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D&D 5E Difference between critical hits and automatic hits.


First Post
Yes. Irrelevant, but yes.

In 3.X, rolling a "threat" wasn't a guarantee of a hit. The Nat 20 autohit rule is explicitly (3.0 PHB p123) not applied to expanded threat ranges. Note that if you didn't hit the AC, and didn't roll a nat 20, you didn't hit. And note also that actually getting the bonus requires confirming with a second roll to hit.

The same was true in AD&D 2E... only the natural 20 was an autohit. This really only applied significantly when using the Combat and Tactics book... which looks an awful lot like 3.0 combat.

In AD&D 1E, even a natural 20 wasn't a guaranteed hit - the tables exceed a 20 needed, and per the DMG, only the first 20 shown is modified 20+; the second through 6th are natural 20 only, and 21+ requires a 20 plus a bonus to hit.

All of these are edge cases...
It might not be clear from that post alone, but I was asking specifically about the language in the context of treating certain phrases as terms of art. Can you "score a critical hit," in those words, and not hit?

On a side note, the AD&D 1E rule seems pretty onerous, but fascinating.
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From Jeremy Crawford:

Twitter question: "Does a fighter with an increased crit range (say 19-20) always hit on a 19? Or does the fighter miss if the AC is too high?"

Jeremy answer: "Only a roll of 20 is an automatic hit, unless a feature says otherwise."

I take it to mean only a 20 is an automatic hit. But I realize this may not settle it for some (due to 'unless feature says otherwise')



Nevermind, Jeremy clarified.

Jeremy: "I had a brain glitch and was thinking of a theoretical crit. range increase. Specifics: Improved Critical does score a hit on a 19."


Jeremy Crawford @JeremyECrawford · 2m

@strames I had a brain glitch and was thinking of a theoretical crit. range increase. Specifics: Improved Critical does score a hit on a 19.

he changed is mind. ;o)


In 5E you have to wait one full hour before posting. It forces the forumgoers to use more strategy and planning before posting, instead of just posting after every tweet like in 4E.


Well, I can't win them all, I suppose.

Speaking of which, the kids really enjoyed the Swiss ski trip from "Uncle" Talath.


I got your post card by the way. It was nice, I guess?



This has been an interesting, if somewhat theoretical, exercise. I would add this thought: An assassin using assassinate auto crits. Does this mean an assassin auto hits?

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