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A Keep on the Borderlands: Consolidation


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Arcata curses as the thing goes out of sight. She trots after Bastian, jaw set stubbornly.

"That thing might be a spirit, or something else your sword can't strike," she said. "I don't have a shot at it anymore from the top, so I'm coming with you. Regardless of what you might think, you are not expendable."

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First Post
Bastian Sangue, human cavalier

Bastian sighs.

"I suppose that neck of yours wouldn't be much worth protecting if you weren't the sort who went sticking it out for your people," he offers, a bittersweet grin breaking his features for a moment. "Just try to keep your head attached to it?"

Dr Simon

Brother Comoray can't see that the Cobalt dwarf actually cast a spell to call these serpent things up, possibly it was some property of the blue amulet that he wears. He's not sure either if these are summoned or conjured creatures.

Sh'aah and Comoray are first down the stairs, closely follwed by Bastian and Arcata right behind him. Cassie and Menexes the Copper Dwarf follow on behind. Fyfe is a little slower to act.

In the dwarf sanctuary cavern they see the three glowing blue serpents hovering in the air, facing Menexes' dwarf warriors, including Rexun. The nearest one has a dwarf struggling in its coils.

Dwarf Sanctuary 1.jpg

Sorry about the delay - another busy period and it takes a bit of work getting combat set up for these games. Ready to go now though!

Cobalt Dwarves are in blue, with "H" as Haxmar Schattenstein.
Copper Dwarves are in brown, with "M" Menexes and "R" Rexun.
Dulat hench-persons in orange, with "C" Cassie and "F" Fyfe. The purple "C" is Comoray.
Orange blob is the fire pit, hopefully the rest should be obvious.


Winged Serpent Things
Copper Dwarves
Cobalt Dwarves


First Post
On seeing the dwarf fighting with the ghostly snake, Arcata incanted...summoning twisting braids of energy that twined up her arm and surged out of her hand. The magical bolt winged out and slammed into the snake spirit!

(OOC - Invis Castle is down, but this is Magic Missile for 1d4+1 force damage; feel free to roll on my behalf. :))


First Post

Seeing a Dwarf wrapped up by a magical creature sets Sh'aah's blood boiling. With a shout, he raced forward and hacked at the serpenty...thing with an overhead blow.

ooc: sorry for the delay, forgot to check this thread. Can't seem to find the RG either...need to double check the attack and damage bonuses.

Sh'aah moves 10' "east" and makes a two-handed attack against the #1 serpent. Should be +8 to hit, 1d8+6 for damage. No invisible castle this morning...


First Post
Bastian Sangue, human cavalier

[sblock=ooc]Blargh. Sorry. I could have sworn I'd already replied...[/sblock]

Bastian surveys the field, then rushes forward to a point as central to the besieged dwarves as he can, drawing his greatsword in the process. He gestures for the remaining Dulat forces to join the fray, as well

"The snakes aren't the only ones who can coil, boys. Surround them, and we can crush them between us!"

[sblock=ooc]Move action southwest. He's trying to get in a position so that his Tactician ability will cover as many dwarves as possible.

Standard Action: Tactitian. He's going to delay this if possible until the other melee combatants can move inside the 30' range, then pull the trigger: grants Precise Strike to all allies in 30' for 4 rounds: +1d6 damage to their attacks while they're flanking with any other affected allies. [/sblock]

Dr Simon

Seen closer, "winged snakes" is not a description that does justice to these creatures. They are more like coiled smoke or darkness, inky black with no features to be seen, and their wings are like shadows sweeping out above them. Their bodies are limned with a midnight blue glow that plays across the surface.

They can evidently interact with matter, judging by the captured dwarf, but can they be harmed by normal weapons? Sh'aah decides to examne the matter, and the answer appear to be yes. His axe tears the substance of the creature, although it seems to meet resistance that slows it as it passes through the dark snake. The creature responds by opening at one end and biting hard on Sh'aah's shoulder, at the same time tightening its coils around the dwarf. The other two shadow snakes bite dwarves facing them, flinging their limp bodies to one side.

They can be affected by weapons, now Arcata tries her magic. There is resistance to her power, but she punches through it, damaging the shadow-stuff of the nearest snake creature.

Dwarf Sanctuary 2.jpg

Sh'aah - axe attack on serpent #1, 19+8=27, hits for 1d8+6=9 damage.
Bastian - move and use tactician. On the map this was the best position I could move him to, the grey area covers his tactician radius so copper dwarves 1,2,3,6,7 and Rexun are affected, as re Sh'aah, Comoray and Arcata.
Snake #1 - constrict dwarf #2 for 5 damage, bite Sh'aah for 5 damage as well.
Snake #2 - bite dwarf #6 for 13 damage, #6 is dying.
Snake #3 - bite dwarf #4 for 8 damage, #4 is disabled.
Arcata - magic missile vs. snake #1, 1d4+1 = 3 damage, must overcome Spell Resistance, caster level check = 19+3, success.

Next up:
then everyone else!


Comoray skirts around the nearest smoke snake to head towards a more beleaguered group of dwarves. As he moves, he invokes the blessing of Velshionne, which spreads across the battlefield to bolster his allies.

OOC: Move 5' NE the 15' East, then cast Bless.


First Post
Bastian Sangue, human cavalier

Bastian grimaces as the snakes start taking a toll. Deciding he's done enough rallying, he shifts to flank the closest serpant with the dwarf on it's other side, trying to take advantage of the distraction to open it's shadowy underbelly.

The otherworldly look of the beast appears to continue unnerving the cavalier, however, and his swing goes wide.

[sblock=ooc]5' step on the diagonal to the spot just below Sha'ah. I believe that puts Bastian in flank with dwarf 3.

Greatsword attack w/ bless & flank; Greatsword damage; Precise Strike damage: 1D20+10 = [3]+10 = 13;2D6+4 = [1, 5]+4 = 10;1D6 = [6] = 6

...which of course means I manage to botch a roll with a bloody +10 to hit. *headdesk*. I guess I'll hope everyone else can get in flank and make up for Bastian's awfulness.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]
Bastian Sangue
AC: 18 (Touch 11, Flatfooted 17)
HP: 30/30

Initiative: +1
Perception: +0 Sense Motive: +4
CMB: +6 CMD: 17 Fort: +3 Reflex: +1 Will: +1

Greatsword: +7, 2d6+4, 19-20/x2
Heavy Flail: +6, 1d10+4, 19-20/x2, disarm, trip
Lance: +6, 1d8+4, x3
Lance, mounted charge: +8, 2d8+8, x3
Composite Longbow: +3, 1d8, x3, Range 110 ft.
Conditional Attack mods: +level (2) damage vs. Challenge target, +1d6 when flanking with another Precise Striker, +1 confirm critical, +1 high ground when mounted (M or S targets), Power Attack -1/+2

Conditions: Bless (+1 Attack & save vs. fear), Tactician (grants allies in 30' the Precise Strike feat)

In Hand: Greatsword

Tactician: 3/4 rounds remaining
Challenge: 1/1 remaining[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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