makes me wonder what else might be going on in this place.

Finding another of Kline’s companions was surprising (and suspicious). I find myself wondering if perhaps someone sold him out. Her story was believable (from a Sense Motive standpoint), but with very suspicious circumstances. Hopefully we’ll find Kline next session and can properly pillage Thousand Fangs.

Until Next Time! (Hopefully with more pictures!)


Session 45.​

Neth the 26th (Cont).

Noting we were at the bottom of the sloped hall we began working our way back up. We checked a number of empty doors and halls before finding anything of interest.

On one door, we found an enchanted high quality lock. I cast Knock upon it to suppress the magic (though the lock itself could not be opened with this simple magic) and Max was able to pick it, though it took a couple of minutes work.
Within, was an odd looking chamber. There was a short hall that dropped away into a dark chasm. There were two catwalks that spanned the wide pit, though they were both in ill repair. Across the gulf we saw a stone throne.

As we advanced to investigate, a disembodied voice challenged us. It praised the race of Serpent-Folk and decried the rest, telling us we were unworthy of entry. We were then confronted by a spectral apparition, a Serpent-Folk ghost.
The creatures wail failed to frighten us off as we attacked the undead creature. We quickly defeated the vile spirit with Max’s enchanted hammer, Taraz’s channeled energy and my Magic Missiles.

Max and Taraz carefully made their way across the catwalks as I flew overhead. Below us we noted the chasm was filled with stone sarcophagi, too many to count. All decorated with the ever-present serpent motif. Once we reached the other side, Max investigated the throne. I’m not sure what happened exactly, but as he examined it, part of the wall nearby began to glow with a pale blue light. Whatever he had done had shown us the location of a secret door.

Noting nothing more on the throne, we turned our attentions to the door. While looking for the means to open it, Max set off a Chain Lightning trap that injured us all. Once we did get the door open we saw a rough hewn chamber containing a number of interesting items. Most interesting was a small stone pedestal in the center of the chamber upon which rested a black skull.

We first investigated and collected the magical items scattered along the edges of the room, a sickle, a staff, a wand and a number of feather tokens. There was also a chest filled with gold and silver ingots. All this went into Max’s Portable Hole and then we turned our attention to the skull.

Upon examination, I Identified the item as an Ebony Skull, a magical item that enhanced evil creatures and undead while suppressing good. Max briefly considered ways we could possibly utilize it, but Taraz and I thought it best that the item be destroyed. A quick Disintegrate and there was one less evil item in the world.

As we were returning across the gulf I noticed a sarcophagus that had cracked open. I flew down to investigate. On the outside of the cracked stone cover, in addition to the serpent carvings, was the name T’sskath. Within was a desiccated Serpent-Folk corpse with a gem in one eye socket, a ring on his finger and a staff clutched in his skeletal hands. As they were all magical, I gathered them up and returned to my allies, but not before noting that every sarcophagus had a spot where a gem or Ioun Stone could be inserted. I suspect these sarcophagi contain the “sleeping Serpent-Folk” Eando Kline has been investigating. We thought it best to leave them undisturbed.

Returning to the main hall, I noticed four invisible Spirit Nagas making their way toward us. They tried blasting us with fireballs to little effect. They were quickly defeated.

We investigated a number of rooms and fought many Serpent-Folk guards, including three that must have been commanders, as they were far more skilled and better equipped. All fell before us.

As our resources were diminishing, we thought it best to leave. It was with much regret that I Teleported us all out of Thousand Fangs. Our rescue of Eando Kline would have to wait for at least another day.

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